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One Voice

One Voice Radio Ministry

Currently, we are taping on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Grace Chapel Community Church-7798 Big Walnut Rd. in Westerville, Ohio; just 2 miles north on Rt. 3. For Map and directions, either call the church office at (614)891-1157 or go to the Grace Chapel website and click on to "map to Grace Chapel".

Recently, the Lord shared with me two things specifically that make up the heart of the series of studies to be presented at Grace Cahpel titled, "The Planting of the Lord".

The first revelation, if you will, was a picture of the Lord bending down and drawing on the groud as mentioned in John 8:1-12; when the religious leaders of His day brought to Him the woman caught in adultery. What I saw the Lord doing was drawing a line and in His heart He was saying, "This far and No Further, this is where the line is's finished right here."

Second, while in prayer I saw a handful of little silver trinkets, like the kind a child would draw from a gum-ball machine....and the Lord said, "These are like many of the gifts my people bring to me.....and though my Father's heart appreciates the sincerity of their hearts, I yearn for more for them....I yearn for them to have more to offer...for these gifts will not stand the test of time...they will not endure eternity.

As a teacher of God's Word, called by Him to share with His Body-truth as He has shared it with me through much study of His work and much waiting upon Him, my promise to you is that this study we have titled "The Planting of the Lord" will be a time of

1. Insightful Study of God's Word
2. Personal Application
3. Personal Impartation of the Word by the Holy Spirit

I firmly believe the teachers' roll is to be a vessel through whom the Lord can use to plant seeds of thirst and hunger for God in the hearts of His people. God will then have fertile gound from whih He can birth life. When His people yearn for Him, He will respond. If we have hearts that desire Him, He then has something within us He "owns"; the prerequisite has been me, permission has been granted, and He has a foundation upon which to build. But even our desire for Him must come from Him....

This series of teachings will be a time to receive from the Lord a desire for Him: a desire to know Him, to love Him as He deserves to be loved, and a desire to seek Him with all of your heart.

God isn't looking for a "few good men", He is looking for a lot of "dead men"....people who have died to existing outside of Him and have thus learned the secret of life in Him and Him alone. He doesn't ask us to give Him all we have, He requires us to give Him what we don't have....and what only he can provide for us to offer to Him, He wants from us what is above and beyond us. He doesn't want our handful of trinkets; He yearns for true riches which can only be obtained through Him. he wants the gold and the silver; the pure oil and the best wine only He can provide for us to present to Him as an offering. Anything less won't last.

When Christ appeared, He called for an end to us, our efforts, our good deeds, our good intentions and the beginning of life lived through Him alone. As He bent down to draw on the ground, I believe He was saying, "no more of you, no more of your best. The Perfect has arrived, I am here, I have come to live in and through you." He was saying this to both the religious leaders and to the adulterous woman. He was calling them both to more, to a higher place, the greater place, the place where God dwells, where true Life exists. Yet what would have happened had any one of the religious leaders in response to Christ's words "to cast the first stone: had the audacity to take up a stone and throw it at the woman whose sin had been exposed? Or what would have happened if the adulterous woman in response to Christ's words to "go and sin no more" had the audacity to leave His presence cleansed and forgiven only to crawl back in bed with her eartly lover? Christ has come not only to set us free from legalism, but to set us free to produce the increase of His abundant Life.

Christ will present His beautiful bride to God, His Father....His bride who is bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh, like unto Him. Christ wants us to receive true riches, so our basket will be full, our gift will be plenteous and our offering will be received as an eternal gift by that reflects the image of His Son, The One and Only True Sacrifice and the One and only Gift worthy to be received.

"The Planting of the Lord" is a series of studies that will call us to higher ground, to holy ground, to ground plowed, planted and nurtured by Him and Him alone. Ground where His beloved dwells and where He alone is exalted above all other.

As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,
So is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under His shadow with great delight,
and His fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banqueting house,
and His banner over me was love.
Song of Solomon 2:3,4

God Bless You and please do take time to pray for this series and for those God wants to call to be in attendance.
Because He Lives....Love, Bonnie White

Come and participate in LIVE taping programs of "The Planting of the Lord" series. Notes will be posted weekly from the previous weeks' discussion. All questions are answered at the end of each session and ministry is available to those who are in need. Child Care is provided.

God Bless You and remember to listen for His Voice-One Voice!

Links to One Voice

Grace Chapel Community Church
Info Page
Inside Out
The Planting of the Lord
Personal Application Page
