Grady Lee Owens 








Welcome, All!

Bwahaha! A new short story is up in the "Currently Published Works" section! Go read it! Also, I've come up with a new concept for a novel, but it will be a long time before I write anything for it, so don't hold your breath.

New Additions

Hey, I'm adding another book before Relatively Lost!  What's the big deal!?  Actually, I'm doing a ton of research for that particular book, so it may not be started for quite a while.

o        September 4, 2003 - New appearance, new additions added

o        October 25, 2003 - "Real and Imaginary" added to Currently Published Books page

o        November 11, 2003 - Next of Kin information page added to Works in Progress

o        March 21, 2004 - "The New Guy" added to Currently Published Books page

o        August 21, 2004 - "The Redeemer" added to Currently Published Books page

o        January 25, 2005 - "Evil" added to Currently Published Books page

Contact Me

Sorry, but due to extremely excessive spam issues, I decided to remove my email address from this page. If you wish to contact me, well, I'm not sure what to do at this point. Sorry.