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CCK9s New Leash on Life

Several years ago I had a rescue that hit closer to home than I would have ever expected, and that is why I do Rescue.

Bellehound's Secret Flame "Toby"

Toby was a puppy out of my first litter. He was bought by a family that I had totally checked out, I did all of the right things, and yet some how he fell into the wrong hands. The family had Toby for only 28 days when the daughter called me and stated "if you don't come and get 'Murphy' my mom is going to take him to the pound to be destroyed." Imagine my reaction. I felt sorry for the daughters they were crying when I came to take Toby back. I never noticed until after I got home that he had what appeared to be cigarette burns (these were confirmed by a vet) all over him: in his ears, on his paw pads, on his butt, all over his testicles and stomach. I was sickened, I couldn't believe that some one would/could do this to a dog, let alone one that they had spent so much money on. I was worried not only for my puppy's sake but also for the girls in the family. I filed a police report for animal cruelty. I feared that if the parents did this to Toby, what would they do to the children. I was an Investigator at the time, and my second fear was if the children were torchering this puppy or any pet, that in my training this is a calling card for victims of sexual abuse. I was angry, that someone had done this to MY puppy. I wasn't going to let them get off of the hook. After the police report was filed and photo's were taken of Toby's wounds, the father of the family called and threatened bodily harm to me. I contacted my community police to let them know of the threat; I had to change my phone number and I lived in fear for the next several weeks. I nursed Toby back to health, and taught him how to trust people again. I'm glad to say that Toby has recovered fully. He was adopted by one of my good friends, the current Vice President of the Basenji Club of Cincinnati. Toby's new family consists of Tasha (Shepherd, Lab mix), Tyler (tri-colored Basenji), Charlie (the cat) and her husband and their two children. Toby passed over the Rainbow Bridge fall of 2004.
[Katie the Boxer]

The first dog I ever rescued and placed was a cute Brindle Boxer. Katie was given to me because the elderly lady that had her could no longer care for her. Katie would probably still be here, except for the fact that Kelley (my Rhodesian Ridgeback) and her didn't get along. Since Kelley was my first dog, I adopted the motto "If you can't get along with Kelley, then you'll have to go." Believe me, Kelley has put up with a lot over the years, and she's second in command here at the Land of Bellehound. Katie was adopted by a co-worker and he and his wife just adore her. Although there were other breeds of dogs before Toby was born. He's the main reason I rescue Basenji's and Basenji Mixes. I truly love all breeds of dogs, and I'm always willing to help out another breed.
Pepper "Life is Good"

I adopted Pepper from the local pound, I had planned on keeping him as a pet, and to keep Kelley (Rhodesian Ridgeback) and Kaytee (Basenji, Toby's Mom) company while I was at work. I had also planned on getting him ready to compete in obedience brace team with me and Kelley. He was given up by his original owners, because they didn't have enough time to spend with him. Pepper was a great dog, the night that I rescued him from the pound I went grocery shopping, he was sitting in the car just as happy as a lark. As I emerged from the grocery store, I was being followed. When I opened the back of my van to put the groceries in, Pepper bolted out of the car and chased a man across the parking lot. My first fear was as any good dog owner "great, now I'll never get him to come back to me." Pepper returned with a piece of the man's pants in his mouth, I tried to get him back in the car, but he refused to load up until all of the groceries were loaded. Later that evening on the local news there was a report of a man who was arrested for a purse snatching at the grocery store I was shopping at. The discription fit this guy to a T. Pepper stayed with me for about six months before I found out that I was severly allergic to him. I had a student in my obedience class who's best friend was looking for a great dog since their Shepherd had just passed away. Pepper was adopted by her friends and he's the only dog, he's got two kids to play with and a two acre fenced yard to play in.
Lassie "Went Home"

Lassie passed over the Rainbow Bridge spring of 2003, not even a year later, her owner, my best friends Grandmother, who adopted her, met her at that bridge.
Percy sticking his tongue out.

Since I've been doing rescue and trying to stop those pesky puppy miller's in Kentucky, there's not a day that goes by that I don't read the classified adds looking for Basenji's. That's how I came across Percy and his Uncle Peatree. Some one was selling them for $250.00 each. When I called to do my investigation, I found out that niether boys were neutered, and that the people who were selling them didn't know a whole lot about the breed. They bred the mother dog, so that the kids could see puppies being born, a learning experience. Once again me and Toby's Mom were going to the rescue. See I figure it's better to buy some Basenji's and have the neutered so someone else doesn't get the bright idea to make a quick buck and breed something they know nothing about. Well when we arrived at the home, to our surprise Percy and Peatree were the size of springer spaniels (way over breed standard). I ask the people if I could buy both dogs for $300.00, the agreed and so I wrote the check. I was supposed to get Peatree's AKC papers in the mail, but they never came, no real surprise. However I did find out some interesting facts. Peatree's breeder was sent to prison for animal cruelty, and Percy's Mom is from the main puppy mill in Kentucky.


I had both boys neutered, and then I fostered Percy and Peatree for six months. I had many emails from people who wanted one or the other, but I thought that they needed to be together, and my prayer was answered. With the help of BRAT (Basenji Rescue and Transport), they were both adopted by a very nice gentleman in Madison, WI. Now he's a dedicated owner, not only did he pass the test, but he also drove 10 hours from his home to mine to pick up Percy and Peatree and take them to their "Forever Home." He got a very nice pair of boys for $300.00.

You would have thought by now that I would have learned my lesson about hanging around talking to people at the local humane society, but if I did then I wouldn't have happened upon Sunshine. I was standing in the parking lot talking to two friends of mine regarding dogs and dog training, when a man pulled up in a truck and got out with a cream colored Pomeranian. He stated that he "found her," when I asked how old she was he said three. How could he know her age if he "found her?". I asked a few other questions and came to the realization that he didn't "find her" and that he didn't want to pay the drop off fee for leaving her at the pound. He said, "if you want her you can have her," well needless to say I came home with her. I also ran an add stating "found" just incase I misread this individual. I took her to my vet and he confirmed with me that puppies had been pulled from her a day or so ago. I now knew that this man, had bred her, sold the puppies and wanted to dump off mom. Well I gave her to my niece to foster until we could find her a home. Sunshine was a handfull and was carrying a lot more baggage than my sister could handle (she's a cat person, and doesn't understand separation anxiety). So I took Sunshine back in, I fixed many of the problems that she had, but unfortunately, like Pepper I was severely allergic to her long hair. With my nieces agreement, we decided to donate her to Circle Tail Inc. Thinking they were going to follow up on there end of the deal like they promised me that she was going to be an assisantance dog, but in the end I was deceived they put her up for adoption. They tell me that she's living with an elderly woman who adores her. I'm hoping that this story isn't a lie.

On December 5, 2000 I recieved an email from another Basenji rescuer regarding a Basenji Mix that was in a Kentucky shelter. She stated that she was unable to get the dog due to a litter of puppies coming. I too had a litter of puppies coming, but after reading the puppys fate, I sprung into action. I went to the shelter and went a looked through their kennels. I found what they had marked as a Basenji Mix, and I inquired about the adoption fee, since the puppy was due to be destroyed due to overcrowding. I paid the $10.55 for the puppy (standard rescue fee, in Kentucky), and filled out the needed paperwork. You see upon seeing Bruiser I noticed that he wasn't a Basenji Mix, that he was infact at Thai Ridgeback (rare breed).

How he wound up in this rural shelter no one knows. I rescued him and planned on fostering him until I could find him a home. A family had called me about him, and well to make a long story short, he came back to me, and realizing how much I missed him as well as Kelley my Rhodesian Ridgeback I decided to keep him not a day goes by that I regret. He's truly one in a million, and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I'm glad I went to rescue him. He's now the 1st Thai Ridgeback Service Dog in America, and he makes my life a little bit more bearable each day.

Strolling through the pound again one day I came across Gigi, a black and white Basenji. The paper outside of her kennel stated that she was a Border Collie (now you have to know the pound here, anything that's black and white is instantly Border Collie). Looking at her I can definately say she's not a Border Collie she's a Basenji just a little on the large side.

It took me three days to finally spring her from the county pound. You see they don't like dealing with rescue people, I guess they think we're trying to make a business out of rescuing dogs, but that's a whole other story. Gigi is now living the good life with her new family. I see her and her owner from time to time at the city dog park. She was a real sweetie, and I must say that I love the untrimmed tail.

A Basenji friend and I along with our Basenji's attended "Dog Fest 2001" at the City of Blue Ash this past summer. Of course we were the only two people their with Basenji's which really wasn't a surprise. As we were walking around talking to other dog people, a volunteer for Adopt-A-Stray started talking to us regarding a Basenji mix that they had rescued and that they were having the hardest time placing. Seems everyone liked this dog until the heard the "scream" then no one wanted to adopt this odd dog. I told Marti that I did Basenji and Basenji Mix rescue and that I would take her and find her a "Forever Home." Zee came to me during the summer days and she was a great little dog. I posted her photo along with the information about her on BRAT's Web site. It wasn't long before I had a person who was interested in Zee. He had just lost his Basenji Mix and he, his fiance, and Boxer were still missing her. When he saw Zee it was love and first site. I did a home check and he signed the four page adoption contract, and Zee went from being a stray to finding a Forever Home.

Loki is a two year old, tri colored Basenji boy who has found his forever home on February 16, 2002. He was adopted by a super family and he'll now get all of the attention that he needs and deserves. He has a Basenji sister named Sophie to keep him company, as well as two human companions. He definately is one lucky dog, his new Mom is retired so she's home most of the time and his new Dad is home evenings, and weekends.
Stormy aka Kindu

I rescued Stormy January 12, 2002 from a kill shelter just in the nick of time. Stormy went from "death row" to doggy heaven, on earth. Stormy was adopted February 16, 2002 by an artist that resides in upstate New York. The only thing this handsome boy will have to ponder is if he likes his winter home, as much as he likes his summer home. Stormy was given a new name after he was given a new lease on life. Seems after the local shelter told me that "Stormy" had tested negative for Heartworm. I immediately put all of my rescue dogs on Interceptor, but it seems that this local shelter only checks for "microphelia" (baby HW) not the adults. To make a long story short, Kindu is now a healthy, happy boy enjoying his new lease on life.

Wendy was turned over to rescue on December 23, 2001. Her previous owner realized that Wendy was too much dog for her. So she did the responsible thing and contacted rescue.

Wendy met her new family including Jack the cocker-poo mix, Feburary 17, 2002, everyone was happy with Wendy, and vice versa. Wendy didn't even look back as she and her new little girl walked her back into their friends home. It was a tearfull moment for me, a very happy one, that Wendy had finally found her "Forever Home."

Keyo is neutered, Yellow Thai Ridgeback that I rescued from a kill shelter the end of February 2002. He found his forever home in February 2003.

If you would like to learn more about this Royal breed of Thailand please feel free to click on the Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners link for more information.

Yoshi is a neutered six month old, plush coated Thai Ridgeback puppy. I rescued Yoshi from a kill shelter in July of 2002. He was adopted February 2003 and he's currently enjoying his new lease on life in Arizona.

Tommy and his brother Moe were originally found wondering the streets of Bowling Green, Kentucky, when they were only 9 weeks of age. Both boys are Border Collie, Basenji Mixes.

I was doing the usual reading of emails when I stumbled upon the email begging for some one to please take in these two boys. Seems they were only a week away from being euthananized due to over crowding. I couldn't let this happen to, two three month old puppies. I immediately contacted this individual and told her that I would foster the two boys until I could find them a home. I can honestly say that the Humane Societies in the state of Kentucky are the nicest group of individuals to work with. Both of these dogs were transported to me from Bowling Green, KY to Cincinnati, Ohio free of charge. I fostered both boys for four months. I had them neutered, socialized, and basic obedience/house manners instilled in them before they moved onto their new homes, in Midlothian, Texas 2001. The boys briefly came back up for adoption in December 2002; however after the family realized how much they would miss the two, they decided to keep Tommy & Moe.
[Puppy Love]

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Grandpa Meyers
[Grandpa Meyers]
Grandpa Meyers

I've been told that you can't save them all but damn it, I'm going to try. This page is dedicated to my Grandpa Meyers, the man that I unfortunatly never got a chance to meet. However, I've come to understand that I'm a lot like him.
Be sure to come back soon, more photo's and stories will be added.

Dogs that Have Found Their Forever Home

Katie (Boxer) 1993
Pepper (Basenji, Schipperke Mix) 1997
Lassie (Collie) 1997; Rainbow Bridge 2003
Keisha (Basenji) 1998
Toby (Basenji) 1998
Maggie (Basenji) 1998
Jessie (Basenji) 2000
Percy (Basenji) 2000
Peatree (Basenji) 2000
Bruiser (Thai Ridgeback) 2000
Sunshine (Pomeranian) 2000
Gigi (Basenji) 2001
Tommy (Basenji, Border Collie Mix) 2001
Moe (Basenji, Border Collie Mix) 2001
Zee (Basenji Mix) 2001
Jade (Rhodesian Ridgeback) 2001 Rainbow Bridge 2004
Loki (Basenji) 2002
Stormy AKA Kindu (Basenji, Sheltie Mix) 2002
Wendy (3/4 African Basenji, Chihuahua Mix) 2002
Ginger (Basenji) 2002
Jack (English Staffordshire Bull Terrier) 2002
Keyo (Thai Ridgeback) 2003
Yoshi (Thai Ridgeback) 2003
Annie (Border Collie) 2003 Rainbow Bridge 2004
Sweet Pea (Thai Ridgeback) 2003 Rainbow Bridge 2003
Mr. Bojangles (Jack Russell Terrier) 2003
Kahn (Thai Ridgeback) 2004
Clifford (Basenji, Thai Ridgeback Mix) 2004
Callie (Rhodesian Ridgeback) 2004
Pop AKA Bettini (Jack Russell Terrier) 2004
Snap AKA Mia (Jack Russell Terrier) 2004
Anna Belle (Jack Russell Terrier) 2004
Buster (Jack Russell Terrier) 2004
Rose (Jack Russell Terrier) 2005
Satchmo AKA Cody (Jack Russell Terrier) 2005
Rusty (Jack Russell Terrier) Rainbow Bridge 2005
Zeza (Thai Ridgeback) 2005
Dogs & Puppies - Next Day Pets - Provides a venue for a dog rescue and dog shelter to find quality homes for adult dogs and puppies with information for 150+ dog breeds and pet supplies. Dog products range from dog beds, dog doors, dog crates, dog gifts, dog toys and more. Browse our dog & pet website directory, pet friendly hotels and dog names.

Dogs Looking For Their Forever Homes

Other Pooch Related Sites

The Land of Bellehound
My Experience with Basenji's in short
Basenji Club of Cincinnati
Basenji Rescue and Transport
Basenji Underground Railroad
Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue
Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners
Adopt A Stray
10 Reasons Not to Buy a Puppy...
American Black & Tan Coonhound Rescue
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
