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Guest Book My Test


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A friendly hello from my house to yours!

As you get older, time seems to slip through your fingers!

What to find here...

There is more to come, and this site will always be changing. I have a lot to do but with classes, work, raising my family, and spending quality time with my husband there is not much time left for much else. Well hope you enjoy!!

Through it all I cannot leave without saying a few words from the heart...

You never know what or who tomorrow will bring or take away. Just remember NEVER be afraid to take chances! If you deside to pass something up, you may be passing on the best thing in this world. We all fall, but we can always pick ourselves up. Love knows no distance, it only knows separation and longing. If a feeling is felt so strong, it can only prove itself true or not...we all must learn the hard way, and only then, can we learn from the mistakes we made and try not to do them quite the same! Smiles, hugs and kisses go very long ways. The peace this world needs starts with one person bringing a smile to someone else....Let us try to practice this more often!

Any questions...feel free to e-mail me at...