My Lil Sis

  • My Little Sis
  • I lost some people I thought were friends;
  • They came and went like many trends.
  • But then I found one that would stay,
  • And what's her name? It's Desiree.
  • A half a point in Spanish class
  • Was her name on that quiz I passed.
  • Then she and Marianne and I
  • Became inseperable; my, oh, my!
  • After Mari left we all were sad,
  • We figured all else wasn't bad.
  • But then we heard from Desiree
  • Her parents didn't want to stay.
  • And on March 5 she left for good;
  • On her way to a new neighborhood.
  • No longer two blocks, now 2000 miles.
  • Long distance calls my phone now dials.
  • I lost my friend, the very best,
  • But our friendship will pass this test.
  • Her company I'll always miss,
  • But she'll always be my little sis.
  • Jennifer Lyn Jezierski
  • Copyright ©2003 Jennifer Lyn Jezierski
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