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We  all stood in the very place that you stand today. Full of questions and seeking answers. Perhaps you are not even sure why you now reading this but know for a surety that Jesus himself has drawn you here to this crossroad in your life.

Jesus truly is your very best friend. You will learn that he will never desert you. In your time of need you can count on him to be there.  In fact there have been many times you found yourself in a situation not knowing where to turn or to whom and you just cried out “God Help ME” and Jesus did just that. During your life Jesus has many times interceded on your behalf and you were just glad it worked out. I’m sure that right now this very moment Jesus is bringing those troubled times to your memory.

  Jesus is the creator of all you see and God Almighty in the form of a man. He came to earth as a man to redeem you from a death sentence brought upon you by sin and to give you his “Free gift” of eternal life.

You say you don’t 



I’ll try to explain.

  Long ago in the Garden of Eden man was deceived by the devil. Even though God had warned Adam previously, this deception caused man to be disobedient to God and thereby separated him from God.  Before this deception Adam the first man, walked and talked with God daily, just as we talk with a friend. Man became sinful. This nature has passed from generation to generation like a poison bringing death into the world and a separation from man knowing his creator. Originally man was created to be eternal, in fact your spirit is eternal and where you spend your eternity is what is at stake.


You might ask," So because Adam failed I’m held accountable" ? Not really. True you inherited sinful nature from Adam but it is your own sins that you are accountable for. Ultimately we all have sinned. But God in his mercy has provided an answer. God came to earth in the person of his son Jesus Christ to take your sentence of death upon himself so that you by accepting him into your life could spend eternity with him. 

This Jesus who in his mercy and love healed the sick, the blind and the deaf and even raised the dead. He still does these things today. Jesus loves you so much that he willingly endured being humiliated, spit upon, beaten beyond the recognition of a man and nailed to a cross to die. (Just imagine the Creator of all things putting aside all his glory and majesty, coming to earth as a man to be subjected to the vilest of treatment man could dispense. Simply because he loves you)

 Three days later he arose from the grave being seen by his disciples and he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God. He is coming again to judge the nations and to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.


To his children he gives the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This baptism is Jesus becoming one with you. It’s what is called being  “Born Again” It’s a one on one intimate personal relationship with the Savior, the Creator of the Universe, an unbreakable union of your spirit with the Spirit of God. By the Holy Spirit he cleanses your heart and causes you to live in this life as an extension of his love and mercy. In your inner most being he places his love. The burden of sin is lifted off you, it’s like being released from carrying a heavy weight around your neck your whole life. A great “Flood” of joy, as a river will flow through your soul. This Joy is so great and full that there are no words adequate to describe it. 


You can be a part of it.

 Right now.  

 The Holy Spirit is tugging at your heart Drawing  you to your Savior “Jesus” declaring the need for you to believe and accept the pardon that God so graciously offers to you. 

It’s simple. All you have to do is receive it. It is a gift. 

Do you want to receive Jesus?


I’ll pray with you:


Jesus, I am a sinner. I come before you this moment and ask your forgiveness. I believe that you came to earth and that you took my place on the cross and died for me paying the price for my sin in full. I believe that three days later you rose from the grave to eternal life. Lord, come into my life. I receive you now Lord Jesus. I thank you for your gift of Eternal life. Baptize me with your Holy Spirit. Lord, I receive you! Lord, I receive you!

Lord, I receive you!




  If you prayed this prayer (Click here)





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