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First Page

Theo Rosherb/Rosahebo Tao

Oh, hi. Now, LR, how does this thing work again?
(sigh) Theo, you type. Use the keyboard. This is what you get from a bunny who has never been online in his life, peeps.
Okay...My name's Theo Rosherb, and this is my page. Page? This isn't a page, it's a computer screen...
Okay, okay. Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm best friends with Maurice Snuggly, and his "page" is around here somewhere. Sheesh. Online lingo. Anyway, I'm a Caliar Time Traveler with my other friends Rocket Semi, Lucy Truth and Skye Mao. I like to play soccer and write poems in my free time.
And then there's that one thing. Sometimes, I have really weird dreams in the night. When I wake up, the exact thing happens in the morning. It's a way of telling the future, and Rocket says it's really cool. I"ll take that as a compliment...
Now, LR, how do I stop this thing?
Just stop typing, Theo. Now I have to HTML code this entire thing...