(Justin's Mix '92)
by Brian May (of Queen)

Found this at work, and thought the words were very poignant at the time. Rediscovered it in an old notebook about a year later, and decided that nothing else sums up how I feel right now.

I'm scared to move; I'm scared of standing still
I'm scared to change; I'm scared to stay the same
I'm so scared I want to die
I'm scared of dying
I'm scared of not being liked, not being loved
I'm scared to be alone
I'm scared of being with people
I'm scared of disapproval
I'm scared of life
I'm scared to lose what I have built
I'm scared of feeling scared
I'm scared of being ugly, being boring, being dull
I'm scared of my thoughts
I'm scared of being found out
I'm scared of Steven Berkoff
I'm scared to dance; I'm scared to speak, to sing
I'm scared that my body's awkward, the wrong shape, wrong smell
I'm scared to say what I think
I'm scared to say 'no', or 'yes' too often
I'm scared of disappointing
I'm scared of losing control
I'm scared of pain; I'm scared of hurting, being hurt
I'm scared this will go on 'til I die
I'm scared of losing my home, my love, my kids, my kids, my kids
I'm scared my heart will break
I'm scared of losing myself
I'm scared of finding myself, because there might be no one there at all
I'm scared of the unknown future
I'm scared to make a wrong turn
I'm scared of the dark
I'm scared of failing
I'm scared it may all be for nothing...