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The Wedding Gala...

Though we know we are so special to our friends and family, Sir Gerry and I realize that the time and expense of travelling in excess of 300 miles to attend our wedding may be more than some of you can bear.

Fear not! For we are holding a Post-Wedding Gala for those loved ones residing in the realm of Sault Ste. Marie. If you are unable to attend the Windsor Wedding, Sir Gerry and I would be truly honoured if you would join us for this celebration.

Her Majesty Queen Debbra of the Sault has graciously offered to be the hostess of this wondrous event. She will be aided by the Maid and Matron of honour as well as members of the Evoy Clan of Bar River.

As with any gala, there will be music, dancing, food and drink. The wedding party will of course be in full ragalia and available for photographs with all of the beloved guests! The immediate family of Sir Gerry will also be in attendance and are most anxious to meet and be merry with the family of Lady Carrie.

Date: Friday, May 11, 2001

Location: Bar River Hall

Doors Open: 8:00 p.m.

Cold lunch served at 10:00 p.m.

Tickets: $40 per couple

(available from Debbie Zuke and Elson Evoy)

The Bride and Groom look forward to celebrating with everyone!