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Illest Independent Hip Hop sites on the web

AceZ EternaL
Audioholics hip hop site
Knowledge Unknown
Official Emcee Hetal Site
Black Inq megasite



*Summer Movie Reviews part two Atlantis: The Lost Empire is one of those movies that makes ya stop and wonder what's missing? I mean it was good, but it seemed a bit rushed and incomplete...One minute you're lookin' at people in the city the next they're divin' underwater...Some of the parts were too vague for me like the fact that Milo and Kida fell in love at first site...Even stranger is that the actual storyline has potential, probably too much for animation...I think that the story should've been developed into a real movie with real people and computer generated scenery-on some Indiana Jones type shit or even Tomb Raider...
Moulin Rouge was all about this and love that..."love" is good except that I really don't know what love is...nah mean...but Moulin Rouge is a movie that makes the viewer believe that there actually can be love and that through love, one can overcome any obstacles...granted that the movie started out weak where Nicole Kidman(who played Satine) and cast fucked up a few musical scores that weren't even could say that they were as the movie had gotten underway, it had developed into something that was pretty good...I liked the "Roxanne" musical score with the latin music where the cast were doing the Tango...I'm not soft, but this movie was was different...and I would place a bet that it would win an award...


*Summer Movie Reviews Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is full of action and sure delivered my money's worth. I liked it a lot and often times found myself entranced in its beautiful temple scenes...not to mention, that Angelina Jolie looked nice too...I would give Tomb Raider a two thumbs up because the producers did a nice job with makin' the movie seem more realistic than a game...
Shrek is one movie that was stunning as far as visuals, but lacked the grasp of was lightweight funny with Eddie Murphy as the voice of the donkey, but overall it was just too silly...however, I respect the film in its attempt to break the ice of discrimination, but it still remains a film that I'm afraid to let my inner-kid mentality flow...needless to mention, there will be a part two next summer-why?


*Just finished my final final?! hell the fuck yeah...shits real...I'm up on campus 'til Saturday so I'll be in hella chill mode for the next few days...and I can work on some much needed business...speakin' of which, I will have a few audios droppin' soon...well, I shouldn't say soon, because I still have to upload them to my mp3 site...n/m...shit craze can take a long ass time to approve shit...anyway...I should have a few pics up too...hopefully...ONE


*AceZ EP??? Its in the works...every Ace will have at least one song to contribute and we will have three big AceZ collabs on it with every1 on it...the only problem is how do we include the AceZ without audio (MP3) makin' capabilities? If you have any suggestions then please submit them at the AceZ Conference Table

*Muthafuckaz gettin' crunk at Kent State. During the festivites this past weekend, students got madd drunk, the honies were lookin' madd fly, and people were havin' fun. However, Po po came through started breakin' ish up...n/m...people were coo before they arrived, but as soon as they approached, walkin' down the streeet like bad asses in their riot gear, people went bezerk. It started when someone threw a bottle at thing I know everyone was gettin' sprayed with rubber bullets and tear gas...and to think I missed most of it while I was mackin' on this chick...otherwise, I would have produced photos for you to view...sorry...


*May 4th festivities @ Kent State University in Ohio...It was 31 years ago that several KSU students were shot for their protests against War...Every year, on its anniversity, there is hella celebrations and memorial exhibits, that range from marches to (the town house) parties...for more info go to the Kent State website


*Shagnetics bitched out? yeah, its true...Rhetoric had e-mailed them settin' up a deadline for all the verses to be posted, which was May 1st, and they never came through...just as I expected...they some One ran his mouth about wantin' a crew battle and when we brought it, he str8 bounced...I have already completed my audio and I guess I will just have to post it, bad RA quality and all...I'll start @ the Audioholics and work my way down to the less populated audio sites...

*ATF Part Two????The creative, uniqueness of the first ATF was a huge success...Featuring Rhetoric, SINic, and Emcee Hetal, who was the mastermind behind it, the song had nice added effects and all listen to it click here all that I'm goin' to say on it is that there is a possibility on a sequel...if there is, it will be creative as fuck and 100% ill...I've already done some research as to what my thesis will be...I'll keep you posted when the shit hits the fan...n/m...also, watch for the AceZ and Syntax Mastery Collab...


*Syntax and AceZ collab? yep...some of the AceZ are blazin' a collab with this ill kat...listen to his latest audio Dr Syn...Mr. Mastery to see what I'm talkin' about...any Ace that wants to collab with him just simply hit him up in the e-mail @ and his AIM name is kristhegod81.

*Weed Day blaze one for me...


*Soldier Of Fortune another slik ass really crack heads here...I advise every1 to play this action-packed first person shooter. It has real time play which means that you can venture anywhere in beautiful 3-D environments and kill terrorists...tired of easy games?? then try this challengin' game from Activision where the terrorists are just as smart as you are if not even smarter...other links to downloads include:

The Official SOF Website

Fileaholic includes the most complete resources to gettin' started as far as demos and upgrades are concerned...I would say go here first...

Planet Soldier delivers files and patches...n/m...

*Weed Day Tomorrow Every1 I know is goin' to be smoked out...and one of my compadre's birthday falls on the same day so there will be hella partyin' goin' on...n/m...I prolly won't be gettin' smoked out tomorrow, due to the fact that I have to go home in preparation for my CSU interview and my pops don't want me bringin' none of that shit to the hizzy...(I need my own place bad!!!)...but I will do somethin' tonight...hahaha...tomorrow every1 blaze one for me and play Bone's "Weed Song" aiight...

*Flowmastas rebound? I don't know, they have nice production, but none of the original flowmastas are around anymore...ironically, I was goin' to post there, but I came to the realization that I shouldn't support a site that doesn't support itself...n/m...the link is by the way


*Tag Team Tournament goin' down...check this out...Cambridge is runnin here to sign up...

*Shag Wha???...some fools wanna test so the AceZ goin' to war...battle verses, which will be in audio, are to drop soon...who do you think will win? AceZ or some no-name crew called Firestormm with a bunch of lame ass emcees...check this, one kat even calls himself "King Flames" that wack shit outta here...

*Tribes!!!!...damn this is a tight ass game...reals yo...I played and got blast numerous times, but I had fun...this interactive, first person shooter allows the gamer to battle with or against others usin' some pretty nice it now from the following links:

Sierra Studios (the people who made it provide a demo version of it)

Planet Tribes

The Tribes Station site provides a few additional files to download

This site provides hella downloads, but take caution there may be bugs...

after you download those games, practice @'ll need it...because you'll never know when you will ever run into me...I use the name SZT...