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The Proposal...

Sir Gerry and I were in the market in September of 1999 when he brought me to the jeweller's to inquire about the style of ring that I preferred. Nonetheless, I did not expect a proposal for many moons.....

Her Majesty Queen Debbra, Lord Ron of the house of McBride and the lovely Lady Kelly of the house of Evoy, all visited Sir Gerry and I for the celebration of the 1999 Christmas holiday. On that blessed morn, we all exchanged gifts, and hence voyaged to visit Her Majesty Queen Brenda and His Majesty King Gerry Sr. of the house of Robinson. Also in attendance was Sir Gerry's brother, Sir Gregory. I (Lady Carrie) was the recipient of the final gift in the celebration. I eagerly opened the package, expecting a picture of the royal canines. I would not be disappointed......

As soon as I laid eyes upon those words I started crying. I sat there sobbing, and no one but Sir Gregory knew why, until Sir Gerry pulled the box out of his pocket. Once he found the words (the sweetest I have ever heard) he asked through his tears "Will you marry me?" I had to walk across the floor on my knees to embrace him!

As it turns out, Sir Gerry and Sir Gregory arranged the photo session while I was toiling at the shelter. However, the camera did not expose the film, and they had to reshoot....on a day when Sir Gerry was home with the flu! I think he looks wonderful, even with a fever of 102!