AdAm'S hOmEpAgE

~二eNeRaL fAcTs AbOuT mE才

My name's Adam Heppe, I'm 16 years old and I live in a small town in Ohio. I'm 5'7'', and have black hair, with bluish-green eyes. I'm a Sophomore at Waterloo High School.


My hobbies include basketball, baseball, cross-country, 4-H, listening to music, & AOL. I love to play baseball, it's better than basketball now, I lvoe to play centerfield & 2nd base, the rock, lol. For 4-H, I'm in the P.C. Market Masters(which I'm the president of), and I take steers, pigs, & lambs to the Randolph Fair. I've been in 4-H for 8 years now. I am the president of my 4-H club. I listen to music all the time when I'm online.(that's a lot) My fave bands & singers are Destiny's Child, Ja Rule, Tim McGraw(yes, some country), Nelly & St. Lunatics, Sum 41, Ginuine, KC & JoJo, Tyrese. I couldn't imagine life without the internet & AOL, I'm on here all the time, whenever I don't have basketball that is. I love to chat with people, and I'll talk to almost anyone. My AOL screen name is Heppe1058, and my AIM SN's are DbLcliqHere4AdAm, adamheppeiam, athltcshrtypdg4, IwishIwuzwitHJlo, and a few others.,.in case anyone ever wants to talk to me. I'm also on Yahoo IM @ CoCkiPiZimp and on MSN messenger @

~刀y SeLeCtEd & FeW fRiEnDs才

AsHlEy: Thanx for always being there for me and for helping me work out all my problems, I can trust you with anyhting. Ashley, like i've been aying since the fair, nothing will ever come between me & you. (*knock on wood)

KiNg CaRlOs: One of the two original ignorant sluts...SUPREME king Carlos that is...I'm u'r bitch we puttin our man-whore status on the playin field? have fun in football next year in u'r "contact sport" Good-luck with britt, you deserve her

BraNdI: Howdy! Well I had a great time at the state fair and the judging contest, lol. Hmm.,.How's jeff? lol. Hey, 4th to last isn't that bad.,.lol Harry Potter & Side burns!

SaraH: Yea, I think i've known u since we were like 4, lol. It's great to talk to you, even tho it's always online, maybe we should do something sometime.

ChRiStInA: Hey, U'r a great friend, even tho i've never met you, *sigh *drifting

HeFf: HO SEXY! Heff, you're like a sister to me, never change, stay the way you are, I like the bitchy you, lol

KrIsTy: Movin and all on me.,.ugghh.,.

Andy Salad Tosser: Dude it's so easy to piss you off and get you's like a hobby of mine

KaTiE: Salads & Nutrigrain bars. Slut.,.*LoL* you're cousin touched my hand with pee on it, ewww, them damn drunken southern catholics.,.

MiKe: AKA tuba king Hey, nice mean hat...

Amie: Hey, g/l with adam#2, remEmber My advice I gave ya about that thing, ya know, lol, it's not worth it, trust me, lol

ChArLoTtE: Hey, how's Jr. Fbd? Deep down inside you know that it's a sucky waste of time. maybe one of these daysa i'll remember to tell stephen that you said "hi"

JeSsIe: Thanx 4 being there for me to talk to, don't change, CC shall be fun, lol

CaItLiN: RootBeer Queeny! No, the tiara doesn't fit the picture.,.good-luck in college, don't miss me

AmY: Howdy, good luck with all those guys, no matter what, I'll be here for you to tlak to, rather you're mad at me or not

BesT WorD iN dA WorlD:


QuOtEs FrOm Me

"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on."

"Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"

"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

"Who bothers to cook TV dinners? I suck them frozen."

"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally."

"We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police."

"Love is the answer - but while you're waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions."

"Like most men, I am consumed with desire whenever a lesbian gets within twenty feet."

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Trixiegirl's music


Ignorant Slut #2
AsHlEy'S hOmEpAgE
Musichq (lyric site)
Randolph Fair
Pics of me & my friends
