There’s nothing solid like a well-rounded stone
one that can be hefted and handled alone
those angular, brittle-sharp, cleft or chipped - can't be thrown
rather must be rounded smooth - like long-worn ancient bone.

When hand-held it feels right - those shaped by water’s hone
or worn long ages past by sand, constantly wind blown
whatever force eroded it, such wear tis shown
until became first tool of man - the simple stone.

Rocks and their off-broken spalls, will never do
same of pebbles and gravel, not rounded true
of course sand and grit useless - shows too much hew.

Only one hand-sized, roundish smooth - query any boy his view
they know the value of its keeping, ask - for they will tell you.
January 7, 1999

Cold clear night with stars dimpled
sounds unheard, silence wimpled
sights withheld, darkness crimpled
out alone, yet below - earthen ground.

Stars gleam as mere points of bright
Time felt lost, yet seems but right
Space growing schemes, sacred-like
you alone, yet beyond - Other found.
August 18, 1999

When those stars refuse to shine
lightning streaks, as thunder's sign
rain falls both day and night
clouds cast - but meager light.

Foggy mists pervade the day
sodden clouds of dullish gray
cold damp and wet - never dry
neither bright nor warmth - brought by.

Foggy haze, gloom presumed
happy hopes found subsumed
moods and miens begin to sink
desires wilt - hopes slowly shrink.

When such inner weathers brew
know brought on by chemic's stew
inclement rain, a curse of Fate
put all on hold - patiently wait.

Merely a change of weather
featured either foul or fair
hard as wet beaten-leather
or soft as new baby's hair.

When those stars begin to shine
morning sun gifts warming's sign
as balmy winds, soft-drift the day
know All tells all - that all's okay.
August 22, 1999

Pearled water festooned on ensnaring spider webs
sun-light recast, as pendant jewels - like crystaled blebs
purled water gurgled, unknowing to whence its bold daring led
swirled eddies idled in confusion, thereafter - quickly fled.

Hurled snow night flung, glistened in morning's sun
whirled drifts 'round tree boles, high-wind's carving spun
soft-curled into folds, til roof and chimney appeared as one
unfurled beauty, Nature proudly gifts - yet tis freely done.
September 29, 1999

Near placid waters, where shore-lines edged, pinely hewn
as sun's paled bright, re-echoed off a full-moon
night's silence, shattered by staccatoed cries of loon
short food supplies scattered - mid-night raid by coon.

Son and I camping within bowers of boreal growth
rid those anguished pains, of a dear one's death - for us both
clear-cut cameos, caught by eye and ear still remembered
pristine Nature, Canadian Autumn - once Septembered.
October 17, 1999

Bare woods stands fully naked, at last disrobed all
leafy vestures unclasped, dropped to forest floor
Summer’s show-time out of fashion, Autumn came to call
soon Winter will attend, weather-wear all - even more.

Tinseled leaves once tossed above drooping fronds of ferns
glittered for but a season, in harsh sunlight’s glare
casting speckled shadows, wind and sun taking turns
drifting midst flora’s scant apparel - teasing's dare.

Its spring-time of beauty now worn down to hoary age
their beauty gone, drab grays - but blackened limbs grace the eye
shrunken shapes, withered features no longer season's rage
now nearly nude, display but barrenness - to the sky.

Beauty for a season, much like Culture’s wanton waste
yet in Nature, Beauty never dies nor lose its taste
each season showing a different view, timely graced
cleanly cast by charm's display - yet always purely chaste.
December 14, 1999

Evening scheduled, as late year’s longest night
shrewd minds infer - today shows briefest light.

Yearly display of Winter solstice, measured annually
accurately done by instruments, instead of manually
tis why seasonals debuts now found on varied dates
unlike the past, all on twenty-first - then no debates!
December 21, 1999

A tint of pale blue to emulate the sky
when April first uplifts their bonnie blossoms high
few inches tall above cold ground, left to shiver
thinly stemmed, dauntly danced - as daily quiver.

Stands tender-gentle, clustered in dense patches
early bloomer, observant eye soon catches
almost hidden as if shy, meek and fragile
need look closely - their beauty comes on gradual.

Unfound midst those taller stems, Nature proudly grows
lowly sequestered early, after later snows
look closely, blooming petals tinged with a frail blue
unopen til early sun, wipes away - morning's dew.

A playful flock of flora growing here about
slender-gentle, with manners meekly held devote
their displayings outlast for six to eight weeks
found mid-Spring, when late Winter's chill - coldly speaks.

When seen, far more than a find - rather a feeling
attributes that please the eye, moods one with healing
cures that waste, late Winter weather leaves behind
a humble flora, yet proudly held - refined.

A Spring walk, when mid-morning sun fully risen up
seek that you may find, drink pale blue - from Nature’s cup.
January 19, 2000

Stood in one place two-hundred year
unmoved, except when stirred by wind
firmly rooted growing tall, yet near
another tree - as if both twinned.

Longly stood even after died
yet currents mined with constant churn
then one night tree fell, thence to ride
river’s float - missing every turn.

Took two months til reached coastline sea
marooned fifty years at sand-bars edge
accommodate birds, roost-space free
til beach finally lost - its sandy wedge.

One night, high tide came - lashed with stormy blast
at last released, tree washed out with morning's tide
turned and tossed midst those waves, til could not last
life’s work over, proudly done - with Nature’s pride.
January 27, 2000

Gathered glints of dappled sun-light, scattered by tossing leaves
brightly danced upon forest floor, or sparkled on nearby stream
all else watched in silence, this grand performance - Nature weaves
when for several hours mid-day, birds seek leafy shade - to dream.

Out and about midst my woodlands, rewarded by this dappled splay
took in Nature’s beauty, salvaged an elsewise un-calendared day
when dancing sun-light performed in silence, with such delightful play
of all that glittered there, but dappled-gold - all have need to say.
January 31, 2000

Air had to be just right
holding still - yet in flight.

Some up-draft enabled it, long-hold there - yet close to ground
no need quiver wings, stoic-stay in place with their hover
easily viewing all below, for what its hunger found
seeking wanted prey of mice or shrews - as ran for cover.

Calculate, no more then twenty feet in height
early evening, red sky held with fading light
so long remained motionless, caught my sight
noticed driving by, at first - thought a kite.

For once, that red-tailed hawk found its flight a breeze
cupped wings caught air's up-lift, letting some slip with ease
thus concentrate fully, for what lay far below
its prey easy-found - fertile Nature might bestow.

In sixty years, oft seen hawks hover with wings aquiver
this a first, special scene Nature may seldom deliver
some might ask why this special, beauty of unflapped wings
would be asked by those unacquainted - with country things.
February 12, 2000

Neither sad, gay nor glad
for instinct all they had
all five milling in confusion
of her death - made no conclusion.

When came upon this scene
driving along - year's Spring
all seen in mid-highway
mother dead - left to decay.

Mid morning, no traffic about
logging truck killed, last night no doubt
just curious, pulled over - check this out
as stood there, five nosed my shoes with their snout.

Bent down, viewed smashed remains
instant death, Chance ordains
walked back to my truck, but then - there detained
five followed my feet - smell now ingrained.

What to do, no way prepared to raise five baby skunks
how cute each were, tumbled my feet as if were drunks
if I reached down too fast, raised their tails - but nothing stunk
so walked down a logging trail - they followed with lots of spunk.

After gone a long way, took off shoes and socks
cut back through the woods, running like some jock
soon out-distanced them, reached my truck - quickly jumped in
then drove away - wondering what might become of them.

Yet of their mother’s death, for them un-surmised
no sadness in their heart, so be agonized
purely instinct, Nature’s way to survive
did not even realize - were alive.

At my mother’s funeral, this scene came to mind
I too milled about, when news of her death came
viewed her in that casket, still tied to her - by Nature’s bind
days after, fumbled just like them - done the same.
March 19, 2000

When full moon first broke above woods beyond
its ghostly white, paled upon dark lawn
since in the full, much like day - though somewhat tame
natural light found much brighter, when night fully came
thereafter unseen, til sun-rise rebirthed - fresh dawn.
March 22, 2000

Without, dog lies curled nose to tail
catch sun's warmth at shed’s corner edge
within, two cats curled cheek to jowl
catch sunlight splayed - on window’s ledge.

Collapsed on sofa, lay she within
rays of warming sun thereby drawn
within, without - seemed paused in thanks
March afternoons - will rarely spawn.
March 29, 2000

Gutter gurgled at smoke-house cornered trough
despite its down-spout, long been rusted off
spewing its gathered worth of water - roof-caught
beating sloppy tattoos - its spatter brought.

Strange sound seemed out of tune with gentle rain
for held such a timid chorus of but a single note
unlike raucous chatter of gutter’s drain
all-day affair of water music - Handel never wrote.
March 29, 2000

Eons spent beneath some shallow sea, slowly layered deeply
as time, heat and weight built its strength - into dolomitic rock
then tectonic plates shifted, rumbled mountains uplifted steeply
again lazed long ages through - after time of brief lift and shock.

Ever worn and weathered, exfoliated by prise of ice
til came an urge, once wedged too far - suddenly downward fell
hurled its tonnaged weight, smashed growth below - rolled once or twice
lying there ever since, centuried quiet - after that brief spell.

So far back in time, its loud fallage unheard by human ears
yet former ancient creatures, heard its brief outspoken shout
thereafter only a silence outwore those ensuing years
but when it spoke, have no doubt did so - with emphatic clout.
May 4, 2000

As light of gladness, grazed on what day-meadows hast
til blight of sadness stole thereon, wan shadows cast
midst beauty’s glow, bleak barrenness caused light to fade
colored mixtures dappled there - bright amongst its shade.

What Nature gifts, unknows of such - reflecting but its wonders
tis we with feelings know, hearts quickly misses what loss sunders
dappled joys felt beauty, seen in light brought of sun
yet beneath dark shadows cast, saddened thoughts - likewise run.
May 9, 2000

Most forest trees yield blossoms, small with tender hush
bark displaying wan grays and black, of wood's barren brush.

Yet midst that sparse green, bits of leafy white - pinkly blushed
early Spring, when first flora found birthing - fully flushed
unlike other trees, leaves burst forth before its flowers
dogwood first displays flowers white - in woodland bowers.
May 9, 2000

Across far reach of uncounted passaged years
wear and waste wrought of fear or tears
Earth unknowing of, as spins among those spheres
no thought or cause - only motion steers.

Rotates and wobbles round its orbit, unending
pulled sunward by gravity’s power, ever bending
all goes well, except for people - their power to waste
ever changing world's worth - by greedy, thoughtless haste.

Although Earth unknowing, how much changed by Culture’s force
unaware how quickly we altered - its future course.
May 13, 2000

Across neighbored fields, brisk breeze felt to blow
its passage noticed where rippled grasses flow.

Early Spring’s evening sky cloud-clear, sun casts orangy tints
all quiet otherwise, birds at roost - were these giving hints
of years far past, when traveled on arid short-grass prairie
first encountered endless flow of winds - brisk and airy.

Its constant stir upon the ear, tousled one's nerves and hair
 telling secrets that prairie's days and nights have need to share
through both July and August, winds danced midst tall grass
now reviewed through old age memory’s looking-glass.

Majesty of endless stands of grass and grain for miles
domeless sky above, whispered mysteries of Nature’s wiles
remembered like some Elysian dream, standing there alone
all beheld made me seem insignificant - one left unknown.

Surmised how early Amerindians who once dwelt these plains
could only respond with sense of Spirit, such grandeur ordains
soon fashioned winds, as but God’s caring presence among the grass
thus believed til praised their Great Spirit - as long as winds shall pass.

Took place long ago, when one's youth felt free
both Time and future believed, as though forever
til years brought age, molding me otherwise to be
eternal hopes fulfilled - with Death’s last endeavor.

That soft breeze now recalled, with its sad stirrings
stood alone, listening to air's moanful purrrings
reheard again, as gently rippled my neighbored fields
grateful what early life reaped of winds - a prairie yields.
May 13, 2000

When evening comes early, because clouds ill-gathered black
then warring Thor does battle, with bright lightning’s flack
yet before all arrives, stilled silence portends of Doom
despite blushing Spring decks leafy boughs - with bud and bloom.

Warm air stifles all quiet - like holding its breath
as if awaiting end of all alive, with Death
another face of beauty, that Nature often shows
knowing clear weather will finally come - when evening goes.
May 22, 2000

When fluting wood thrush first awakens dawn
wintered juncos fly North, til all are gone
does with unspeckled young, no longer fawns
robins feed on fresh worms - of first-mown lawns.

When morns begin with warmth, newly felt
stalked hawk-weed glows like bright butter’s melt
field ripens oats or brown heads of spelt
cloudless sky, soft winds waving - bluet's svelte.

When sun early shows, lasts long - til nights felt brief
merely six weeks more, oats shocked in bundled sheaf
bald sycamores lastly unfold - their tardy leaf.

Weather moods of happiness, despite those times one grieves
til what Summer warmly birthed - harsh Winter coldly thieves.
May 26, 2000

Uncounted years before, til emerged first several few
filling world with people, breedings - long ages grew
such short time-span, yet far traveled - History makes known
began as but gas and rock - amazing what has grown.
June 7, 2000

Across deep valley rose those lofty Fells
as orange evening’s glow cast its magic spell
treeless pastures echoed faint kein-herd bells
of what does all seen hereby - have to tell?

Above far distant fields, gray heather lies
crawling up mountain’s side, their growing tries
here and there, some solitary tree yet thrives
lone falcon searching for prey, glides aloft - then dives.

Below where farmlands lay, more clearly heard
lowing cattle brought to barn, collie spurred
from fields, plow-shares clink, scraping stones interred
til eve-time quiets those sounds - of beast and bird.

Soon lamps lit to show at cottage windows, those facing West
or brought of lantern’s light, from barn to house - at last to rest
til bright gibbous moon found peeking, above fell's high crest
when night comes, I remain - for star-sprinkles are my quest.

Such how day ends on cultivated lands of English fells
what have gathered from their viewings, far more than sight oft tells
scatterd memories gleaned, brought back - by that aftermath of war
dreams of one's early youth's, gave cause - my returning for.
July 7, 2000

Well, what can one say, as fire smolders thick with smoke
for night brought on a front so dank, fire made one choke
then after came those rains, with little wind - pored heavy for hours
when morning first dawned, low heavy clouds - rent themselves with showers.

Continued throughout the morning, until clock told ten
finally air's pressure lightened, clouds thinned - rains quitting then.

Roads flooded out, several bridges washed away - all talked of rain
unlike any time remembered, all night - half the day held reign
weeks after spent cleaning up, drying out - memories may yet recall
occurred several decades past, old minds tell - a deluge by rainfall!

Because of that drenching, hill-side shed shifted some
a-lean has been twenty years, still tilts out of plumb
door swayed for years, til top hinge broke to stop its swing
two years back, finally fell off - shows what time and wear will bring.

Became a den for skunks, one year later - possums moved in
all because several decades past, that rain - worst ever been
those who unknow, unsense weather’s view - blind to Nature’s beauty
but those who know, each daily change observed - a human duty.
August 24, 2000

Of just a few counties found
picturesque convolutions of ground
eroded valleys flanked with sandstone cliffs
some still seen - eroding their ancient glyphs.

Stony structures within wooded terrain
to those unknowing, seems a bit arcane
monolithic palisades weather worn
by carving winds and water - ages shorn.

Nature’s remnants, past Ages threw
Stone Age beliefs, honored hands drew
antiquity of time-gathered stone
monoglyphs - recent science makes known.

Stone's furrowed wrinkles carved as glyphs
mysteries, professor's research sifts
obeisance early man - still gifts.
September 18, 2000

Again Fall arrived with those folklore-signs, Autumn brings
clear sky, mild temps, sun bright - clarity cool weather flings
drew colder as eve dropped to dusk, til absolutely still
wood-fires filled valley with bluish smoke - neighbored chimneys spill.

When twilight bled what light left, into but darkened shadows
with silent flights, families of geese flew low above hedgerows
have yet to gather into flocks, for their annual flight south
in awe of ancient mysteries - I looked up with open mouth.

Sensed again flight of Time, gathering age for what lies ahead
futures always a Pandora’s box, re-routes plans planned - instead
Summer’s brood now fully raised, soon Nature will take Winter’s rest
Fall a melancholy time, for deep reflections - always best.
September 21, 2000

Green leaves now fading yellow, perhaps reds or purples - those brown
brought of Fall’s wanning sun, though risen later - early goes down
when hoar frost quickly turned dew to rime, late cold nights comfirmed
in higher latitudes know - Autumn’s Jack Frost has returned.

Wasting Summer's dying leaves and fronds, Spring's birthing brought to life
scatter seeds, ensuring each species lives through cold Winter's strife
wear those dark months hidden, yet when Spring returns - resprouts as new
beauty of varied colors, gave reason why I came - to view.
September 27, 2000

At terminal end of but a single stem
two brown, three yellow, one red - maple leaves held tight
those below still green, til first frost weakens them
chanced happenstance, some Autumn’s mood - brought to sight.

Two dead, four dying, those others on their way
gathered of a single stem, once fed them life
as cool breeze urged swaying branches, to softly pray
grateful what life gave - four children brought of wife.
September 29, 2000

Night chilled with thin slice of slivered moon
clear sky bid star-glints shine, without brume
unstirred air held silent, felt quiet as a tomb
as centuried thoughts re-emerged - ripened into bloom.

Emplaced far North, beyond glare of citied light
urban sounds unoffending those, that Nature might
for once pines silent, held creatures mutely tight
Space sensed eternal, Time unfelt - a quiet night.

A Canadian episode, when felt as one with All
neither before nor after experienced - such pristine Awe.
October 2, 2000

Autumn’s burlesque strip of leafen foliage has begun
twirling, spiraling downward, til their dance be done
freely flashing varied colors, flaunted with careless haste
once flush and fresh, now sere and dry - shedding their wanton waste.

Upon littered forest floor, their shriveled beauty finally cast
to mold and rot til are not, forgotten follies of their past
while trees above stood firm, resolute to outlast Winter's bare
a season's brief use of flora’s life - yet tis only we who care.
October 9, 2000

That time of Fall, when eve-times quiet-held
unless strong winds brew, or full moon's glow spelled
perhaps an all-night rain, to rattle down last leaves
til trees left denuded - by what Fall weather thieves.

Another face Autumn wears, oft held with melancholy
what Nature once brought to birth, Death found - but life’s finale
soon Winter will bury those leaves beneath - all that Autumn flung
future hopes awaiting Spring - when avian songs newly sung.
October 19, 2000

The weathered gate that used to swing, last closed some score-years back
lane finally healed since, no sign of former wagon track
berry-brambles enlaced fence rails, high-held trellised by
two decade’s growth of dogwood trees - now grown thirty-foot high.

When path to wood’s spring refound, searched its descending way
groundhog trails traced a bit, then found began to stray
flow-pipe rusted through, water untrickles now - barely seeps
basin fully silted in, unheard - plop of green-frog leaps.

But did rediscover that wedge-shaped granite stone
years back, Fall plowing caught Simpson’s share - thereby thrown
head caved-in when hit another rock, died when hit
horses bolted trailing traces - hind fetlocks split.

Ancient cow-path's winding wear, finally disappeared
fields growing back to woods, new-growth volunteered
returned as had wended in, re-climbed weathered gate
Nature always wins, all one needs do - simply wait.
October 20, 2000

Each season it happens, a given day or night before
unscheduled debuts, that follow dates - calendars ignore
some weeks before or after solstice and equinox show
timed not with precision, much depends - on how weathers blow.

Each coming season gifts a grandeur, seen before
Spring’s first green, Summer’s rain, Fall's dry - Winter’s hoar
like childhood's Christmas - year's final encore.

Last night late, soft cold rains arrived shortly after dark
temps three weeks at seventy, quickly dropped cold-stark
lashing winds flounced tree limbs, shaking last leaves a-fly
morning came without sun-up - low gray clouds a-sky.

Temperature measured mid-forties, dampish winds howled the day
then firmly knew Winter early came, gray glooms prowled to stay
calendar claims October twenty eighth, but season-wise - Winter’s debut
as sat by wood fire, second coffee cupped, tis of such - poets but review.
October 28, 2000

Those far reaches, new-learnings natural science tell
things ever unseeable, yet known to cast their spell
should such be equationed, may hint something yet unfound
safety of stone-ground or common sense - now held unsound.

Has become a test of faith, learning by merely trust
hopeful our allegiance to vague truths, a certain must
as grope blind-like, among scattered wisps - of hid-blank dark
finds science merging with faith - 'twas how they found the quark.
October 29, 2000

Its bark dappled ghostly white, ancient sycamore strangely shows
through passing seasons, late-leafed, yet found early shed - for years
gnarled roots clutching river's bank, nurtured by water flows
I hap to see it fall when river high - my thoughts rent to tears.

Life-long stood, roots quickly severed - dry wood allowed it slowly float
toppled-fell, splayed-splashed, borne down river - only my eyes would note
bank emplaced for two centurys, stoic withstood those passing years
not once strayed beyond where daily grew - now drifts where river steers.

When high waters now a-flood, ebb some few weeks more
eventually tree will be grounded, upon down-stream shore
limbs, trunk and roots wasting back to grains - life-long labored for.

Seeded two centuries back, growing tall til limbs swept edge of sky
its silence intoned by moaning winds, swayings - long shadows try
once stood tall, now lies prostrate, like all life - when downs to die.
November 5, 2000

Traveled with others, who came to visit for twelve hours stay
Rusty greeted with tail a-wag, romped its friendly way
I only one would not accept, of all who made visit that day
yet understood, some chemistry smelt of me - Rusty would not play.

After supper, all gathered outside - shared our thanks and good byes
last attempt with Rusty, I squatted down - looked in its eyes
Nature’s chemistry now changed, for he slowly edged up - close by
nosed then licked my fingers, gently patted his head - now not shy.

For creatures but self-guided, by what mere chemistry brings by
when stood, Rusty did not scamper about me - as if to try
but leaned against my leg, looked up at me tail wagging - why?
November 9, 2000

Cold Winter set in, snow encrusting ground
mice and shrews unseen, though still be found
falcon lured on by hungar's need of food
evolution gifting strength - keen and shrewd.

Then a sleeting storm beset late night, winds full-blown
empty stomach, falcon unfed - slept night alone
perched limb firmly gripped, close-held against oaken trunk
next morning found it ground-lain - but a frozen hunk.

Latent bacteria inside, consuming what will
when Spring returns, other microbes may feast their fill
further wasting falcon’s cadaver, til but feathered bone
in time, even these will slow decay - Earth takes back its own.

As seeps in forest litter, eventually reused again
becoming tissued atoms, flora will refashion within
leaf, stem, frond or root, rebirthed once more - again alive
in Nature, nothing goes to waste - Creation will survive.
November 10, 2000

Mid-November bedecked by frosty night, full moon aglow
another month, before horned owls begin to hoot hello
their amorous season starts, wearing January through
silent night, filmy light, crispy air - crunch of frosted dew.

Mid-March snow full ten-inches deep, again moon showing full
most winter birds yet remain, though dawns show sun’s northward pull
frost riming grass crisp, early morn - intones few birds with song
dogwoods closely viewed, show buds a-swell - Summer won’t be long.

Mid-July twilight warm and muggy, moon glows with orangy tinge
nights wear hot as day, til thoughts of noon-time simmers - makes one cringe
few birds voice the day, prefer early morn or late evenings dim
twilight best to prowl Nature’s show, when insects - intone their hymn.
November 12, 2000

As sun neared western horizon, with its orangy glow
eternal diurnal winds, slackened with meeker blow
heated fields cooled, updrafts ceased - felt but silent air
thinned to mere wafts, until natural sounds - gentled there.

Night brought intonements insects hum, droned in growing shades of dark
last sliver of purpled light, self-quenched itself with final spark
star-glimmers first seen to the East, strung out across the sky
only buzzing insects heard, all else expressed - a silence by.

Thence that vast universe inly felt, far broader than of day
darkness blackened til flat prairies seemed, must unendlingly lay
high vaulted dome arched above, eternal depths - one might explore
as if sailed some dried up sea - without wanted sight of shore.

Though aloneness crept within, yet felt caressed by prairie's care
although drifted midst this vast darkness, some closeness held me there
as one left alone, to taste but silence - like but me and God
bid my grateful prayer, as stood that night - on short-grass prairie’s sod.
November 21, 2000

Only chemic’s tenacious grip, holds these few leaves - yet retained
some genetic twist at stem’s base, disallowed severance obtained
must await wonton wear of weather’s waste, til cuts last leaves loose
if not so resolved, will occur by next Spring’s - first surge of juice.

Soon warm weather will unravel reluctant leaves shed, blown far away
although long dead, finally untethered - to lie and rot with slow decay
Nature's rule, death-gatherd down til buried, like these leaves now portray
most will Winter rot, few await early Spring - of such trees might pray.
November 21, 2000

Tones, winds entune
bones dryly strewn
caves - deeply hewn.

Rocky crags, high-held tall
talused slopes, cleaved to spalls
dry gulches deeply cut
lost trails - showing ruts.

Meager want of flora growths
ageless lizards laze like sloths
water rare - nowhere by
rains seldom bled - from sky.

Morn’s warmth soon heats til hot
noon seeks shade sought of grot
evening's temps, pleasant quite
brutal cold - shivers night.

Time ungrasped, simply sensed as is
Space endless, eyes forever quiz
silence pervades dry background
one's Spirit felt - most profound.

A silence ancient eons cast
abandoned wastes forever hast
holding mysteries within its sand
revealed to those - who understand.

A final refuge, no one escapes
harshness relieved by eroded shapes
best if viewed all day, through long nights
til blessed by Nature's - sacred rites.
November 22, 2000

Took four days to fence the neighbors woods out
four strands barbed-wire, locust posts staunchly stout
four turns of wire at end-posts, til full-twisted tight
long staples used, ratchet-stretched those wires - newly bright.

Cattle close-fed along its length, year or two kept mowed
til farming ventures shifted, changed, in time - money owed
up for sale, bought by those with different use in mind
farm switched to a nature-preserve - flora-fauna kind.

Pasture ungrazed, fields left unplowed - unused vacant land
brambles seeding fence-rows, until wild weeds grew full stand
weather turned wires to rust, til hid within stems of briar
twenty years after, fence still holds - several strands of wire.

Its original use to fence cattle in, no longer serves first intent
nor delineates whose ground belongs to whom, without each one’s consent
wires rust til break, yet posts keep measured distance, as once first assigned
a duty may hold few years more, then they too will lean or rot - unaligned.
November 26, 2000

Rare mixture of weathers came, rain, sleet, snow - later, fog
unsettled shift of airs, warm and cold - like urban smog
wet snow turned to rain, back to sleet - afterwards snow again
til then creeping fog, soon vaporized - back to what had been.

As might wear out thermometer - its mercury within
some war waged between climatic forces, see which might win
as of now, sleet’s losing to rain - fog has finally fled
but is only noon, surmise after lunch - what weather bred.

Another phase of frozen spheroids fell as hail
lasting but briefly, then all except the fog turned-tail
its misty damp pervading all, mere shadows whispy blear
til what be seen, vaguely showed - smokey vapors ghostly drear.

When night arrived, fog's filmy fingers glowed in the dark
of what will the morrow bring, with rising sun’s - birthing spark?
November 29, 2000

Whenever some hominid first caught the Spirit’s touch
perhaps dimly noted, simple hint of hope or such
inly traced, clutched within that mind - remembered there
through guttural grunts with others - began to share.

Thus began a diversity, unique to each human soul
run the numbers out to infinity, would not reach its goal
each life gathers leaves of varied kinds, shapes, textures, colors, clime
its numbered count endless, beyond unknown span - of Space and Time.

Of course tis true of every atom, Nature learnings teach
encoded with traits of where and when, each unique
seldom meet another person nearly kindred, as if alike
and never will, of every ilk, black, white or gray - different quite.

Hence, something special found in everyone - someone to love
bears uniqueness they contain, no other holding of
when am Heaven held, spend several endless infinities through
meeting all those different people, hope first one I meet - tis you.
December 6, 2000

After a Winter’s day warmed roof-held snow
to melt and flow
late night’s frozen chill, quenched it quite
held eave-edge tight.

Next morning’s sun shown with peculiar bright
of dazzled light
all night long grew, watered trickles
into icicles.

At roof’s brink, this natural ornament hung
frozen snow had strung
morning’s warmth, remelted its layered lip
with a constant drip.

Mud-cratered below, where each dripping dropped
formed its dimpled plopped
til by noon-time, found fallen - dead-centered hit
speared that crater’s pit.
December 8, 2000

In long buried rocks Time wove, ageless histories compressed
across uncounted range Space shows, endless light-years transgressed
birthed beneath bone of skulls, Nature stirred - evolution impressed
beyond all these, man forever dreams those hopes - their Spirits guessed.
December 9, 2000

How soon tomorrow becomes today
shortly after, found as yesterday
measured spacings we allot for Time
oft thought upon - in one’s aging clime.

Winter lost by burst of Spring’s emerging growth
a refreshing return, sworn by Nature’s oath
season that blends to Summer, two seem but one
stirring one's blood, with time enough - get things done.

Its natural end, gleaned by dry Autumn's impending harvest
another season sensed too short, six weeks briefly compressed
whereafter Winter, cold hands do battle with Autumn’s ripened hoard
Winter always wins by lack of light, quenching heat - Summer sun poured.

Time and its seasons, so like life - from birth to death
length times change, equals growth - measures each lifetime’s breadth
as yesterday quickens with today, then becomes tomorrow
exchanging what have gained, for what is yet to come - quid pro quo.
December 12, 2000

As winter’s windy chill, stirs beneath gray-laden clouds of sky
birds hid in yew and fir, make frequent trips to feeder near by
brittle nip of winds, chased straggling leaves across encrusted snow
harsh weather rules the day, Nature’s kneeling posture - tells such so.

Creates feelings, earthen-facts learned - shared or taken
mere shadows lost in dim light, gray sky has shaken
past episodes forgotten, of no purpose - yet all led to now
what lies beyond awaits unknown, will such become - should morning bow?

Know some dark night may descend, when Time found frozen
quenching future light, where hopes cannot be chosen
predicted dawns forbidden, after-days - never given birth
an endless night, heat found lost - til dying hopes shrivel up life on Earth.

Crouched closely, awaiting without wanting - unknowing what they felt
as life slips beyond one’s awareness - for frozen hopes cannot melt.
December 17, 2000

Rigid silence, frozen brilliance, night's full-moon bright
sparkled on crystaled snow, sharply reflected - glittered white
scratched by shadowed blacks, barren trees cast as silhouettes
moonlight's beauty, gifted winter fields - picturesque.

Nature’s magic portrayed in silence, sounds quenched fully dry
a surreal world found textured, black and whitely by
as if Earth died without a cause, full moon mourned with its glow
so remote, stars unseen, only lunar's orb - dared to show.

Long stood there, viewing all this from an opposing hill
nocturnal beauty enraptured me, despite sharp chill
pondering such artistry Nature drew, of what might tell
Winter frozen silent, when moonlit magic - cast its spell.
January 12, 2001

Not long after darkness fell, crescent moon emerged in view
far from city lights and din, quiet held - ice-frozen slough
mid-winter lay upon the land, depth of snow two foot deep
for most alive, man or beast, soon found abed - wanting sleep.

If could have braved the cold, rabbits in frolic would be spied
far down those pastured slopes, if waited - perhaps some fox eyed
a night mute-still with silence, of winds - no breath stirred
uncounted hours pealed, when distant church-chimes heard.

As moon slowly stole higher up the sky, brighter became
clearly showing woods, even borders-  dim fence-lines proclaim
pristine portrayal of unbuilt Nature, so picturesque
its peacefulness left unjarred - revealed nothing grotesque.

Thence began intonement of January’s annual play
mating season of Horned Owls, would now have their anxious say
clear hootings, drifted across frozen woods and fields
nocturnal orchestrations, owl-love sings - Nature yields.

I oddly noticed, when chapel bells gave out their measured chime
owl calls ceased, as if were entranced by its hourly call of Time
thus of owls and bells, each gifting winter nights with music
enraptured those with ears to hear, such simple sounds - unique.

Here felt Nature’s beauty, something each prayerful human should crave
though required some fortitude, enduring cold - Winter gave
til finally grew more concerned, of that brought by cold Winter’s chill
feet on crusted snow, disturbed its silence - as came down that hill.

Who would have thought, two score after, a Winter’s night - again late
some place far elsewhere, again stood to listen - by wood-lot gate
depth of snow beneath a crescent moon, air dead-still - country held
heard magic from former times, gifting me - as one Nature spelled.
February 6, 2001

Yes, that wonder of it all
so far out, yet fast its fall
vanished as if not had been
nor soundings heard - of its spin.

Those that twinkle, sensed further far
revealing a distant star
but should one shine with solid light
are planets - in orbic flight.

Whereas moon's orb holds mottled face
monthly makes its nightly trace
yet sometimes, not seen at all
elsetimes - a full glowing ball.
February 28, 2001

Naked bare, teasing winds unraveled dying leaves
mood foul weather brought, of its lost foliage - tree grieves
beneath dormant pines tinged yellow-dry, lie fallen weeds
remnants of life's sustaining tissues - no longer needs.

Winter birds still grovel midst wan waste, with hopeful eye
seeking seeds Autumn cast, or 'neath tree-bark - where bugs lie
wearing Winter's barren season through, til Springtime bids them go
life's worth unlost at death, gathered scraps future lives need - to grow.
March 3, 2001

There paused to view an open space, ancient tree once held
balmy mid-March afternoon, before dogwood buds swelled
no leaves heard to rustle, nor nervous scampers chipmunks make
only that silence dark shadows weave - left in sunlight's wake.

Hidden by brambles re-growing, since tree was cut
half-notch still remains, tree's size signified by stump's butt
like a grave-marker indicating, where it finally died
remains of rotted limbs, scattered ground - space now opened wide.

Though gone for seven years, its remaining remnants show
in that clearing long shaded, now only thickets grow
until in future years - tall trees again will show.

Since branchings searched, where sunlight could not hide
neighbored trees held no limbs on inward side
inner limbs barely grown, dark shade would provide
once more reaching out for sun's light - growth again retried.

As gap widens, giving vent to open sky
sign of tree's mastery, when grown tall and high
of Nature's innate ways, knowing nothing grieves
in my thoughts, heard echoes - of its tossing leaves.

Considered how long stood there, years out-grown before
ascertained from tree-rings count, perhaps several more
its day in the sun gone, yet all about wears its bent
biologically remembered - ancient tree once lent.

Another score of years, gap to sky will close in
in the end, sunlight assures floral growth will win
stump rotted back to soil, pale toad-stools growing where
from single acorn, ages past - birthed tree's growing there.

Every presence makes influence, on those grown nearby
limits that strength of others, struggling there closeby
mid-March day, stopped and stood to gaze - before walked on
recalling old friends, likewise taken down - finally gone.
March 13, 2001

When long drenching rains should sudden cease
after, silent sound of quiet peace
saturated earth cleansed by rain's effect
there porch-side sat - time taken to reflect.

Dampness smelt, as drippings dry to drips
bird-calls returned when rain finally quits
rain a certain joy - if country bred
more than nurtures Nature - one's soul tis fed.
March 28, 2001

Storm-clouds of gray, now far-past traveled
torn leaves, fallen branches left raveled
sodden soil, dampish air, ditches full
after all that rage - left behind its lull.

Thunder still rumbles, but with muted cry
cracks of jagged lightning, streaks a distant sky
while here, somber stillness deftly heard
drenched leaves and limbs, drippings - their only word.

Misty clouds, hidden sun still held at bay
rains left behind fresh smell, brief wetness may
mist later thinned til dried, as sun came out
when birds began to sing - absolved my doubt.
April 5, 2001

Sculpted into varied shapes, clouds drifting by
refashioned from visions, brought of eye
til evolved some other image, or none at all
shapes drifting across the sky - clouds strangely scrawl.

Game children play, should weathers allow
cloud-formations, drifting winds endow
simple pleasure porch-held, childrhood dreams
Nature freely gifted - cloud-shape schemes.
April 10, 2001

Between matted leaves, flattened from Winter's snow
green fronds of Spring Beauties, first begin to show
thrusting tiny stems, flowered with early bloom
sun's warmth fertilized - quickened their earthen womb.

Between matted leaves, wakened from Winter's frost
pale push of Morels, to most eyes are lost
nudging through the night, with its honey-combed head
disguised by matted leaves, alive - though looks dead.

Between matted leaves, paled from Winter's rot
peeked large black eyes, deer mice searchings sought
vibrissae quivered, as nosed chilling air
thence scampered on - after took time to stare.

Between matted leaves, Spring rebirthed anew
emerging insects bid, their first debut
as tendrils of tender green, probed the dark for light
where matted leaves lay hidden - deeply out of sight.
April 11, 2001

When time had worn ancient road beyond its need
til faint wagon tracks overgrown, fully treed
abandoned back to owners, whose lands still own
when time outwore travel's need - forgottly known.

Nature quickly heals scars, old Cultures cast
struggled works of human labors, seldom last
in the end, landscapes reshaped quite otherwised
changes man remade - Nature left undisguised.

That road closed twenty years ago, once walked when a boy
elysian days of childhood, when life - pure joy
dared adventures taken, midst those wilds Nature hid
wandered an ancient road, found lost - when a kid.
April 18, 2001

When April brought drying thaws, allow soils newly tilled
blades of plow delved, discs sliced up, harrow's mincing teeth
placement of seeds folded under, with those hopes - farmers willed
after long awaiting, burst of kernels - birthed beneath.

Work long labored by, despite what weather wields
season's favored, full-reaps - what their harvest yields.
May 15, 2001

High above chimney's bight
flying bats outwear their night
back and forth, with fluttered flight
til dawn hides all - out of sight.

Yet within that chimney's flue
nests held by salival glue
swifts returned as darkness drew
abide their night - out of view.

Below tall chimney's flue and bight
cold fireplace-damper shut up tight
ignored whole Summer through, out of sight
til Winter's cold demands - first fire's light.
June 13, 2001

As strolled warm fields in June-time's bloom
clouds above scattered as witches broom
blue-eyed chicory by fence-line grows
growing wild-free - surging Nature shows.

No one with whetted scythe, lays them low
nor harvest planned, from what did not sow
freely grown, as might but glean their beauty
rather than crop grown - with labored duty.

Floral patchwork designed, woven on field's loom
such beauty seen, when landscape flushed with Summer's bloom.

Second clutch of bird eggs soon will hatch
season ending, when their fledglings flown
til late Summer ears again will catch
those morning songs - flocking birds are prone.

Another season come and gone, oh so soon
seems but yesterday, felt blush of early June
how quickly once wanted Spring, has come and gone
as tired August fields - stifled late Summer's yawn.

Seems both Spring and Summer quickly fled
eager to bury cold Winter's dead
richest time of life, but a brief reprieve
like childhood lost, old age - can not retrieve.

Life's four Seasons, but a day in the sun
so soon after, found too quickly run
wore January through cold December
as strolled Autumn fields - to remember.
July 3, 2001

In that quiet stillness, late evening brings
August dry becalmed, by what dead air wrings
sun long set, though after-glow tarries still
as night slowly intrudes - with touch of chill.

Then night gathers secrets, Nature provides
their silent whispers heard within, confides
beauty learned from eventide, yet much unknown
a tonic for one's weary soul - out alone.

A silence meekness craves, late evenings share
when dry August hushed without breath of air
after-glow of sun snuffed out, til finally gone
as night returns, til day rebirths - a new dawn.
July 5, 2001

A year when both June and July, lasted but two weeks to stay
March thru April held on six weeks more, even far into May
then in mid-July, found August dry early came much too soon
how long will this arid stretch last - Months strangely out of tune!
July 16, 2001

Midst solid strengths Nature shows
lie weathered rocks, scarred and grooved
prised by heat or frozen snows
their shifting plates - sometimes moved.

Midst frail wisps Summer grew, Nature freely sows
silky wisps of thistle down, like cobwebs shaken free
gently drifting, of wheresoever soft wind blows
cast far and wide, their seeds ensuring - will always be.
August 11, 2001

Dry Autumn's forecast felt of air
though little shows its being there
leaves frost-tinted, with more to come
katydids still heard - nightly hum.

Clear days more sharply cast fully bright
twilight revealing bats in flight
as eve quickly descends into night
til stars seem closer - more clearly quite.

Winds drifting wafts of thistle down
released from stems now fading brown
tinge of frost, early mornings melt
touch of chill - late evenings felt.

Sky patterns display Fall's latest style
freshly painted on re-numbered dial
evening birds early down to roost
than those of Summer nights - been use't.

Noon-time sun shadows northward more
seen further cast across the floor
with or without calendar's page
Nature itself - far better gauge.

As Summer's final fling quickly ends
tis signals such as these, Autumn sends
when Fall's fading colors clearly seen
what late browns have grown - from early green.
August 30, 2001

Rushing head-strong to reach the sea
roiled a-flood with wild spree
soundings a-roar, churning rapidly
forever lured on - by gravity.

Despite river's rush and raging surge
found here and there, lost its downward urge
hidden behind bouldered rocks, close to shore
placid pools lie unharried - quiet wore.

Ensheltered from river's wonton rush
beyond turbulence and swirling flush
a place of normalcy found with gentled peace
only there, plundering chaos - found to cease.
September 1, 2001

Dense cold, kinked slow rise of chimney's smoke
bellowed up, til cold air - bent it broke
scattered layers spreading from each chimney pot
like filmy shrouds of white clouds - fresh morning brought.

White fog festooned down by river's bend
where warmer waters met cold air's blend
when both fog and sun early met, friendly drawn
such a silent day first spoke - to greet the dawn.

Loud bellows of unmilked cows, echoed clear
honking geese flew above, where fog made steer
but not before rooster calls were early spoke
muffled sounds mixed with smog - by first-firing's stoke.
September 11, 2001

When first felt rays of morning's sun
sparkled spider-webs, nightly spun
melted those crystals of frozen frost
until too briefly soon - rime found lost.

Then droplets reformed as simple dew
what night webs strung, morning's sun - withdrew.
September 19, 2001

Silken twists, released on Autumn's air
carried far and wide
late year's milkweed crop, seeds given heir
gently drift and glide.

Strewn across dry field's dearth, far scattered there
trust again is tried
Nature's worth of Summer's birth - like silken hair
shaken free with pride.
October 6, 2001

Fruit first found green til yellows, then ripens orange - deeply held
til Autumn's frost opens pods, wrinkled deeply orange and red
hanging whole winter through, tethered - dangling pediceled
since early Spring through Winter's frost, refused itself - be shed.
October 8, 2001

When shadows showed but paper thinned
as if light with dark, closely kinned
moon found faded wan, bare bleak of light
such seen, scattered so - of Winter's night.

When airless wind felt like freezing breath
as if would die a frozen death
only life seen - those stars far away
of such, wordless message might convey.

Harsh brittle cold, dying lack of light
held one to question - the end in sight?

Answered, when dawn made rosy gift of sky
stoic Nature lives on - til Sun should die.
December 16, 2001

Saddened moods, told in minored key
what once-things later came to be
factors, Time and Place both applied
by such facts, Fate would now decide
those future years - would soon provide.

Rainy days awoke with morning fog
soddened fields found a swampy bog
bleak hopes wore far worse, than wished to be
songs of life heard - played in minored key.

Sun unseen for days, bleakly chidden
its wanted glow, clouds darkly hidden
awaiting return of bright morning's sun
til April's rain be found - finally done.

Knowing tis but Nature's wonton spree
weathers heard and felt - in minored key.
January 5, 2002

Fine-grained snow fell the day
drifting til gently lay
watched - with but naught to say.

Winter's magic Nature gifts
windless air, so forms no drifts
peaceful play - one's Spirit sifts.

Such depths birth a silence
northern climes oft dispense
tis then - soft dreams commence.
January 6, 2002

When December storm, left all winter-white
found outdoors
from eve to morn, til dawn challenged night
day restores.

An experience, those who dwell a southern clime
never know
of nightly dew, morning's frost found frozen rime
perhaps - snow.

Nature wears different moods, as seasons shift
from Nature's booty
flaunting latest style, should weathers gift
their natural beauty.
January 8, 2002

Doth pathway skirting my scant holdings
sense missment of my passing by
unsettled birds, peeve with their scoldings
as if of my absence - asking why?

For late-winter snows gave no sign of prints
except those creatured of the night
since my untraveled steps left no hints
for absent shadows - can not write.

No doubt, hedge-rows have forgotten I
unaware, my passage unfound
as not of their concern nor its why
unknowing - too long held housebound.

When weathers fair, again will walk my way
note how Winter's wear took its toll
for soon, Spring will rebirth a warmish day
perhaps then - take my daily stroll.
February 21, 2002

Should night's malignant winds, intune squeaks and moan
as lie awake abed, hearing creaks and groan
lightning's bright flash, harsh crackings thunder rends
ominous hauntings - stormy weather sends.

Loose spouting rattles at eave's end, wind loudly howls
wasted leaves dance at window panes, like frightened owls
with sudden burst of wanton gust, house hard-shaken
raging fury loudly screams - whole world waken.

Surging blast of pelting rain, rattles windows as well as doors
spooky thuds emanate from those rooms below, or distant floors.

Leaves one dreaming, as if sailed some ancient ship at sea
thalassic gods of Neptune risen, wars with vengeful glee
seeing beyond the glass, gigantic waves lunging a-storm
full force of Nature's wrath alive - its winds asked to perform.

Gradually, storm's strength began to wither wan and weak
no longer does Nature's anger find need, to curse nor speak
until its after-silence left unheard, as sleep comes on
know morrow finds, wasted limbs and leaves - strewn across the lawn.
February 28, 2002

Cliff swallows flew figured-eight curving flights
enraptured me, as if were ritualed rites
pursuing varied insects, each held in sight
as an evening slowly faded - into night.

Swallows fed upon myriads, flying there
ever circling, acrobatics performed in air
oft skimming water's surface, with swift dapping dare
such magic Nature bred, late evening - gave heir.

By time I left, entire valley turned ghostly white
an eerie view, ground-fog glowed beneath full-moon's bright
of such beauty, my evening walk brought to sight
when swallows flew figured-eights - in evening's fading light.
March 5, 2002

Across Irish meads, leas and hedge-rows - a quiet world lay
til by mid-morning, sullen clouds scattered with darkish gray
though sun seen at first rising, nearing storm, threatened in vain
amassing gloom too high, too fast - here would not shed its rain.

Scattered kein lay green meadows, re-chewing first morning's graze
livestock unvoiced their sober content, farm dogs porched a-laze
such telling, storm would vent its moisture far beyond, further east
here foul weather simply skipped, I knew - but not those muted beast.

Such signs of impending weather hinted, mid-morning's forecast but a lie
long years of weather-watching, gave hopeful evidence - storm but passing by
so I ambled further on, trusting presumeful rain would be but dry
for life oft assumes days of gloom, yet sometimes not - left with brightful sky.

Mooded me, as if could hear pipes of some army marching through
light-hearted youth yet unfearful, what awaiting wars must do
each scurried by, eager for challenge beyond false darkness here
soon find what honored valor must pay - its deadly price of fear.

Before last clouds scudded off, returning sunlight - burnt off misty haze
cattle first tilted forward before rising, again began to graze
shadows gave definement of depths and shapes, sunlight's beauty found
lull of morning's marching clouds, soon forgot - like that army bound.

A day still remembered of, here poemed with but what memories may
when youth, war, foreign fields - my meandering steps gave stray
traced midst those rural lands, where Irish weather - once chose to play
as strode across meads, leas and hedge-rows - where a quiet world lay.
March 8, 2002

As late evening's air, brought chill with dampish dew
last rays of light, orange tinted clouds - held high
all else seen but silhouettes, dark shadows drew
til faint twinklings bestarred - a distant sky.

Here by sea-worn coast, where tides measure daily rise and fall
sand complains, of continent's shoreline's ill-raveled crust
centuries embattled, between land and sea - til rocks worn raw
eternal wear by wind and waves, tis such - erosion must.

No night birds nor insects entuned, only tide's scouring heard
gentle words water speaks, as touch and taste sharp edge of land
stars above twinkled, as if spoke some universal word
demurely chastened by Nature, such grandeur - brought to hand.

Tis then one's thoughts tempted, test strength of one's Faith and Truth
what Hopes might grasp, midst this vast Immense - by one so small
huddled like some timid creature, no older than its youth
enraptured by anendless view - overpowered with its thrall.

Til fragile quizzings within one's mind, could be fully known
frail attempts to breathe its richness, questioned answers found
as feeble hopes form then dissolve, never held as one's own
failed pretense presumed, sensed from silence - of unheard sound.

Time and Space seemed but phantoms, some sky-god felt pleased to show
midst dark and damp, touch of air, constant laps - wavelets wear
alone with such vastness, untrusting if All real or no
revelations late evening told, sea-shore - once whispered there.
March 22, 2002

Across meadowed fields, browns of August lie
brittle parched til crippled, as if soon would die
bright promise early Spring hoped, found but a lie
Winter's chill will soon slay all - with reaper's scythe.

Yet enkernelled there, futures hidden out of sight
as if unseen, forbear worst harsh of Winter's blight
til first blush of warm Spring returns its vernal light
thence rebirth themselves anew - an inherent rite.

Beyond innate powers, endless ages seem to prove
each holds some reserve, when Death makes its final move
vague hopes hinting, their resurrection true
midst Nature's vast - found Heaven's hidden clue.
August 15, 2002

Purpled ironweed sways, midst nodding golden rod
colors each Autumn gifts, beauty wrought from God
patient winds urging them, to humbly nod
roots freely grown - nourished from ancient sod.

Such regal colors, former kings once wore
as bravely led their armies into war
holy shades still displayed at Easter tide
past history yet informs - long held with pride.

Purple-gold freely cast among these rural dells
brilliant tintings, late Autumn's season yearly swells
when dying ironweed and golden rod cast their spell
slowly fading brown, such - cold Winters sadly knell.
August 21, 2002

Standing tall, against early Autumn's sky
wondering if their worth, now questions why
bleached stems turning brown, yet their seeds not wasted
sufficient, even annuals - full-life tasted.

As wonton winds blow and bend, crippling each stem
thoughts of death or its dying, unknown to them
each cell shriveling, early green - fast fading brown
til weight of Winter snows - slowly brings them down.

Proffered seeds, shattered kernels - now empty shell
cast by those wonton winds, or where simply fell
gathered by mice and birds, keen searching finds
enough remains, birthed next Spring - upwards climbs.

From their first sproutings, warm Spring found brought to birth
nurtured by sun and rains, minerals nursed of Earth
fresh green slowly inching upward, reaching for light's sky
trusting innate genes and weathers - for their growings by.

Densely neighbored, midst kindred kin and others
conflicting closeness, fearful each one smothers
growing short or tall, amidst struggled competition
or from close-crowding - stunted by malnutrition.

Greeting dawn, each leaf clinging morning's dew
thirst for Summer's sun, yearnings slowly grew
hoping their unseen flowers, be fertilized
giving cause, Nature's future-births - realized.

When mid-summer came, abuzz with insects hum
scattered pollen fertilized, their probings plumb
nurtured swollen seeds in each kernel's shell
til at last shaken loose, falling - whence each fell.

As Fall winds blow, bending stems, Summer's growing grew
for those annual weeds, their quiet life - finally through
crippled, slowly drying - dying back to ground
without one word of praise - beauty proudly crowned.

Wild fields, my searching eyes caught at sun-down
an early Autumn scene, of wan weeds turning brown
mooding mute thoughts, from what my own aging might
til twilight hid weedful crowd - beneath dark night.

Felt myself kindred with those weeds, sere and bent
of such parallels our lives both lived, seemed blent
efforts lost by wear, inclement weathers strew
yet enough saved for future years - healthy true.

Love that came full-term, giving life future hope
words wrote or spoken, given - so one might cope
felt in future hearts, to scatter down their years
bearing pains, living grieves - midst its tears and fears.

Knowing all growth seeds future days, planned or not
Nature one of those teachers, by which each are taught
midst life's harsh struggles, wars - countries fought
thankful what others shared - caring hands brought.

Such now recalled, standing tall against Autumn's sky
as evening's sun, slowly fading, brought twilight by
from aging memories, now left to woder why
truths old age preserved - until should down to die.
August 29, 2002

Upon morning's frozen air, icy flecks brightly danced
swirling flakes, softly drifting down
glittering rainbow's full color's range, bright sunlight chanced
shed from high heaven's - twinkled crown.

Until ten-below shrank mercury's red
an all-night arctic front's dropping fed
as ventured through this winter-wonderland
awed by what pristine nature's cold beauty bred.

Thin air filled with twirling crystaled flakes
slowly shed from tree limbs, soft winds swayed
a winter morning's sun and cold air makes
like a fairyland - in which had strayed.

All else stood silent, as if World mystified by this event
a rarity seldom seen, like some miracle - high-heaven sent
til rising sun began its melt, to end this brief display of beauty
as if too much of a good thing, interfered - with life's need for duty.

Soon after, waking birds emerged from brambles
where nightly dwelt those alder swamps, down below
their avian songs, blessed with morning's miracles
like a Matin's early ritual - might bestow.

Nature seen at its best, cold Winter shows
before Spring rebirths - for what Summer grows.
August 30, 2002

Upon yon hill, pines softly sway
upon my ears, heard what they say
constant whining, airs gently stir
heard sung by pines - hemlock and fir.

Of what might words tell, if could understand
prattled back and forth, within forest-land
soft stir of mere murmurings, world unknows
til muffled by heavy snow - Winter bestows.

Pines never hibernate, awake all winter through
ever active, like stirrings of a nervous shrew
hearing what Nature's signs naturally say
upon yon hill, when tall pines - gently sway.
August 30, 2002

For several hours or more, continuously fed
ever lifting off, when passing cars sped by
circled-flights brought each back, to where before had fled
others drifted upwards - soaring further high.

Longly watched, whiled a morning through til noon
then of late evening, again sat porch-steps by
espied midst those dead remains, were several coon
feasting like morning's buzzards - when creatures die.

Later, gibbous moon slowly emerged into view
casting soft light, reflecting wet of evening's dew
much too dim for me to note, yet sounds gave their clue
chew and gnaw of brittle bones, heard - til left but few.

When checked mail box next morning, nearly eight
no trace of fur nor feathers found left to tell
what prowling creatures of the dark, last night ate
no remnants remained, nor signs - of what once there fell.
October 18, 2002

Chilled wet winds blowing, til most leaves found fled
of but one day, through long blustery night
early morning next, showed what Nature shed
barren woods cleanly seen - if not quite.

Nature's cycle of birth through death, Time makes loan
from Spring's first fresh blush, such - Summer soon fulfills
until Autumn's scattered seeds, found freely thrown
whereof but one day and night, done - Time distills.

Within a single day and its after night
ground gold beneath naked trees, Fall's annual rite
what Autumn's magic gifts, cold Winter soon lays bare
til nothing left, but to tender - one's grateful prayer.
October 30, 2002

As evening shadows gather, dark descends
daily duties nearly done, night suspends
hearing what quiet gives - when hush attends.

As Nature's sobriety ends the day
midst tranquil memories, minds re-put in play
what each thinks upon, of such - need not say.

As evening shadows linger, Time quenched dead
toiled curse of day, night cedes peace instead
when dark descends - grateful prayers are said.

Should full-moon's rising, sheds its paled light
when Summer sings or Winter snows, shimmer bright
each inspires, what future hopes - just might.

Should one's evening end, to sit fire-side's brink
dance of crackling flames, aides one to think
til wears of day tire one - to nod and blink.

As life's shadows gather age, as long reflect
of one's final end to come, may soon expect
recounting deeds - of one's respect or neglect.

Til must cede defeat, fairly trusting God
as acknowledge Life, with our final nod
body back to earth - placed beneath cold sod.

As evening shadows gather at our grave
others may remember, of what we gave
full-trusting God, His love alone - will save.
November 12, 2002

Stone-wall fenced between meadowed lea and I
leaned thereon, to reap what brought of eye
watching sun's glow - descend down the sky.

A field once planted to yield rye
late autumn drilled, while cool ground yet dry
with sweated labors - will harvest next July.

Few years after, sown to wheat - just to try
another hot day, neighbors put to scythe
then shocked, later threshed - til straw-stack blown high.

Varied plantings sown, farm labors yearly ply
stone-wall mutely stands, perhaps wonders why
its ancient rocks, never grow - nor put to scythe.

There at dusk, a silent peace may grant
as whippoorwills gave their solemn chant
twilight seeds old scenes - new dreams may plant.
October 31, 2002 - June 11, 2003

After dreary weeks of grays and colds
brief days, early January often holds
first clear day, brightened by risen sun
such silent wonder - Nature's magic spun.

Brief beauty bidden, to pacify one's soul
although browns of barren fields - might seem droll.

Sun-bathed landscapes, beneath pristine azured skies
without winds ablow, such in holy quiet lies
ceding an inward peace, trusting what Nature knows
despite run of weeks, skies gray - with whitened snows.

But then my hopes harshly shattered, by thoughts of war
moral fractures from olden days - its waste and gore
so much suffering wrought of hate, lust and greed
Nature's calm peace tarnished - human sins still breed.

Sin yet wars with love, one's hopes tested to truly trust
quietude of peace, but an interlude - as it must
yet, after dreary weeks of Winter's cold and gray
brief reprieve felt a Peace, as if brought on - of May!
January 8, 2003

January's chill so cold and raw
great-horned owls gave no mating call
neighbored dogs refused to bark
new-moon froze - completely dark.

A-wonder tree-bark did not split
too cold for man nor beast - unfit
a night to sit one's fire-side's brink
there in silence - but sit and think.

Despite sharp extremes of frost and chill
winds gave no howl to moan their plight
as hoed between those rows, memories till
awaiting what morning shows - at first light.
January 19, 2003

White coldly shivered beneath full-moon's bright
bathing valley, below hill's brooding height
further chilled, by late January's hush of night
heart felt blessed - by Nature's ritualed rite.

As if stood near brink of endless Time
viewing some ageless forgotten clime
regathering lost days, when in my prime
before young dreams - churned to dust and grime.

Both dark and bright, full-frozen into silence
gave an illusion - vast Nature so immense
that star-dimpled sky unknowing I existed
its strength felt far stronger - though I resisted.

Of such beauty, cast upon those fields held frozen white
in silence standing there, pondering life's unknowing plight
such I had done long ago, beneath those dark depths of night
alert to natural wonders - Creation's eternal gifting might.

Its stoic silence, gave lie to a warmth I did not show
yet in my beating heart, felt its full strength of inner glow
sparked from an ancient Faith, mere Nature can never grow
so much beauty felt within - so much will never know.

Midst brittle cold, beneath a full-moon's bright
natural beauty bathed beneath full-moon's light
once chanced by me of a silent night
until saw things - with an inner sight.
January 27, 2003

Late-Winter winds prowl amidst bleak stand of trees
as if escape some menace from which it flees
harshly howling its unending quest, far beyond
seeking some unknown end - its natural search had spawned.

Leadened grays overcast all, Space and Time felt far above
steady blows ruptured by harsh gusts, as winds shift and shove
scudding clouds contending each other, fast rushing by
late-Winter winds growl unseen - beneath a snow-less sky.

Although wan browns lie dead, upon ground of frozen flint
longly mired beneath bleak grimes, of bleak Winter grays
lies a nascent hope, Spring's whispers urge - giving hint
as if ancient pulsing portends - springtime's greening days.

Winter winds and chill, quenched Nature's natural smile
as if must now attend some ill-weathered trial
former sins demanding a penance, ill-begotten
til joyed days of past Summer's warmth - found forgotten.

Trusting Nature's cycles will return, upon their appointed time
regather pleasures of former days, like those featured in one's prime
despite continued howl of Winter winds - for days on the prowl
from one's past, life retells, hopes will survive - whether fair or foul.
February 4, 2003

Lived long enough, to watch another three-day blow
whipped by wanton winds, shift and drift of endless snow
 brittle flakes scurried and scraped, building stranger shapes
til rearranged lay of land - left unknown snow-scapes.

For three days, ceaseless winds piled up Winter's white
howling high pitch of Nature's song, all day and night
sculptured with warp and whisk, blowing winds slowly built
prowled across frozen wastes - weaving cold Winter's quilt.

Erased former landmarks, relied upon to know of where
til beyond window's familiar view, only snow seen there
felt as if end of Time had come, condemning life to cease
yet beyond this show of white and blow - felt a hidden peace.

A change brought by windy snow, rare occasions might
weather's wear of Winter's scenery, but grays and white
turned daily routines to thoughts of life's hopeful aim
remindful of ancient dreams - holied scriptures claim.

Yet too soon, all will melt - its beauty a passing whim
til further days will show, this brief grandeur - growing dim
thereafter found but in memories, old folks often tell
when that year of three-day snow storm - cast its magic's spell.

Have one in mind, occurred back in nineteen seventy-eight
well remember its secret charm and fears, for three days straight
have lived to experience another, three days like before
perhaps may be the last will enjoy - my weather's encore.
February 17, 2003

Colt-foot blooms, edging roadways yellow
fresh Spring returns, warm and mellow
trees early blossomed, before found leaved
flora rebirthing - what Winter thieved.

Woodchucks seen pausing, road-berms by
chipmunks below, still sleeping lie
cold reptiles have yet to uncoil
toads and frogs dream on - beneath subsoil.

Migrant birds, passing through or stay
Nature awakens those that may
what last Spring freshly bred, now as adults returned
of those that died, stoic Nature seems - unconcerned.
April 3, 2003

With but several staccatoed clucks, hen's warning promptly brings
regathered feathered flock, to shelter beneath her wings
or by feebled bleatings, ewe's frenzied alerting cries
her lamb falls dead flat - foiling eagle's searching eyes.

Tis of such calls, Nature crafts to warn of sudden doom
parental care protecting offspring, birthed from their womb
but in the end, Death reaps all - each gathered to its tomb
growing old, beast or man matters not - of who or whom.
April 30, 2003

When Love came of age, to know fact from fable
when Hope found reason, to know of what able
then Love gave birth, a need each one craves
thence Life gave purpose - one's trusting saves.

Thoughts such as these, dry desert winds softly drift
heard within one's soul, ancient truths centuries sift
in quietude of arid wastes, prayers may gift.

For Nature's silence simmers minds, til gently brew
truths heard on arid winds, deserts - whisper true.
May 5, 2003

Full-moon blood-red, colored by airs upper mist
roiled clouds reshaped, formed with air's kneading fist
haunting winds searching - for those longly missed.

Midst vapid nights and undutied day
cloudful black, demands dour weathers play
Time soddened from dismal damps - foggy gray.

Premonitious feelings engulfed one's soul
pretentious hopes scuttled, in part or whole
pernicious moods, occluding - one's needful goal.

Ominous omens openly spoke, though feared
olden tales, folks heard when youngly reared
occasioned Devil's laugh - Times considered weird.

A string of dour days, people's lies convert to weeks
when thunder claps, grumbled words foul weather speaks
as lightning's flash leaves behind - its jagged streaks.

Tis of such, human hearts can not long endure
as weather's gloom breeds ill-reasons, obscure
tis then, bleak forebodings - one's feelings abjure.

Yet when bright sun, burns off cloud's wet mists of rain
fair weather found full returned, should sky-gods deign
premonitious feelings, finally squelched - Reason held sane.
May 18, 2003

Of what might they hold inside
we more brought-up, presuppose
Nature's secrets, Springs provide
brightful bloom of their rose
admired - til decompose.

Of what might these soon foretell
we more astute, could never guess
hidden grains, warm Summer fills
harvest reaped by long-labored stress
barn-gathered - before weathers froze.

Of what might some find, must always show
we more proper like, would always hide
barren Winter buries 'neath its snows
to wonder if by next Spring, has died
while Nature more learned of - simply knows.
May 27, 2003

Below its willowed banks
when evening's stillness lies
upon those peaceful water's quiet flow
birthed reflections - of Heaven's skies.

Sky returned to Earth - imaged there
clearly seen within
Space found full reversed
upon itself again.

Like looking into a mirror
to view one's face, to know who we are
when placid waters seen at night
reflects graven image of a star.

Moon as well, circled Space reseen
viewed either up or down
unlike those circus mirrors
showing one - like a clown.

Single swallow dapping stream's surface
shows as if two kissed head-on
thence both equally flew apart
leaves but one - to think upon.

Til deeper darkness obscures all this
profound mysteries, nightness darkly hides
to question, what one may find or miss
as Nature's innate beauty - gently glides.

Thus I left, with circled trajections
til reached my bed and sleep
dreaming of those doubled reflections
brought of streams - not sheep.
May 29, 2003

Beyond far reach of our searching mind
lie deep secrets, we shall never know
yet with such strength, as will always find
an endless need - for all things that grow.

Such, gravid Spring's yearly birthing brings
though some sired before Winter's cold
all Summer fed, til dry Autumn flings
orphaned progeny - their futures hold.

Yet, unknown by Nature's natural kin
fore-fashioned, but to feed and breed then die
their scattered dust regathered back in
recycled, so world - un-outworn by.

While each Spring, views their beauty flung
for what purpose - but their living grows
extracting dimensions minds have wrung
hopes squeezed - til their pleasant beauty shows.

Spawned like drifting spores, winds freely cast
til wonder what deep mysteries, therein found
so might reap answers, our dreams but ask
although like them - rooted to earthen ground.

Trusting beyond that far reach of searching mind
may discover olden secrets, we had never asked
til held with such strength, at last become - one kind
our endless need for love - others but briefly cast.
May 30, 2003

Standing free, yet felt full weight of ageless years
mid-field at dark of night, sky starred with spheres
such magnitude - vanquished my forgotten tears.

Prinkled star blinks, concaved in my upward view
ancient designs one's childhood vaguely knew
framed into gods - astrologers strangely drew.

Scattered across blackened sky, beyond human touch
their eternal presence, no reaching hand could clutch
annual shift of drifting stars, designed - strangely such.

Here might grasp a grandeur brought of wisdoms, old and new
late night's silence assuring any doubts, answered true
one's inner gratitude innately felt - godly due.

Magnitude of space, vastly measured within my eyes
gathered with an ignorance, confusing truth with lies
despite such distance, endless hopes - soon brought down to size.

Pleasure now slowly fading from present point of view
as urban's bright glow of lights, bedims what star-light threw
infinity tarnished, spoiling pristine Nature - once knew.

Panorama, clear nights brightly cast across the sky
now best observed, when visions full-viewed from mountains high
til know more by seeing less, nor need - surmise its why.

Captured within the mind, child years saved - from long ago
promise made by ancient gods, floods worldwide - would forego
akin to another view, daylight's sky-sign - arched rainbow.

With head held far back, proud to listen of our distant sky
timeless universe, speaking soft whispers that answer why
found midst sky's vast multitude - importance of you and I.
June 5, 2003

A tall barren tree, once painted with sheer shadows
naked portrait on frozen snow, itself bestows
by shades of gray, self-image wished to save
a cold winter's bright sunlight - so freely gave.

Winter nights so dark, tree's self-painting left unseen
until morning's sun would slowly rise
retouchings greyly added, its daily routine
every day tree's shadow - darkly lies.

A week later, I chanced to pass thereby at noon
gray March day found frozen snow, melted completely
tree's self-portrait erased, shadows no longer strewn
its graven image, warm weather stole - discretely.
June 9, 2003

Whence drives that surge of rising juice
when Winter's thaw, melts bondings loose
some innate urging, Nature knows
as warm Spring melts - what Winter froze.

Til those coiled leaflets in awaiting bud
of night and day, unfolds with sappened flood
instinctively distending, til flushed full
both leaf and buds - swathed with fuzzy wool.

As advancing days grew further warm
heating hidden seeds, roots, buds and corm
nudging their vernal growth, cell by cell
enlarging stalk and stem - saps slowly fill.

At last, barren branches found fully leaved
silent throbbings, its life-pulse nightly heaved
budding blooms beflowered with rainbow shades
natural beauty pictured - midst leafen glades.

Reproduction replacing Winter's kill
from earthly powers, with genetic skill
all done in silence, ears cannot hear
special envoy - Spring sends each year.

Plant's brief wear of annual growing season
yearly yields - keeping their species alive
higher forms of life, discern by reason
understanding how beauty - may survive.

An orchestration offered, each may hear
all may attend, heard with hopeful ear
a music Nature full-plays from out the spheres
that eternal serenade - of endless years.
June 14, 2003

Where erosion slowly gnaws with weathered teeth
as if eschewing, what former ages long assay
grain by grain, life by death, love crippled by grief
as might shortly seem, our world - soon eaten away.

Time's ageing practice of slow decay
yet unwasting world's worth away
recomposing from its decomposing
recycled, thereafter - re-exposing.

Far beneath those fragile layers on top
embroils churn of hot lava's molten rock
Nature's nursery rebirths a newer crop
slowly evolved by volcanic rumbled shock.
June 5, 2003 - October 15, 2003

As stalked sharp edgings of Fall fields
hearing those last vagrant calls
starkly voiced in cold morning's dawn
Autumn's final song - of parting birds.

Soon lost beyond, with their far-traveled flights
warm southern climes again will hear
exemplifies what Death may offer
to those whose hopes - encompass such.

A sign Nature signals of
should such whim be inly felt
joy of their summered songs
a sadness - Winter remembers by.

When nascent Spring rebirths anew
should Life gift its extended stay
fond notes Winter lost, reheard again
forgotten echoes - fresh hopes convey.

Their bright melodies brought on drifting winds
changing seasons, sun and clime yearly shift
as long as winds shall blow, will never cease
sang with such a purity - gifting peace.
December 5, 2003

There awakened, in cold bleak blear of dawn
turbulent clouds, sky awash with varied grays
their edgings tinged of rosy-orange, or steely blues
dawn doubtful, as if beneath - some sadness lays.

Til further clouds gathered, enveloped by a gloom
forbidding colors, only those full-featured wan
growing grimmer, as if awaiting some doom
their portentous performance - first shown at dawn.

Scraping clouds, scoured off brief flurries of snow
untinseled, without sunlight's bright sparkled sky
soon found lost, but a flaunting teaseful show
as if dared a winter-storm - awaiting by.

Until by noon, cloud layers risen high
in silence, told no storm intended by
just a common winter day, dullish gray
yet strong overtures felt - should weathers may.

A day to sit indoors, but think or doze
of what cold bleak blur of dawn early chose
til found another mood to bear my day
after wrote, what here found - had need to say.

Even as I closed up these versing lines
sun briefly peeped between - reassuringly!
December 6, 2003

In still silence of their green growing
floral whispers spoke between, sometimes heard
when brought to life by meek winds blowing
til a tossing limb, roused - a singing bird.

Despite solid girthing of its trunken bole
tall upstanding, gave green leaves further height
til sun's aim found precluded, deep shadows stole
promised sun-beams found unseen - gifting light.

While tree shed its dying leafage
tales told between their il-ravaged limbs
sun's light lost, weeping sad death's griefage
Autumn rains sadly sang - their burial hymns.

Those barren branches now naked bare
forgotten seasons grew long ago
when full-moon's bright scattered there
nude shadows cast - upon snow below.

In that quiet, windless days bring by
mere murmurings meekly told
sad episodes, limbs would later cry
but only after - tree grew old.

Til fell that fatal day, one came
needful not of beauty but fuel
as tree trembled, yet without shame
others standing by - thought so cruel.

To this day, old stump can be found
still marking where that proud tree once grew
rotted back to its ancient ground
as neighbored trees shed - their tears of dew.
December 12, 2003

Fading orange of Autumn's wasting leaves
chastely unraveled denuded trees
ravaged waste, wrought by harsh weather's freeze
tis such barren nakedness - Winter grieves.

Dismal damps, should rainy sleet chill the day
brooding clouds lour low, foul weathers may
life quenched within those dark lairs, Nature provides
future's hopes cursed - by what fickle Fate decides.

Remnants of a world, once bright with hopes of Spring
echoes still remembered, returning migrants sing
within the mind, their early beauty still seen
such recalled, when Spring woods rebirth - fresh and green.

That silent stillness, dying world left behind
of its final demise, to such now resigned
so I turned, and left this scene of desolation
to wonder what god decreed - such desecration.

Lost hopes of foul Winter, found rebirthed by vernal's germination.
when Spring returns once more, newly blessed - by Nature's consecration.
February 24, 2004

A balmy day with southern wind
to bring those migrants back
once more to greet our feathered kin
refurbished - my missment's lack.

Each morning finds further more
to graze my lawn for worms
each eve warbles songs of yore
announcing - sexual yearns.

Again measure out their swirled flights
loud flutings, old ears reheard again
flock formations fly soaring heights
rebirths lost memories - restirred within.

Varied venues each specie claims
territories fought with beak and claw
brief battles played as breeding games
testing readiness - with bits of straw.

Early twittering awakens dawn
their frenzied excitement loudly sung
as wing and dive above greening lawn
foreign chatter - in avian tongue.

I awaiting that still silence, cold-snap brings by
morning songs recently prayed, now held mute
til noon-sun melts cold frost, once more birds sing and fly
knowing some still must wend - a northern route.

Til mid-May's weather, few flock together
nesting duties now claim future days
for soon will preen and comb down each feather
return long trip back - to southern lays.

When cool Fall days return, urging all - southward fly
old migration songs, young birds newly learned must try
such I will ignore, so may reap their beauty now
as feast their charm on lawn - a-wing or bough.
April 13, 2004

Early morning's fog felt like smoke
slowly rising by new risen sun
warmed up by sunlight's-shaken stoke
til fog burned off, morning's magic - spun.

Thus began another day to exist
God's grace and Nature freely assist
giving one some quiet time to reminisce
after dusting off - life's aging verdigris.
April  20, 2004

Soft white snow, slowly melted into sodden slush
churned to mired mud, as would make purity blush
bemiring all wet and soggy, til felt such disdain
appealed those weather gods - for a cleansing rain.

With such a meanness, cold March brought too longly stay
Winter's trash left behind, Spring's duty must cleanse
before solid ground burnt dry, Summer's warming may
ravaged wastes left by - March-April weather sends.

Bright white of August sky, daily churns ground to sand
as torrid winds stir, drifting across heated land
shriveled up, burnt dry - til Summer felt such disdain
appealed those weather-gods - for a cooling rain.
April 25, 2004

There are those natural songs, Nature's gifting sings
in the open, or within deep heart of things
at unknown times, outbursts some inner sound
heard across world's heights - murmured below ground.

Ancient whispers wafted freely upon the wind
stirred by creatures, armed with beak and claw or finned
others gifting sweet pipings, those with flight and wing
midst poet's thoughts, thought best - for birds can truly sing.

Low rumbles beneath tall mountains, stressed far below
high screams tornadic winds yell, with its highs and lows
unending lap of sea-side wavelets, washing to and fro
sharp ring of ice-berg's twisting snap - echoes come and go.

Sudden crack then thud, ancient tree's falling shouts
dreaded warning buzz of wasps, or bees fearful drone
insistent hiss or rattles, startled snake flouts
injured creatures meekly utter - their dying's moan.

A resplendent repertoire, Nature's songs bring to hand
innate voicings shaken loose, across a heedless land
endless wash of sea wavelets, wearing out coastline sand
til arose unique creature, could self-compose - that gift of Man.
April 25, 2004

Autumn's morning chill gave burst of pods
 released silk of milkweed seeds, to freely fly
loft from brown-hulls, their dry stems left behind
such worth Fall brings, of warm Summer's birth
with that final flourish - sere Autumns try.

In coming days of far colder chill
life frozen in its tracks, soft snows will
records those footings, feet out-measure
into trackings of their nightly travels
unknowingly leave behind - like signatures.

Tis such creature's un-owingly sign, to endorse
an early morning's chill, night-air wrote
upon a wintry scene early come, late Octobers may
affirming Winter soon will come - again.

Mindful of those playful showings, Nature freely displays
without need of fans nor pay
as season's beauty, beatified itself with saintly stature
one there might - well worship by.

Give thanks beyond that sky above
prayed from earth below - those far depths
we cannot see, but merely guess
a hidden value only Faith can spend
to buy of Life - what Death may.

Til cold Winter's claim upon a land, that gave us
birthing rights, thin air we breathe - may earn
to buy our worth, to live another day
or unnumbered years - best left to God.

Each one counts upon those awaiting days
Time may gift ahead, one's faith assures
lies there beyond, til that final day - redeemed thereof.

Then a warning chill will touch our brow
gently recalling, what long years felt
like silken fluffs of remembered times
strung across past years - life kindly dealt.

When greening stems of Summer's birth, slowly turns
brittle brown, by slow decay of aging growth
such dying brought by frosty chills, cold Autumn flings
yearly worth of Nature's anthem - so proudly sings.
April 28, 2004

In ancient kingdoms, of wild forests dim
pristine relics, only tornados trim
unknowning axen chips or curf of saw
humbled beneath aged giants, standing tall
still hear wild hauntings - of wolfen's call.

Few left growing there, mere remnants from their past
last trace of prehistoric trees, dying fast
salvation for Eden's garden last stand
atmospheric warmth, precludes future years
as predicted warming trend - slowly nears.

Til old tin-types and Muir's writings, left to tell
Nature's sanctity - grandeur of magic's spell
soon lost like others, past ages tumbled down
mere echoes re-heard, old books their authors crown
vast stretch of endless green - slowly turning brown.

For Time still rambles on, proud Destiny will provide
endless years evolving change, both new and old collide
only those meekly brave, found grown beneath tall trees
may survive climatic change, hid midst rocken screes
as those above timber-line, now found - seldom freeze.

Constant change of Time and Place, endless ages grow
Life and Death an eternal trend, yet very slow
all once knew of our Earth, some day overturned
yet our world still wobbles on - unconcerned.
May 1, 2004

Rumbled jolts of unending thunder struck
lightning flickered across foul blackened skies
raining drops, dimpled field's dirt to muck
mid-summer afternoons - so often tries.

Cloud-mists in deep hollows, now slowly fades
into a silence, like after-left upon a stage
ends a Summer's day, beneath evening shades
til drizzled drops, but merely echoes - of storming's rage.

Soaked up three week's worth of dry dust and grime
freshly cleansed into a refurbished clime
world recharged itself, once again renewed
as evening sky, oranged to red - til purple hued.

Scattered Zodiac strewn with star-blinks, fiercely bright
air's purity, allowing clear view of solid night
infinity gave answers, night's clarity brought
understanding much of life - by what Nature taught.

Telling in due time, all things must end - at last
yet rebirths another age, faith-hopes forecast
despite rumbled jolts suffered upon life's way
yet gifts an interlude - fresh tomorrows may.
May 18, 2004

Vortexed into a swirled madness
churned with some innate senseless haste
roiled by raging spumeful foam
both below and beyond - those falls.

Thence thereafter, but a soundless silence
within placid quietude of tranquility
peacefully composed with restful repose
demurely flowing with calm serenity
unpretentiously - sedately composed.

Slowly drifting with such quiescent ease
til heard peaceful churnings, of distant seas
those ancient yearnings, flowing water still desires
upon an ocean's quiet calm - at last suspires.
June 3, 2004

Vagrant drifts of gentle winds
scattered ripples across a stagnant pond
rafting leaves ferried, into its moorage
on leeward side, now gently rise and fall
like incoming breakers - on evening's tide.

Cloud-puffs dirft across an azured sky
as their shadows raced across the land
like some imagined herd, thunder stirred
stampeded into a collective, common cause
some instinctive fear gave heed - to scurry fast.

Midday thermals cycled rising currents
scudding across fertile farming fields
urging bending grass, to nod or kneel
in praise of a power deeply felt, yet unseen
til cool of evening, calmly brought surcease
whereby air surrendered, twilight - signed with peace.

As pond ripples melted into flat sheets of glass
those moored leaves still hovered close to shore
viewing pictured images, reflected there
mirrored surface, pond copied down the sky,

Til brought into question, that of Beauty or God itself
lost day once lent to me, without need - to answer why.
June 5, 2004

Lost within a fairyland of swirled snows
sparkled condensations, sharp-coldness froze
eternal whiteness, in all direction shows
fast falling flakes surrounding me, blindness knows
until asked why or whence - whither should one go.

All done in mystic silence of drifting bright
cascading bits of gray, midst its swirling white
frozen flakes gayly dancing, in supernal flight
gifted like manna, freely flung - high Heaven might.

Only in bright day, could such sheer magic show
stood as one lost, encircled within its glow
hallowed by Nature's blessings, brought of snow
dazzled bright gave birth, prayers to God - I owe.

Nature at its finest, flaunting such beauty there
old age remembers, an occasion most rare
midst swirled clouds of snow, but to stand and stare
awed by such beauty, Nature - had given heir.
June 5, 2004

Gathered storm of mid-summer rain
woke silence of late afternoon
loud thunder shook those darkened clouds
til final sound of storm - fell slain.

Sun soon emerged with warming shine
returned damp's wet, back up the sky
bird-calls filled space in between
left behind - what Beauty brought by.

Sunset burned out with orangy glow
as fading purples, dimmed til dark
by ten, full-moon bathed all below
freshly cleansed - for dawn's early start.

Morning's landscape, birthed primal pristine
refurbished by what dark storm, washed clean
Nature briefly laundered, hung out to dry
freshened beauty brought - of mid-summer's sky.
June 24, 2004

Should ill-broken filmy webbings
raveled by wanton air
til gibbered in the shaken wind
tattered-torn - dangled there.

Yet when morning came
drying webbing's tangled cleave
overnight, found itself repaired
with newer strands - spiders weave.

Hid between porch and door
to catch some unwary bug or fly
instinct caused it built
unaware - my need to enter by.

Until comes first frozen frost
driving spiders deep underground
hibernate cold Winter through
til Spring rebirths - its battleground.

As what I would daily waste
Time brought by, but to lose or win
what my anger felt, mattered least
spiders calmly mend - their webs again.
July 1, 2004

In soft silence beneath an evening's sky
beyond stir of daily din, town-folks quest
atop secluded rock of barren tor
viewed a quiet sea, day's end - put to rest.

On far horizon, sea's edge merged with misty sky
along shore far below, evening bats flew prublind
felt wind's gentle flow, twilight's cool caress brought by
soothed by dying heat of day - sun left behind.

Sea's solitary distance, led out to unknown ends
curving gravity, curled around an ancient world
yet far above, other suns gleamed as twinkled stars
measured out distant miles - I will never travel by.

Confined as but an earthling, constrained by what might see
whereof here, evening's beauty lent wonders, brought to eye
gave circled view, across lay of land and endless sea
dregs of day worn down to night, with death - of evening's sky.

Til dark's silence ceased all sounds, except those liquid waves
tide's pull lured to touch and taste, sharp grit of edging sand
an endless repetitious prayer, faithful sea nightly prays
in homage to a shore, where tiredfull waves - finally land.

Dimming light, gave last hint of all below or beyond
immersed in a total darkness, til could but respond
feeling that soft breath of coolness, night brought of air
hearing gentle lap of wavelets - still speaking there.

When to my right, rose pristine glory of full-moon's glim
chanced to peep above edge, of ocean's distant rim
its soft glow shed ghostly palls, with an eerie bright
til all that lay before, shimmered - with spectraled light.

Moon in the east, slowly hove above black-darkened sea
dull lunar's glow, gradually spreading - so one might see
bathed my view, with some dark magic - deathly white
seeing all as day, yet weakly - if not quite.

Lapping wavelets, now sparkled with joyed content
to know of what they understood, my dreams but invent
as eyes learned of rare schemes, beauty brought to share
til felt as one well-blessed - by such grandeur there.

Beneath wan moon's light I rose, returned to whence first came
down from high barren rocks, of an ageless Irish tor
slow-footing late of night, aware I was not the same
patterns of peace, laced within my soul - my coming for.

Whereof onward years, led me across far otherwheres
astride foreign soils, wars brutality oft shares
yet recalled gathered glints, Nature's beauty gifted me
long evening once spent, by barren rock - and quiet sea.
July 10, 2004

If one should have such keen ears
as elves may well listen by
of either day or night - hears
that pulse of Life's - throbbing sigh.

Beneath ghostly mushroom's crown
shielding night's dewy wets
deftly hear Life's surging sound
when evening sun - finally sets.

Nudging cell by cell, its growth
becoming what will become
crafted by God, Pan or both
hear life's quiet beat - of drum.

Full season without reason
to grow from what each may sow
in one's own proper season
mere Nature cedes - chance to grow.

For Life holds no fear of Death
nor what obtains thereafter
within its own living breath
of itself - their own crafter.

Passing seasons still come then go
past eons, old ages lost
back to first blink of Time's dim glow
playful God - once freely tossed.

Still the ages pulse, with Life's quickened throb
hid deep beneath or far above
whence ancient seas, first bred some primal blob
poets feel - but silent Love.
July 14, 2004

Upon an evening early, lone phoebe broke into song
as if should celebrate, what all others sang - might be wrong
or perhaps to question why, Spring days now found - growing long.

Such curiosity, my thoughts placed upon a simple bird
attributing intelligence to that song, tenderly heard
proudly warbled pristine beauty, til even God's love - felt stirred.
July 14, 2004

Sudden frost on north-side banks, soon showing
cell's walls ruptured, by brief morning's sun
nipped in the bud, before flowers growing
season's crop of fruiting peach - undone.
July 15, 2004

Out of ancient mud of Devonian seas
Life firstly stirred, within its primal slime
til strange creatures emerged, now-days no one sees
yet gave seed, first Man would birth - in Time.

Early writings still found in desert caves
primal stories that tell of Man
each age recasts, from what past memory saves
across lost years - of endless span.

Like a fish in its bowl, our wombs give birth
with hopes of what may later, come to be
among those dreams, Life first swam - brought of Earth
reflections giving birth - from an ancient sea.
July 15, 2004

Should this be the last of Winter's angry show
a trifling fling of half-rain, half-mixed with snow
besmudging first day of Spring, before Winter goes
hibernal's destiny unknowing - what it chose.

Found left behind a sodden waste, of snow and mist
Winter's last betrayal, given much like Judas kissed
beclouds a landscape's hungered hope, for birth of Spring
unknowing what vernal's resurrection - May will bring.
July 18, 2004

What is perfectly straight
always found slightly curved
til curls upon itself - again.

Or if patiently wait
Time bends, inwardly swerved
til inly spirals - ever after.

Either continuously spinning outward
or else upon itself, everafter
for Space is eternally arched
also measured - speeding ever faster.

For Space-Time closely intertwined
held within our minds as co-combined
such Science now declares, or assumes
Art uncaring such - simply presumes.
July 26, 2004

As gathered by fireside brink
warming frozen hands and feet
storm outside, bid one think
as warm air and cold rain - brought sleet.

Til world glazed with frozen paste
glittered with refracted light
ice coating outdoors coldly laced
lasting two days - and one night.

As frozen hopes shattered my dreams
day's gentle rain, tonight will freeze
telling tales of icy schemes
morning's thaw, brought of - warming breeze.
July 27-29, 2004

Carved out by slice of late evening rays
as Winter sun's orangy hue, silhouettes
leafless nakedness, nude branching waves
strokes painted by Winter sun - twilight sets.

Light fading into dark shadows of night
left its sad melancholy mood behind
asking either Life or Death, if it might
dies down a Winter's day - cold hopes designed.

Such beauty, a dying day drew down
barren tree darkly shadowed there
with blessings, twilight beauty may crown
upon my hopeful eyes - like a prayer.

Left behind a silence, felt now ending
as declining shadows merged into black
gave brief hints of future days, still pending
as well as what olden memories - brought back.

Beauty birthed, at sharp close of Winter's frozen day
to silhouette tree branchings, laced on cold snow's white
firmly froze a past, only Beauty's echoes pray
what evening brought down, old eyes gathered up - that night.
August 3, 2004

Among several sounds, basic to our world
 eternal Time echoes, both days and nights
with such grandeur, shouts its cascading calls
loud thundered sound - of endless water-falls.

A running sewer, humans have long cursed them with
uncaring how impure, its toxic waters gift
damned up for power, commercial travel blocks
going up or down, falls foreshortened - with locks.

Ceaseless noise outwearing that bedrock, it flows upon
chewing away an ancient continent, from days bygone
slowly eroding its rocky river-bed, back upstream.
gathered from distant mountains - Time cannot redeem.

What does this most basic sound, have yet to tell
ever falling downward, with its thundered yell
Nature's energy, spewed across long reach of years
ceaseless, soundful, downwards - heard by human ears?
August 10, 2004

I dwell upon a ravaged soil
whose virgin land once wastefully raped
its fragile layer, left to spoil
exposed barren ground - erosion shaped.

Pleasured their lustful need for oil
ground later mined, for second-rate coal
maidenhead torn by thrustful toil
pristine land debased - without a soul.

Damaged goods, left to struggle on its own
ill-scavaged, barely able to survive
tares sown on acid ground and barren stone
cheaply used, til cast aside - half alive.

Sins of the past, forgiven if not forgotten
injured soil slowly healing, infected wounds
a mistress misused, purity - beastly riven
time mending wasteful haste, ill-use - so rudely pruned.

Yet proud Nature ever forgives its own
beast and flora eager, just to grow again
each Spring rebirths more species grown
as patient Time re-nurtures - what once had been.

Past sins forgiven, fertility returns
scant birthings, each season's growth slowly re-learns
til years anon, lost all trace of plundered thrust
gentle Nature, absolved scars - of former lust
again left to human futures - with hopeful trust.
September 3, 2004

That cold chilled space, where sky gifts its light
through panes of dirty glass
as if evens out such dullish bright
spare sun's sparse warmth - may pass.

Noon found no brighter than first dawn's glowing
as might have birthed, of world's first showing
cold damp's waste, painted with such an even gray
as to drag down mock despair - of another day.

When its quiet mood of murky silence came
monochromes painted the world, much the same
with uncolored shades of dull whites and black
cold silence of a morning - no smile could bring back.

Birds held their Matin's, mutely prayed unsung
hunkered limbs near tree trunks, close branchings clung
a time of deep broodings, wan weather's ill-effect
like a day left uncalendared - by God's neglect.

Morning's somber mood, awaited some portending
Time held on hold, as if God had changed His mind
of all those ancient days, this day found transcending
climate change or world's drift - now realigned.

Such dark forebodings felt, would out-alter all
as if world stopped, so as spin the other way round
old laws rescinded, new ways of thinking saw
with wan hopes tightly clutched, seemed best - but to hug the ground.

Was as those gray clouds loured down, lower by
immersed within a foggy mist, one's sight held unseen
perhaps world's end, cried out its final sigh
as if by noon, that final judgment - would now convene.

When midday arrived, full sun found melting
that dirty glass of gray, now brightly clear
seen like fresh green of a southern veldting
old tunes bird-calls sang - could sharply hear.

To know again, Life lives on much as before
old world wobbles on, I again will explore
for Earth is all one may grasp, with out-searching hands
still trusting faith, solid ground - upon which one stands.
October 22, 2004

Sheets of rumpled white, spread with sparkled snow
well-tucked in, between woods and fence-line row
late evening laid to rest - beneath full-moon's glow.

Shadowed silhouettes, imaged barren trees frozen still
cold night's freeze, shivered Nature's nakedness with frosty chill
moon's haunting light, swept across sparkled glaze of icy hill.

Frozen beauty, Winter enswaddled with pristine purity
white sheets of snow, comfort snuggled with warm security
wore night abed, moon and snow, blessed with cold calm assurity
til Death takes me down in dark depths, of grave's - dim obscurity.
October 25, 2004

All those miles of wide open space
ceaseless prairie winds, ever blowing
horizon leveled flat, eyes far trace
surmise Winter days and nights - but snowing.

An endless land, flat beneath domed sky
gray clouds take full half-day, coming by
within half-hour, rain blown completely dry
til brief evening sun - quickly downs to die.

Mile after mile, graveled roads led their way
straightly endless, quivered mirages danced in play
as ceaseless winds, fondly caressed the land
silent whispers told - one could understand.

Pure Nature flung, across endess spread of prairie
its beauty so vast, one must longly tarry
a solemn moment, between land and sky
questions one might ask - now full-telling why.

Half century of former years, have fled and gone
at odd moments, still hear prairie's lonely song
melodies woven, by waving grass and grain
youthful days of freedom - later years have slain.

Nature gifted, weathered features of land and sky
one's daily prayers, old age has not forgotten - why.
November 3, 2004

Crusty ledge of brittle stone
winter winds and ice, wears thin
high above tree-line, where far below
in silence stood - as one left alone.

Mountains stressed up, from deep below
by tectonic's nudging shove
awaiting lava's final blow
just when - I unknowing of.

Eternal wear of Nature's waste
til earthen quakings rumble loose
tis slowly done with gradual haste
decreed by - elemental Zeus.
December 7, 2004


Unknowingly felt those needs
for barren rocks, cold and gray
outcrops interspersed with weeds
out alone - at break of day.

There view fresh morning's sun-rise
heard sharp sound, from crack of dawn
before festered by those damn flies
early June breeds - wet swales spawn.

Thus a day began, long ago
evidence could not now prove
where loud sea breakers come and go
each wave wearing - wet sand smooth.

Heard plaintive calls, sea-gulls daily cry
as swoop and dive, their morning feeds
dove beneath cold waves, thence up the sky
such I saw, midst sea's - wasting weeds.

Whence grew tired, watching gull's proud display
thence clambered up hillside's well-worn path
to where barren rocks, lie cold and gray
tis such Beauty - rugged Nature hath.

As if my morning ventures, were a prayer
my silent lips unchose, what words might say
whereof deep within, felt a blessing there
such to end one's dark night - at break of day.
December 11, 2004

Among those tallest trees known to man
awed by such power, long growing can
from mere seed, a mouse could easily seize
such grandeur, long ages - grew of these.

Hugely grown til so gargantuan
older than an ancient Grecian ruin
each stood tall, like all its sisters there
down centuried ages - long given heir.

Humbled by towering strength, each held
rarely ever seen when finally felled
roots clutch deep ground, their tops touch the sky
til inspirations felt - left one shy.

When viewed far up, brought one down to size
humbled by such bulk, growth yearly tries
long after, will always remember
son and I viewed - late last September.
December 15, 2004

Without fame nor name
each looked much the same
until Spring returns
then sex - their concerns.

May feed upon locust
when eyes fully focused
til have grown sleek and fat
tis sex - their aiming at.

Yet when found, quickly done
will breed with any one
til time and wear, brings change
to those young - might seem strange.

With neither fame nor name
even so, looks the same
rest of year - simply terns
til Spring again - returns.
December 16, 2004

Such beauty eyes beheld
caught me unaware
stoic stood, felt compelled
from what envisioned there.

Such, Nature freely gave
frozen crystals locked in stone
from what long ages save
sharp as glass - innate as bone.

Built upon earth's firm foundation
gravity tightly held in place
Nature's primal rock of creation
sharp crystaled glints - centuries still grace.

Brittle chunk of vast universe
yet of itself, unlike a bone
crystaled beauty, each found diverse
hard-locked within - its ancient stone.

Such I found of beauty, well-hidden there
a morning early brought in view
to know again, even rocks, cold and bare
fully blessed - just like morning's crystaled dew.

Baptized by Nature's natural rite
until warming sun's, heats up the day
allowing crystals to vanish quite
like proffered prayers - humble beauty may.
December 16, 2004

Fast fell flakes of snow, harsh its hurried haste
crystal flecks, swirled into that weedy waste
of unthought corners, old shed hid inside
such mysteries, snow and winds - will not confide.

By mid-afternoon, snow measured three-foot deep
such surmised, as warmly sat by chimney's keep
with hot coffee, watched snow's swirling twist
into odd corners, one thought - would have missed.

After supper supped, snowfall finally quit
winds died down, as if told was end of it
just enough for beauty, yet not snowed-in
grateful snow ended - for what might have been!

Those who dwelt in town, had all sorts of trouble
shoveled snow piled high, til twicely double
as warming sun slowly melted, snow's three-foot drifts
Winter's beauty briefly gave - Nature seldom gifts.
December 23, 2004

Inert clods of frozen dirt, cold Winter tightly held
til first warm days of nascent Spring, would unthaw
again to breathe and crumble, so seeds might sprout
above ground, thence en-flower a vernal season with
such beauty, of fresh smells and colors, as would greet
another year of growth, to share with what they gave
by innate labors - Nature's natural growing brings.

Til those barren days, of cold Winter's sharp chill
frozen land might break down, into crumbled dirt
soft and warm, til nurtured what nascent Spring
would grow again on fallow land, cold Winter saved
until full blush of Spring, found returned - once more.
January 8, 2005

Of what now lies scattered, midst Fall's fallen leaves
Winter's pleasure, ill-ravaged with winds and snow
as if to bury late Autumn's waste - Winter grieves
til frozen ground hides, what cold weather - buried low.

Of what size, it matters not, midst trees taken down
cold-sheathed sleet of late Fall rains, silvered late at night
broken branches, fell midst Autumn leaves wasted brown
dawn awoke with bright cold glitter - of frozen light.

Of what eyes unable, night owls so fiercely see
patroling dark Nature, to feast their hungered want
underground, small mammals search with their famished plea
placate their starving hunger - worn til wan and gaunt.

As cold skies scattered birds, to roost in barns and shed
their patience awaits sun's melt, of Winter's frozen Earth
stoically perched in silence, starving til be fed
their world gone sterile - but icy barren dearth.

What sleet coats down to die, icy Winter quickly froze
as slow starvation, wastes shivered bodies down to death
four full-days and nights, uncaring Mother Nature froze
as buzzard fowl, scavaged birds - death breathed their final breath.

Of what cries for such hopeless waste, bid by frozen sleet
sudden drop in temperature, encased all in hardened ice
til warmth returned, to melt silvered landscape by solar heat
when winter weather froze cold ground - into rock-hardened gneiss.
January 11, 2005

That time of year, noon-day sun held half-high
mid-winter shows, when clear blue seen of sky
of such at noon recalled - memories brought by.

Air crystal clear, sparkled on diamond-cut snow
winds packed tight, upon its crust - snowshoes go
a time long past - Canadian wilds owe.

Clean air, blue sky - hard-packed snow glittered white
Nature sensed pristine, mid-day held full bright
such cold weathers seemed today - if not quite.

Though now inhabit a more southern clime
noon-day coffee, took my thoughts back in time
realms will not return - past youth in its prime.

Tis such magic found, of boreal skies at night
pulsing phantoms, those wavering northern lights
seldom seen where now dwell - citied skies lit bright.

Still one may dream, how their past used to be
back when fresh youth, foot-lose and fancy-free
old eyes recalling, what now - cannot see.

Growl of prowling winds, howls of wolfen call
or that strange night's silence, or no sound at all
but God and I - reading starlight's glittered scrawl.

What did such magic first conjure up far back then
when more years lay ahead, than youth already been
now full-knowing, what then unknew - far back when.

A sort of sadness felt deep down within
recalling times long past, still saved therein
knowing days up North - will not come again.

For North is still North, proud place that tries one's youth
testing Winter's bite of cold's ice-frozen tooth
on hard-packed snow of barren wastes, taught - cost of Truth.
January 21, 2005

Colors black, white and gray
seemed, too longly stay
such - March weathers may.

Bleak and barren, frigid chill
harsh winds, starkly shrill
such - March weathers will.

Sun peeks through, then quickly hides
too briefly its warmth abides
tis such - March weathers tried.
March 4, 2005

Near-on six months, been away
south winds flew birds back today
first arrivals, fled south last Fall
now again - hear their cheerful call.

Each day now, returning brightly plumed
their scattered voicings so sprightly tuned
another Spring brought them freshly back
gifting those cheerful songs - Winters lack.

Males staking out their breeding space
love-songs twittered with avian grace
court and woo, til twinned a bonded pair
few weeks more, eggs hatching - nestlings heir.

Thereafter to sing my mornings up
drink down their beauty from Nature's cup
cheerful melodies, daily warblings spin
despite wars still commit - their ancient sin.

A concert, each dawn and evening plays
I freely acknowledge with my praise
as Spring awaits what their returnings bring
morning's wet grass baptized - whence dew-drops cling.

Despite their love-play, merely innate lust
young not abandoned, nor starved down to dust
fond memories saved with words, a poet rhymes
despite wars still commit - their ancient crimes.
March 30, 2005

Winter's last storm on the prowl
blizzard's final cursing howl
shook out cold breath of ice and snow
worst of the season - last to go.

A three-day blow, twenty below
cursed and swore, as swirled and curled
around objects disguised by snow
til Winter's harsh fury - unfurled.

Thereafter, dripping drop of icicle's melt
trickled thence traveled itself, down hill and hollow
til ground turned to muck, one knew just how it felt
last days of Winter knowing - Spring soon would follow.

Mornings after, dawn came earlier - each day told
Spring beginning her long journey, up from down South
where harsh seasons are unknown, never turns so cold
yet up North, smelt sweetly fresh - breath of Springtime's mouth.

White land turned green, gray abandoned for blues and white
each day's sky gathered, seasonally dressed-out right
woods a-flush with avian songs, Winter forgot
til felt my rheumatism - receding somewhat.

No longer sit my chair, keeping warm by fireside's brink
for east-side porch, now holds me to read - or simply think
as morning's rays, bless all with their radiant dawn
evening shadows, my cabin traced - across front lawn.

There listen of that music, birds sing as Matins and Lauds
both they and I offering prayers, to each other's gods
accepting whatever favors comes to hand
bountiful beauty - gifted of northern land.

Til age and need require I leave for a southern clime
where those who birthed me, long been laid to rest
how quickly my younger years grew, in that far-back time
when lure of far north, sent me forth - life at its best.

Of those long Winter storms on the prowl
old-age memories now proudly recall
haunting echoes of lone wolfen's howl
til late-Spring brought down - Winter's last snowfall.

Magic of life, to each given as their own
one's youth must earn, to learn of its valued worth
until Death rots us back, to mere dust and bone
grave quickly buries, what life once brought - of birth.
March 31, 2005

Along roadside berms of early Spring
tis such yellowed beauty, colt-foots bring
blooms before outspreads its leaves
unless hard frosts - Winter thieves.

Thence to know Spring soon on its way
such bonnie bloom of yellowed gold
like churned butter's melt bouquet
a wildflower - unbought nor sold.

Its hidden secrets no one knows
only of what its beauty shows
next Spring remembers, blooms anew
a natural gift - freely given you.
April 6, 2005

Again smell those aromatic whiffs
winds brought of soft whispered pines
gentle winds bestir, til one's nose sniffs
incense burnt - of northern shrines.

Obeisance limbs sway in homage
their murmurs, caressed by winds
reveals an ancient knowledge
as if man and they - close-kinned.

Beyond far reach of citied towns
those habitudes of scurried rush
where God himself would surely frown
but in forests dim - silence's hush.

Their lofty arms raised in prayer
for those who have ears to hear
learn what tis told in secret there
pine's tossing limbs - whisper clear.

Far northern nights, cold moon glows full
an interlude, when whispers lull
antiphons sung by wolfen's howl
as silent pine limbs - humbly bow.

As if all Nature honored Pan
for that gift of created life
in chorus with those prayers of Man
to balm harsh pangs and stress of strife.

Whence gentle winds, should an evening blow
northern climes of Canadian wild
in silence, listen what pine's whispers sow
those lost secrets, first heard - when a child.
April 6, 2005

Those cold winters of long ago
window panes glazed with frozen frost
zero's chill of harsh winds and snow
recalled those joys - one's youth had cost.

Short sunless days shivered into night
howling winds sang weird song, those blizzard sings
three-day snow-storms, packed in firmly tight
early mornings wondered - what daylight brings.

Oft dwelt within shelters quickly built
out-lived within, until snowstorms wore out
understood how first pioneers felt
today's structures constructed - solid stout.

Howling music, boreal weather plays
works upon one's mind, thoughts of deeper things
monotony of endless nights and days
life and death issues - faith's reflection brings.

Til comes that morning clear, all in silence lays
azured sky crystal blue, all else - but black and white
recalling that warmth and green of summer days
despite here, earth lies cold and frozen - brittled quite.

Up north, where stern Nature oft found unforgiving
short summers, but a brief reprieve
years later I moved south, with grateful thanksgiving
for those long winters, no more - aggrieve.
April 12, 2005

Like some dervished dancers swirling
midday dust-devils fastly twirling
whirling winds, stirred up desert dust
to dance - until can dance no more.

When heat of day begins to wan
as sun sets behind high-held cliffs
thereby threw blackish shadows down
across an arid land - dark night erased.

Thence arose that full-moon's ghostly glow
again shadows grew, though weakly so
high heat of day, nights held equally cold
except those dervished dancers - did not dance.

Rather, coyote's haunting howls spoke out
echoing between canyon walls of solid stone
sometimes heard, bugled elk's distant shout
thereafter but an eerie silence - nothing more.
April 13, 2005

Those olden pathways long-used, found no more
time's healing balm, passing years covered 'ore
in years anon, no trace thereafter found
each Spring, those stale memories - plowed down.

Trails centuries trampled with hoofen feet
from high table-lands, wound their way below
lounged in river's cool wet, escape August heat
released itching pains, bot-flies eggs bestow.

Long before Amerindian feet footed there
ancient prairie creatures, trails worn with yearly wear
desparate need, only moistured rain may give
for eternal want of water - Life's need to live.

Creatures scrurried down, should tornadic winds
whisper those dangers, ignorant beast felt within
dead-silence sensed, before wind's whirl spins
innate self-survival - genetics locked-in.

But all quickly changed, with man's hungered need of land
across pristene prairies came a new breed, strong men aspire
hungry for that freedom, wild west brought to hand
slay and slaughter down both men and beast - by rifle's fire.

Old cultures ravaged by tribal wars and greed
their unwritten laws, authorized to steal
raped and pillaged, til gained more than each had need
in mere century - trails began to heal.

In remote clefts of river-cliffs, too steep to climb
vague remnants hidden there, Nature yet holds prime
or dry wastes, where deer could taste wealth of prairie grass
first treaty each signed - as long as those winds shall pass.

Saddened eyes now finds but coarse weeds, not grass
still those abiding winds, will ever pass
as if remind again, our need for Nature's care
such I recalled, fifty-years ago - standing there.

Of those destined to war again, should not unremember
greed's lustful need for ever more, to have and hold
with beastal fury, trustful neighbor's hate, dismembers
people branded with slavery's curse - still bought and sold.

A Sunday's walk, taken back to grandmother's farm
cow-paths circled down to water-trough below
childhood memories, still retain their former charm
they too now lost to weather's waste - Time bestows.

Knowing will come a time, future years will change again
thence centuries after, revert back to what once had been
land-use fought between Nature, and that creature called Man
just like those pristine prairies, now churned - to arid sand.
April 26, 2005

Whereof will this shriveled leaf
be last found to lay, wan brown
but half-year birthed from its sheath
first found to show - freshly green?

As Autumn winds begin to blow
til last raveled leaf gathered by
forecasting a harsh Winter's snow
thereafter wasted down - to die.

Endless Time weaves on Nature's loom
freely grown to have their say
that rare season, when flowers bloom
birthed - for what their beauty may.

Along road-side banks of rural lays
from April's wet to October's dry
their natural beauty caught one's gaze
yet still unanswers - our questioned why.

For bird and bee, but a meal found
to feed themselves, their lives require
yet for us, joys birthed from Nature's ground
gifts those inner visions - hopes inspire.

A chanced walk of mine, happened on
taken when morning, bright and early
as sky gave hints of birthing dawn
found early dew - so brightful pearly.

Along rural roads untraveled by
still often walked to waken up
midst that stillish silence, mornings try
drank freshly brewed - from Nature's cup.
April 28, 2005

Thereof early May they come
with constant flights and hum
chewing out each rounded hole
next year's warm June-time - will foal.

Therefrom seen like drifting flecks of fuzz
borings drilled in wood, with droning buzz
til some scheduled time, fresh eggs laid within
capped-off with glue - innately birthed again.

Thereof passing by, hear their daily whine
old wood chewn out like dust, small and fine
each board and beam, riddled from base to crown
til think that old shed - might well tumble down.

For three weeks, all abuzz with flying fuzz
at speeds of light, doing what Nature does
then in a single day, not one seen nor heard
eggs left to birth or die, by mere chance - or bird.

Carpenter bees a nuisance, kids play at war
for hours swat them dead, yet are always more
that old shed built a century past, standing still
despite each year, kids in May - three weeks will kill.
May 10, 2005

Gathered with a quiet
when wee-hours toll
gone is that harsh riot
grates within one's soul.

Sentenced to a silence
old ears hear
from some far off Immense
need not fear.

Long after midnight
before break of day
a time of delight
to hear - what one may.

That stillish silence
with something to say
before sun-rise dawns
births - a newer day.

Tis there, eternity felt
to untrouble one's peace
old age had quietly knelt
until prayers - finally ceased.

World beyond, shut out
unsensed by eye and ear
unfearing frets of doubt
a sadness - darkly drear.

Only soft caress of night's air
to calm those tangles of stress
worries each day one has to bear
those wee hours of night - may bless.

Soft music of Nature at rest
to know Life still fully alive
creation nursed at earth's fertile breast
knowing creation - will survive.

But when moon shines full
brings dark shadows by
til feel its pull
left unknowing why.

Within that mute quietry
dark hours hold still
dine of night's soft dietry
such - peace may fill.
May 15, 2005

Whereof found a place of solitude
whereby soft wind's background fully heard
in hushed silence - of a quiet moor.

Low shrubs of heather, now lie asleep
cranberries growing where waters seep
out of creviced rocks - into wet marsh.

Flat lies the land, yet tis false
for upon piled rocks, exposed
earth still grows - gorse and moss.

In that dark of lone moorish nights
howls and barks may be heard to call
both in moon's full - or not at all.

Tis when bright moon held full of light
scudding clouds shadow, late of night
that eerie silence - barrenness knows.

Across ten square kilometers, spreads itself
into a leisure of peaceful quietude
though early man knew thereof - to stay away.

Drab dull browns, mottled greens and gray
a place for owls and bats, to nightly play
out their solitary lives - til dawns uprise.

Those drab lands of Hackenmoor and the Flats
where lost sheep and stray goats, do not return
quagmires become - their burial ground.

Perhaps not always a place of desolation
for chert-chipped arrow-heads still found
stone-age hands well-designed - to kill.
A wild place, some curse cast upon the Earth
bubbled sulfur gas smelt, where foul waters seep
into one's soul, should spend a day - there a-walk.

Such are those moors, some still call the Barrens
a place where Nature lives, quite otherwise
Creation cast aside - but fit for Hell.
May 31, 2005

Fully flushed turgid green
full length of day-light keen
best felt - of Summer's scene.

Years longest days, shortest nights
Nature's fresh growth, unabridged
fields green, skies - azured blue.

Fecundity's fertile birthing brings
fulfillment promised, warm season sings
children's happy laughter - gayly rings.

June's full month begins their year
summer bursting at its seams
life and living - sheds no tear.

Children's joy at their best
each new day, yearns another quest
for barefoot travels - need no rest.

Tis such, old age now recalls
barefoot boy in times of June
full freedoms felt - without laws.

Sunlight's length, lasts a full day through
fertile dreams and hopes still come true
each morning's birth - baptized with dew.

Tis of such, old age may remember
when Summer dies, in late September
lastly buried - by cold December.
June 14, 2005

For eighty years, held its own
barb wire pulled either way
yet not taunt enough to moan
one hears - what winds might say.

Grandad's sharp helved axe daily swung
split locust, four score years ago
between his field and ours, was strung
 well-built fence, good neighbors bestow.

Staples outlasted five-strung wires
of those former lines - most are gone
most posts hidden by brambled briars
farm sold to those who mow their lawn.

Four score generations, birds made use
perched atop posts, well-weathered gray
several stands of wire yet dangle loose
entwined by seedings - bird droppings may.

Fence rows still bestow their brambled beauty
human eyes may perchance to save
remaining posts still on sentried duty
split locust, a farm's need - once gave.

A dream yet lives on, to most unaware
not of need - but Beauty's care
silent remnant, like a lonely solitaire
despite years weather - foul or fair.

Nature un-caring of man's want to own
despite dreams stretched, by post and wires
a relic, age ordained, now left alone
 posts well-hidden - by brambled briars.

Each life using Nature for some need
perching birds, leave behind scattered seed
some see as but a worthless patch of weeds
other eyes gather in - what Beauty breeds.
June 24, 2005

Dry skin of cold Winter's day
scattered its dry dandruff down
white snowflakes so rarely splay
scaled off - old Winter's crown.

Lazily drifting slowly
as if un-sure of their flight
ever falling more lowly
on frozen ground - finally light.

Perchance soon melts away
 til leaves no trace behind
t'was but a brief display
like things - that still remind.

Just a gentle drifting
Nature so rarely shares
wisps of dander lisping
telling - such weather cares.

Or might foretell some portending
aeolian rituals rarely ordains
freely flung without intending
tiny snowflakes - Winter's beauty explains
December 7, 2005

Blinding snow blew from where to whence
left unknowing, but its beauty
amazed beyond one's common sense
weekly taken - a sacred duty.

Old dreams, past yesterdays left behind
a trail oft taken into town
dazzled beauty, til nearly snow-blind
white plumage, skies shed - of feathered down.

Its winter-wonder, seen at one's risk
bridging-over gaps of ground beneath
snow covered up, when winds blow brisk
tis such treacheries - north-winds bequeath.

Often stunned by trees' exploding booms
frozen trunks expanding, til must bust
as shaken limbs shed their whiteful plumes
tis such beauty seen - like snowy dust.

Now but shattered dreams, old age attempts to amend
travels of a past, far away and long ago
with half-forgotten joys, footnotes now append
yet are times I hear within - far North bids me go.
December 16, 2005

At that quiet end of day
when evening's light grows dim
scratching crickets nightly play
some olden insect hymn.

Gave praise to that Lord of Light
blessed with twilght's cooling air
softly gentles down the night
its stillness - long drifting there.

Darkness sings its lullaby
cradled by a gibbous moon
those twinkled stars, wished thereby
to echo some astral tune.

Released from labored toils
seeds sown within the ground
grown upon honest soils
where peace and quite found.
December 17, 2005

A sea of grass, spacious sky
between, spoke a ceaseles wind
what it told, I unasked why
innately felt - closely kinned.

Beyond reach of eye, held no meaning
passing Time gave no acounting for
whereof gathered ripe Nature's gleaning
a rich harvest reaped - from earthen floor.

Green-gray leaves of wolf-willow trees, traced below
remnants summer rains left, by idle oxbow
green-brown of tall prairie grass, soft winds bestow
prairie wide-spread, its fertile seeds - self-sow.

Tattered memories, early years dealt
scattered within a fading mind
returns a former peace, thence felt
pristeen grasslands - sheer beauty signed.

As evening sky gave back its nightly stars
cool air returned, brought birth of coyote howls
such sounds heard long ago, goes on for hours
echoed haunting sound - of nocturnal owls.
January 6, 2006

Orangy-yellows, evening sun sets aglow
scattered where ripples waters flow
briefly lit river's dark blackness afire
til stars replaced the sun - nights require.

Thence but purled percolations, softly heard
cacophonies insects sing, cool air disturbed
natural sounds, a summer's night sings - to breed
til dim dawn returns - river's ripples plead.
January 23, 2006