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Internet Gold Rush!
Success Recipe!
Sample List!

Special Report

Microsoft's Foolproof Business Tactics

The truth is finally revealed...

How Does The Richest Man In The World Use The
Greatest Business Secret Of All Time To Make Over
32.4 Million
Dollars A Day?!!

No matter who you are, where you live or what your sex, age
or race is, by the time you finish reading this special article,
you will know:

  • How to start a proven money-making business, that requires
    no inventory, no shipping and no employees, within 7 days,
    guaranteed! (actually, I'll show you how to do it within 24 hours)

  • How to get, over 14 professionally designed Web pages for free!

  • How to increase your sales by more than 137% in 30 days,
    regardless of your business!

  • How to get paid for a 1000-hour workweek, without going to work!

  • How to turn .50 cents into $50, with a simple click of a button!

  • How to get over 7 professionally created software programs
    FREE! (Plus how to receive FREE reprint and royalty free

  • ... and how to get your hands on one of the highest rated
    marketing eBooks
    on the Internet...
    FREE of charge
    (and get this, it comes with royalty
    free marketing and

If you ever wanted a business where you could hit the ground
running . . . a business where you could just open a box and
start making immediate profits . . . a business that's
completely set up and ready to pull in maximum sales . . .
with a product that practically sells itself . . . then I've got
some great news for you!

Hi! My name is Bill Conner. I've been in the Direct
Marketing business on the internet for many years, and
I'm always on the look-out for the "ultimate" product.

You know, that once in-a-lifetime product . . . The kind of
product that sells itself, has tremendous profits, makes
customers happy, and it runs on
full auto-pilot.

Extremely Rare, Except For...

While these types of products do exist, they are extremely
rare, and most people in this business never get to feel the
thrill that comes from the tidal wave of responses this type
of product generates.

People often approach me wanting to know what is the
quickest and easiest way to get into the direct marketing
business and earn lots of cash.

In fact, these past couple years, the same question has
been asked, but with a new twist... "how can all of this
be done on the Internet?"

Until recently, I had a hard time coming up with an answer
except to say, "Have the right product at the right time."
And even that answer wasn't really enough.

See, these days, the definition of the right product is a lot
different than it was just a few years ago. The market has
changed, consumers have changed, and even the methods
of advertising products and taking orders has changed.

And this is good news! . . .

You see, getting into the direct marketing, home-based
business is now easier than ever. With all the exciting new
methods of reaching customers (world wide web, e-mail,
fax-on-demand, voice mail, classified ads, etc.), making
real money with a direct marketing/Internet project can be
accomplished without ever leaving your home!

Of course, even with all the great new methods of reaching
customers, you still need the right product at the right time.
And that's the glitch. It's hard to find the right product.

Ask anyone in the business and they will tell you the same
thing. (Yes, there are a lot of products out there. But most
are, at best, a waste of time. Just take a look at the
thousands of Web sites that are losing money!)

Basically, it boils down to this . . .

If you want to make money on the internet, and you want
to make it quickly (and consistently), you need to find the
right product and offer it to the right market at the right time.

And that's what this special article is all about . . .
helping you find the right home-based internet business.
A business you can start easily and make a lot of money quickly!

But before we go into that, let me share with you what a few
of my associates and colleagues of mine have found to be
the most "perfect" home-based internet business.
Note, this isn't some lame list we came up with over night.
We did extensive research, using the trade secrets of a
few of the
top marketers in the entire country
(each marketer is a multi, self-made millionaire!).

Anyway, make sure you read the below list because
it will reveal to you
exactly what you should be looking for.
When you know the requirements of a successful internet
project, you won't be swayed by pretty talk and sales hype.
You'll be able to see through all that and know a great
project when you see it!

10-Point Checklist For Finding The "Right" 
Home-Based Internet Business . . .

The "right" internet business will have all of the following
10 "profit-making" characteristics:

Potential customers want the product so badly they
will respond to any ad that offers it and it can easily be
promoted and marketed in a variety of ways.
(This means you don't have to buy expensive ads.
Simple, low-cost and free advertising tactics, as well
as word-of-mouth advertising will work perfectly...
especially on the Internet!)
The product has such a high perceived value almost
any price you charge seems like a bargain! (Customers
value the product so highly they are happy and eager to
pay your price!)
The product appeals to people who have money
and who want to spend it now! (If you don't think this
is important, try selling something to people who
don't have money!)
The product costs you only a fraction of the selling price
and at times, it will
cost you absolutely nothing!
(You want a large enough profit so it only takes a few sales
to make serious money! Most people miss this point
completely, and rarely make the big profits!)
The product is easy to ship, and easy to keep on hand.
Better yet, you have the option of having your product
drop-shipped for you or even have it available as an
automatic "download" to help reduce your headaches
and increase your free time. (You shouldn't have to
worry about renting a warehouse to store inventory, or
worry about how difficult it is to package and ship the
product. You want it to be easy, -- a "no brainer".)
The product requires no support, is very easy and
simple to use
and is self-sufficient. (You sure don't
want to spend hours on the phone or answering a
bunch of emails from customers to explain how to
use the product!)
It has a successful and proven track record for
both the small entrepreneur as well as the large
corporation. (This way, it's guaranteed to work
at any level
of your business and the growth
potential is limitless - as well as the money potential!)
It has guaranteed historical results, demonstrating
it has worked in the past and therefore will continue
to work successfully in the future. (Many new businesses
and entrepreneurs never consider this (hence their
initial failure) but history always repeats itself in some
way, shape or form. Why not guarantee your success
from the beginning by picking a product/idea that has
successfully made money, year after year!)
The product is complete, from beginning to end.
No question is left unanswered.  The "who", "what",
"where" and "how" have all been written out for you,
in full step-by-step detail. (Don't you hate products
that leave you in the dark? You're sitting there,
scratching your head, thinking to yourself, "OK,
what now? do I?... where do I?...)
Lastly, the product doesn't have someone else's
company name on it... it's
totally generic and can
even be customized with your information, so it
looks like you are the originator of it! (This is VERY
important because it increases the "credibility factor"
with your customers and hence, increased sales
and profits

So what do you think? A pretty good "wish" list, right?
And wouldn't you love to find a direct marketing project
with all these characteristics (or at least some of them)?

Well, if your answer is "Yes", then you're going to love
the rest of this article!

If your answer is "no", then read on anyway. I guarantee
you will be entertained and you might be surprised at
what you discover. (But how could you not be interested
in a product with all these characteristics?)

The direct marketing business can sometimes be a  real adventure.

Here's how it works:

You know all those books, reports, and manuals you see
advertised in the back of most magazines (or even on the
Internet)? The ones that show you "How To Start Your Own
Direct Mail Business"
, or "How To Start Your Own Newsletter",
"How To Start Your Internet eCommerce Business", or "How
To Make $40 An Hour With Your Video Camera"?

Those books, reports and articles are the back-bone of the
direct marketing business. They have been around forever,
and will continue to be, for years to come, one of the easiest
and most profitable ways for people to get into the direct
marketing business.

Movie Stars Do It!

Did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger's first successful
money making business was selling how-to-books by the mail? It's true! 

He would sell diet and workout manuals and made thousands
of dollars...and he did it over 25 years ago!
And don't forget,
even though Arnold makes over $20+ million a movie, he
makes even
more money as a businessman than he does
as an actor! (If it's good enough for Arnold, it's good enough for me!)

There is no doubt about it. People will always be willing to
spend money for information and ideas that will make them
wealthier, wiser, and happier.

"Selling information is a Billion Dollar Industry that will be around forever!"

- Forbes magazine, September 1996

"My company has made over 10 million dollars selling how-to informational books, reports and guides."

- Mark Spice, International Direct, Inc.
(excerpt from INC Magazine, January 1997)

"It's funny... I never thought I could have made over 200 million dollars by simply selling one how-to book!... Heck, I would have been happy with $200 bucks!

- Ted Nicholas, "How To Form Your Own
Corporation Without A Lawyer For Under $75"

It is these stories, plus the ease of actually doing it, that
tempts so many people to start out in this business by
placing small ads offering various "how-to" books and
reports. And that's where The Ultimate Direct Marketing
comes in . . .

It's a well known fact that there is an estimated 57.2
million people
wanting to get into the direct marketing
business each year and most of these people will get
their start by selling how-to publications.

In addition, according to NUA Internet Surveys, by the
end of the year 2002, there will easily be well over
700 million Internet users
worldwide (and growing at
a rate of 5% each month!) and roughly 5 - 7% are
interested in starting a home-based Internet business!

Now, get set to discover a step-by-step solution to how
you can take advantage of this ridiculously huge market
and turn it into your own personal
gold rush!
Click Here to continue!

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