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Strange page (things to do)

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Find the hidden link to the cool game

Hint 1: this addy is wrong by !Oh! crap i can't give it away

Hint 2: "I don't want him to show up"_best quote ever

Hint 3: Mo.Ra.

Hint 4: ? ISKWYDLS ?

Hint 2: "I don't want him to show up"

Hint 5: I want to be where the people are, i want to see see them danceing, walking around on thos what do ya call it oh yeah feet flippin your fins you don't get that far


I gave you too many now go find it to play the coolest game around!

NOW! go find the secret game hidden somewhere on my web site... use the clues : )


the question thing you filled out:

Hello, nice to see you again... so hows your ... good i hope, well im just writing from to see if your Because that's what i want from you a good old Anyway... my Hurts so i'm going to stop writing and ask one more thing cuz i got the answer to that... the answer is ... ok i guess i have no idea what the I'm talking about




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Random Poetry


This is not who I am

But who you want me to be

this is not what i want

But what you want me to have

This is not what i see

But what you force me to see

This is not how i feel

But how I have been tricked into feeling

This is not my favorite song

But the one you think i like

these aren't my words

But the ones you spill from my mouth

This is not my hart

But a paper doll

This is me taking orders

so blindly

so desperately

so afraid of what you think i will fear


Don't cry over spilled milk she said,

But I drowned,

In a sea of sorrow, flesh entwined,

I wanted nothing more but instead I dropped behind.

Strange things fell I seen straight to the core.

I sat still alone wanted nothing more.

The windows became a bullet hole,

Fail and unseen.

I see all around me,

With never ending meens.

Deep in my passions,

I feel sick with in.

I feel my stomach boil, a new pile of sin.

Widowing down to the last straw,

They seem to be all used.

Nothings completely gone,

Just been abused.

Nail stuck in the wall.

Brutal by the phone.

I pay my last respects, yet never grown.

Sick and weary I feel the same,

The letters spell it out.

They stab so much pain.

The lights are off now,

Things are cold and dark,

Your soul isn't mine I'll shall never in bark.

Don't cry over spilled milk she said,

But I can't find anything to clean,

what I have left behind in a realistic dream.


I want my hat back.

I want my hart back.

I want my simple life.

I want the bloody knife.

The one you used to cut my hart out.

The one you used to carve the doubt.

The ground we once walked.

The thoughts once thought.

The drives once taken.

The life forsaken.

The notes I wrote.

The love I devote.

The timid talks

And clam walks.

The songs I sang

And the loveless pain.

Drops of gold

And purple mold.

Love letters wrote with sensitivity

The boundless equal-liberty

The words I asked to say

I want back every day.

The time spent with you.

Is time I want back multiplied by two.

I want it all back,

Now or never.

Because you took it from me,

Whether given or otherwise.

We had a love that since now I despise

-Bwk 2001


Hey, can anybody feel

is anybody wasted in the dump they made.

lonelyness is everyone.

Lately, i can't fake breathing.

i want to be all that i can be.

but when will i will i?

say, can i be you?

can i do what you do?

is that okay just for

one day?

is it alright just for me to be many.

is anybody helping me.

through this.

can i be alone?

if i were alone, i'd be with the company of my head.

but when am i not, then i guess im dead


(at the end of this pg. the game that was made for lynz and lisa's hint is still there you others can play if you want!)




To every one: i can't spell and i don't exspect you to know all that i attempt to wright, because for some reason i try to spell big words that i have no business knowing never mind spelling so good luck





Hint: where i'm god, you will find a link. brake a leg!

thats your hint, this game use to be to take a pic off of my page, the person this game was intended for haz won so the game is over, BUT! you can still look for the link and play the game. GOOD LUCK!

fakeing what you don't know


I can be good, but then when am i Bad? is it ok to be lonely simply because everyone else would be better off? is it ok that i don't get to live my life? is it ok that life needs more then i can give it? why can't i be that guy everyone looks up too? why can't i be that asshole that everyone hates? anything is better then being the nobody that noone thinks about... or isn't it... when life is brutal who do the brutaitly charges go to?


this Game Rocks

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