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Terrorist attacks on the U.S.

My Home Page

Tell me about any mistakes that I have made at

days until my 18th birthday!!

My Guest Book
My Message Boards
My Favorite Websites
Study Tips
Kenny Hadsell and Cory Larue's Holocaust project
Weather on my Site

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Since its been almost 3 years since my last update, I just thought that I'd say that I won't be updating this site much anymore. I realize that no one comes here anymore, but I thought that I'd be courteous anyway. Hopefully, I can build another site soon that's halfway decent. Anyway, Adios.

Changed Guestbook address
Updated Guestbook links
Changed background color of link page
Changed background color of study tips page

Added Guestbook.
Click here for the Guestbook
Added current date
Added countdown until my birthday.

Changed Message Board address.
Updated Message Board Links.
4/10/2001 Added Message Board Section.
Click Here for Message Boards
I am working on a guestbook section.
