Links For Cool Stuff


Here are some fun links to other pages that I enjoy perusing on occasion. There are also some updates which I will be adding soon, and some resources here as well



This is where we all hang out. Come on along to A Darker Shade of Pale
The One, The Only Shadowfae, Goth of Colour Extraordinaire
Here's another - a little too "Don't you hate it when white people..." for me but at least it exists! Shades of Weirdness.
London Vampyre Group Like the Vampyre lifestyle, just playing round, dressing up in interesting clothing and talking about books with a glass of wine? (wyne). This may be the group for you.
Morbid Outlook This was one of the first places to run my Goths of Color article. Nice folks, with good information!
DarkCulture The second ezine for goths, run by a Goth of Color herself. If you want to see WHY I felt this site needed to stay up, have a look in the archives sections under Goths of Color. Oy vey, I hope those kids don't breed...


Like Froud? Gaiman? Or would just like some original art from original artists? Here's a few links you may fancy:
Lisolette Very cool young artist from Sweden; great clothes, great artwork. Entirely self taught, she is subsisiting upon selling her work. Support her by buying a print. Note, she is a VERY PRIVATE PERSON so don't send her a fan email and expect her to answer it. Respect her privacy. Her website has some fantastic links, a few of which I've added below.
Elves Workshop A French artist - I honestly don't know whether this constitutes jewelry or art. I vote art, as it's incredibly beautiful stuff. Very fae, which I'm starting to lean toward these days without all the silly fake wings and glitter. Nice, isn't it?
Hey, do you remember the new Henson Muppet Show with the Storyteller bits they used to add in at the end? Have you ever wished you could find those again? Well guess what, they're being released on video this year! You can order from Amazon by following this link, search in the links section, and voila! I put this under art because I honestly believe Henson was an artist, not merely a puppeteer. Rest in Peace, mate...


You mean they come in a size bigger than "prepubescent?"

Wysteria The dress I am wearing in the wedding photos came from Wysteria (who actually sells Julie's clothing from Venus - see link below). I ordered a veil, but it didn't show, so Lisbet actually DROVE DOWN TO MY HOUSE with her own veil for me to wear for the wedding! I cannot praise this woman enough. If you're in the UK, please check out this website - finally clothes for bigger than size -14!
Venus A lovely store run by a wonderful woman who ran the place. I suspect she beat her little inner waif into submission and made it her biatch.
The Aesthetik Heap Mama Goth making clothes! One of our own is making very fascinating clothing, and I gotta rep-pre-sent! This clothes are quite reminiscent of the styles I've seen in Fifth Element, styles I greatly admired but figured I'd NEVER be able to find, yet lo and behold, here they are! Run by the sistah modeling the clothing, please do have a look!
Fleuvogs Expensive like everything else "trendy Goth", but if you want something other than combat boots, and your feet are like mine (size 11!!!!), you need something stylish that fits.
Lorian's But when you want something antique, Rasputinaish, and it will FIT, where do you go? May I suggest Lorian's? Completely custom for just a bit more. They even ship to Europe, so for those of you expatriates who can't find a damn thing to wear here in the UK, this may be the ticket!
MovieCostumes.Com Would you like Galadriel's gown? Lily's dress from Legend? Perhaps the puffy Labyrinth dress, or something from Star Wars? Have you been looking all over for this stuff but then realised you'd have to order from somewhere in the States and it would take AGES??? This woman does costuming! Expensive, yep, but in England the price would almost work out to half-price of the dollars she lists, and I've got my eye on the Star Wars Dune dress. It looks very belly-dancish, and in a sea full of people wearing black would look great, don't you think?

Victorian Trading Company Do you like antique things? Check it out!
Design ToscanoWOW I love this catalog!
Gothic Martha Stewart This person has some great ideas on how to decorate on a budget.


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