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basically mayne, if yOu impOrtant tO me yOu On hea, if nOt den umm, i think yOu get the pOint... Or yOu might be One Of dem peOple i dOn't talk tO a lOt sO i fOrgOt yOu... but if yOu like real thirsty and yOu really wanna be On hea (lmaO), hOlla at me and i'll see wha i can dO...

« Meenah » a year and sOme mOnthz is a lOng time, i gOt tO knOw yOu gOOd n yOu knOw witOut yOu i cOuldn't dO dat nOrth shit n wut nOt. even if i might nOt be as impOrtant tO yOu as yOu is tO me, it's all lOve, ya knOw? yOu mah nigga fO life. we been thru thick n thin in such a shOrt time, i appreciate yOu always bein there fO me when i needed sOmebOdy, cuz the peOple i actually thOught was mah friend... they was nOwhere tO be fOund. i can't thank yOu enuff ma. i ain't neva gOn fOrget the cOnvO's we had Or still be havin' Or hOw we sit at Our spOt errday n be ready tO fight sOmebOdy fO sittin there, lmaO. memba when we came bacc frum x-mas break and the chairs was gOne and mah ass juss went tO the cafeteria and gOt twO chairs like it wasn't nuthin... lmaO. Or memba hOw we always be clOwnin' On marcus n jamale... yuh mayne, sO many times... but juss memba One thang, i'm hea fO yOu wheneva yOu need me... keep diOnte in check as well as all dem Otha niggaz, dOn't be "fOOlish" (lOl), keep yO head up and dOn't eva fOrget we "here" nigga...

« GamebOy AKA Dirty SOmething » witchO sexy ass... i mean gOt damn. i swear if yOu lived in cleveland, bOiiiii... yOu knOw yOu'd be mah mayne righ? well if yOu ain't knOw, nOw yOu knOw. yOu is sO damn sexy, and i dOn't like tO blOw niggas heads up, but yO, since i knOw hOw yOu is, i dOn't eva regret tellin yOu yOu fyne as fucc. i gOt sO much lOve fO yOu mah nigga. me and yOu share sOme shit yO... sOme secretz i wOuld be embarrassed tO tell anybOdy else but yOu knOw it cuz yOu been thru it wit me... yOu knOw exactly wha i'm talkin bOut nigga... memba On the phOne... nerrmind, i ain't finna get intO it. i appreciate the fact dat yOu ain't run yO mOuf like da rest Of deze lil' niggaz Out hea be dOin, i luv dat in yOu.but yea dayum... yOu shaw dO be tryina make it Out there mah nigga, i hOpe yOu dO cuz yOu prOmised me nelly n iversOn in One rOOm, and u knOw hOw i get bOut dem twO... but anyway... yO persOnality juss righ nigga, i swear... but yO, when yOu blOw up and i knOw yOu will, dOn't fOrget bOut the One das alwayz gOn have lOve fO yOu, nO matta wha... ms. lOvely...

« Karina » whussup lil' nigga? i'm glad yO azz gOt aOl bacc finally, nOw we can talk again like we useta dO bacc in da day. memba dat One summa, we useta leave each Otha dem "nOticenOw" vOicemessagez erry gOt damn day. tOo bad dey cut dat shit Off mayne, memba hOw it was 5 minz lOng? errrr, niggaz gOtta charge fO errthang deze dayz. but anyway, mah pOint iz, yOu mah girl, i luv yOu n make shO yOu keep in tOuch frum nOw On fO reel... dOn't let chris bust yOu up too much, hahaaaaa... hOlla girl...

« LOgan » whussup sexy? i'm glad i met yOu witchO fiiiiiine ass ;D yOu a cOo ass nigga and i like talkin' tO yOu. keep On dOin' yO hOOpin' thang, yOu prOlly gOn end up in the big leagues One day. yOu never knOw. ;D i hOpe yOu dOn't fOrget me when yOu blOw up n shit... yuhhh, hOlla atchO girl... muahzzz...

« KJ » whuzzup cubanO? yOu mah first aOl buddy nigga! yOu shOuld feel sO special. memba lilwaynegirl Or ummm... On yO part, memba sOuljabOy? lOl, dem was da timez nigga. we was bOth sOme lil niggaz when we first met, but yOu knOw, we gettin dere fa shO. yOu cOO as fucc mayne, dOn't eva change On me and thanks fOr bein there always, i lOve yOu... and yOu knOw i gOtchO bacc tOO, righ? and yOu gOn teach me spanish fOO, hehe...

« BX » i ain't talk tO yO ass in mOnths but yO, but i'm neva fOrgettin bOut mah nigga righ... yOu knOw i gOt madd lOve fO yOu bruh, alwayz will. i knew yOu fOr sO lOng, we been thru sOme shit nigga. memba dat summer we talked every damn day fO like 8 hOurz and i neva gOt sicc Of yOu. i literally "watched" yOu turn intO a man and i'm sO prOud Of yOu evendOe yOu dO be On sOme crazy shit sOmetimez. prOmise me yOu gOn treat Ole guhl righ... and rememba i'ma alwayz lOve yOu and be here fOr yOu, i wish yOu the best Of luck in yO future bOO...

« SirOda » mah hOmegirl mayne. yOu knOw we been thru ill shit tOO. i knOw i played yOu mayne, yOu knOw i dOne said sOrry a milliOn times, but i can't stress it enuff. i neva meant fOr dat shit tO be like dat. but yO ma... fOrgive a mO'fucca, fa shO... memba ta keep yO head up, dOn't let deze dumb azz lil niggaz Out here fucc yOu up girl, i knOw they be tryin'. call yO girl drana, she gOtchO bacc at all timez, das On sOme real shit. and umm, when we finna kick it fOO? get On the freeway already witchO scary azz...

« Wes » evendOe we dOn't be talkin' like we used tO nO mO, yOu still mah nigga... you damn dere knOw mah whOle lifestOry i guess, and yOu like One Of the easiest peepz tO talk tO...dOn't eva change On me, fucc dem lil' chickenheads, always keep yO head up... i wish yOu nuthin but success in the future witchO fOOtball playin azz, gOOd luck in cOllege next year, yOu get the pOint nigga...

« Ina » i'ma juss write in english cuz i wOuld have tO think bOut what tO write in german fOr bOut an hOur. it was fun last summer, yOu knOw that. if it wOrk Out this year it'd be tight, if nOt then, there's always years after that, yOu knOw... cuz this might be the last summer i can gO visit my grandma, sO i'll try tO wOrk everything Out sO yOu can cOme. i hOpe it wOrk Out dOe, fa shO... i gOt lOve fO yOu ya knOw whuzzup... hOlla at me...and uhhh, i'ma think bOut that idea yOu gave me On the phOne, whO knOws, it might even wOrk Out...

« Len » whussup papiiiii, witchO sexy ass? lOl... be craccin me up On dat cam shit, wil'in. yOu know yOu special, cuz i'On hOok tOo many peOple up wit mah prOfile talentz ;D yOu mah nigga, yOuza clOwn, yOu cOo az hell, and yOu sexy az mentiOned earlier. dOn't fOrget tO give pedrO dap, tell'em drana said he sexy, lmaO... hOlla at me bOo...

« Jay » nigga damn, i finally tOok a minute Outta mah preciOus ass time ta put yO stank ass On hea... but anyway, i dun gOt nuthin ta say tO yOu nigga, except that, i dO think yOu satan tOo, and yOu lOok like a june bug, but Otha den dat, lmaO, naw but fO reel, yOu mah nigga, i gOt luv fO yOu, and dOn't eva call me a crOach, i'da beatchO azz...

« Tekk » damn i can't stand yO azz sOmetimez, but den Otha timez yOu can be cOo az fucc. i ain't gOt shit else ta say, lmaO, hOlla...

« Mike » whussup nigg? yOu sexy as hell, yOu needa take sOme new picz n send'em tO me maaaayne. nigga ain't take picz in 4 yearz... smh... anyway, yuhhh, yOu Owe me $4 fO dat 10-10-220 shit ;D lOl, j/p, it was nice talkin tO yO sexy azz On da phOne, hOlla at me bOo... [shawn, he mineeeeeee, allllllll miiiiine heffer!!! lmaO, i'm playin girl, hOlla]

« Lisha » whussup mah negrO? hOw yOu dOin? mayne yOu knOw it was juss mah mind fOrgettin' ta put yOu On hea in da first place ;D but anyway... i'On like da way yOu been changin sn'z On me fOo... sO uhhh, maybe yOu shOuld hOlla at me On aol sO we can hit up sOme chatz like we used tO... yOu mah girl, luv ya ;D

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