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Stupid Site That No One Will View


Ok, so no one will be ever be viewing this page.  I am a sub par writer and no one really gives a damn about me, but at least a guy can pretend.


Bad Game Reviews

MVP Baseball 2003 (EA Sports)

MVP Baseball is EA Sports’ newest baseball game.  They shelved the Triple Play series because it really started to suck and no one was buying it anymore.  MVP is an entirely new series for EA and they treated it as such.  They have revamped the pitcher/batter interface, included a great in-depth franchise mode, and just made a good first year game in general.  The new p/b interface is quite cool as it now takes skill for each pitch of every game.  It involves selecting the pitch and holding the button until it reaches the beginning of the red in the pitching meter and then pressing the button again as close as possible in the middle of the green on the meter.  Batting is more timing based, yada yada yada.  That’s enough information of the game, but I need to complain about some of the rookie mistakes by EA.  My biggest complaint is that players in the outfield will stop in the middle of the circle where the ball is about to land and if they aren’t facing forward, the ball will drop and the player will pick it up on the one bouncer or dive to get it and miss and it results in a base hit.  Also, on what seems to be a routine base hit, the ball will roll and your fielders will get confused and won’t want to touch the ball and it will roll to the wall and the base runner will get a double out of it.  Another complaint I hear from other people who play the game is that the computer never swings at anything outside the strike zone.  This one does not affect me as much because I almost never pitch outside the zone during games vs. the computer.  That’s enough about that but I give the game 7/10



Ah, Amplitude.  My only experience with the series before Amplitude was with the demo of FreQuency.  It only included 4 of the games 25 or so songs, but it was very fun.  The gameplay is playing the beats of different tracks (drums, guitar, bass, etc.) of the song.  You have to keep up with the beats and move to the other tracks as quickly as possible and keep going without missing a beat.  The game is very fun throughout, even when you are getting your ass kicked at about the end of the normally difficulty. It gets insanely difficult, but still fun, no matter how frustrated you get. 9/10



This is the first game I’ve purchased for the XBOX since I got the XBOX Live starter kit and the 2nd game I’ve got to actually play online (the other is Unreal Championship).  Mechassault is damn fun.  I did not pay a whole lot of attention to the story of this game, but it appears that you are part of a major governing body and you are sent in with a few people on a ship to investigate something or other on a planet.  When you arrive, you are met with resistance from some anarchy group on the planet that has run wild on inhabitants of the planet.  You are sent in to investigate on a mech (surprise surprise) and proceed to go on a recon mission to figure out what is going on.  As you proceed through the many levels (20 some of them) you figure out just how messed up the anarchy group is and you eventually earn new mechs to kick their mechs’ metal Asses.  Just with that stuff, the game is excellent, but there’s more.  It has full XBOX Live support so you can destroy cities with up to 7 other people in a wide range of your standard online games including your standard deathmatches, a game where there is one big mech and the rest are smaller mechs trying to take the “giant” out with the person who destroys the giant becoming the giant, and capture the flag (it has to be downloaded off of XBOX Live though).  Also on XBOX Live are multiple mechs and stages to be downloaded for multiplayer play.  I cannot think of a better game to play online for XBOX Live until Halo 2 comes out in 2004.  9/10