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Dave's Homepage

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My friends page is back, and might get expanded soon, but don't count on it.

Right now I am in the process of updating my web page. I AM VERY, VERY BEHIND in this, like about 8 months. Sorry Rob, before i come it will be better.
Right now I am a senior systems analysis major at Miami University in Oxford Ohio. I am 21, and as you can tell by my photo (to be added later) I do not look my age. I am 5' 10" and weigh a whopping 153 pounds. Some interesting things about me are that my mom was pregnant with me when Three Mile Island went up. She lived within a five-mile radius of the plant, so the government was interested in what all that radiation would do to me. They have been tracking how I am doing and the long term affects. Not sure what they have found with the study.
I hate the Tercel that I own, it is possibly the worst car ever made. The Tercel was not engineered to be driven on the highway anywhere. With its massive 86 horsepower, most motorcycles have larger engines. Adding insult to injury the tire blew out recently damaging the wheel well, and i was side swiped over Thanksgiving by a white car. I should be thankful though, at least I don't have my sister's car.

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