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The Biorhythm Chart as a Tool
to Living a Happier and Freer Life

     Never utter these words, "I do not know this, therefore it is false." One must study to know, know to under-stand, understand to judge.

     Whether the subject of biorhythms is new to you, or you have been using the knowledge of biorhythms for years, unless you have used a chart that has all seven of the biorhythm cycles shown on it as well as the moon phases, you now have an opportunity to learn more about yourself and others in a way that has not been possible before.

     What are biorhythms and how can a biorhythm chart be used as a tool to living a happier and freer life? Bio-rhythms are simply rhythms of life. Much research has been done on discovering and verifying many rhythms of life, and you are encouraged to look into the many books and articles that exist on the subject for further information. The purpose of this webpage is to give a general idea of how the biorhythm chart can be used for your benefit.

     In the mid 1970's, I was made aware of the subject of biorhythms by the following articles: 1. "Do your ups and downs get you down?", Industry Week, April 1, 1974, pp. 43-44. 2. "Biorhythms: Will they decide the future for Ali, Foreman, Evel Knievel - - and you?", Argosy, September, 1974, pp. 23 & 39. 3. Biorhythm, Personal Science Or Parlor Game?", Machine Design, October 21, 1976, pp. 104-108. In addition, I found the information contained in the classic book on the subject, "Is This Your Day?" by George S. Thommen, (ISBN: 0-380-00463-1) to be of great help in better understanding the subject of biorhythms.

     At the time, I didn't have access to any computer to be able to print out the cycles, so I followed the directions in the articles and book and learned how to manually calculate and draw the chart. In fact, I created a blank chart form that allowed me to put the biorhythms of the four of us in my family all on one sheet for easy comparison. I also had not yet learned about the effect the moon has on the intensity of the critical days, so my charts did not show the moon phases on them. I used a multi-colored pen to chart the cycles in order to make the cycles easier to see and tell apart. I used red for physical, blue for emotional, and green for intellectual.

     I posted the chart on the inside of one of the cupboard doors so that any of us could look at it. After a few months, I began to realize that, at least as far as arguments or disagreements between my wife and I were concerned, in about 99% of such disagreements, it turned out that they happened on either my or her physical or emotional critical days. After I discovered the "coincidence," whenever we would have a disagreement, I would stop and check the chart. If it showed a "critical" day for either of us, I would try to defer the conversation until the critical day had passed.

     The three left brain cycles are the ones which will be found to have the most dramatic effect on us. The effect of the four right brain cycles is more subtle, and like intuition, is not as noticeable as that of the three left brain cycles. The general idea behind the biorhythms is that they start out from the zero line when we are born, moving into their plus phases before going into their minus phases, continuing this pattern throughout our lives. Because the cycles are of different lengths, their relationship to each other continually changes throughout our lives, with corresponding varying degrees of effect.

     The first half of a cycle is the plus or positive phase. It's a time when we have an inate sense of greater strength or vitality in the particular aspect of our life represented by the cycle. The second half of the cycle is the minus or the negative phase. This is a time when we have an inate sense of less strength or vitality in the aspect of our life represented by the cycle. It's important to keep in mind that the terms positive and negative are not used in the sense of being good or bad. They are simply used to denote polarity, or up and down, high and low.

      For example, when the physical cycle is in the "up" portion, we generally feel stronger physically and have more physical endurance. If we are working out, we can usually lift more weight, run faster or farther, feel less tired after the workout, etc. When the physical cycle is down, we seem to have less strength, our workouts may seem harder, and we tire more easily. We may feel like resting more.

     When the emotional cycle is in the "up" portion, we generally feel more optimistic, in a lighter mood, and little things don't bother us as much. When the emotional cycle is down, we tend to be less optimistic, little things may both-er us more, and we may be irritated about things that would not bother us when the emotional cycle is in the up phase.

     When the intellectual cycle is in the "up" portion, it is generally easier to learn new subjects and material. When the intellectual cycle is down, it is generally more difficult to learn new material, and easier to review what we have already learned.

     It's important to realize that the actual effort needed to be successful in our various activities doesn't change, it's just that the apparent effort changes. For example, when the physical cycle is low, it will seem like we have to try harder to lift the same amount of weight that we lifted easily when the cycle was up. When the emotional cycle is down, it may seem like we have to try harder than "normal" to keep from being irritated by someone, as opposed to how easy it seemed to overlook the little frustrations when the cycle is up. This is just a general guideline of what to expect, and your own experiences will help you understand the biorhythms in ways that will be unique to you.


     Critical days are those days when a cycle crosses the center, or "zero" line, either going down from the plus side to the minus side, or going up from the minus side to the plus side. It is important to keep in mind that the term "critical day" is not to be thought of as inherently bad. It is simply a time when the energy of the particular cycle is changing polarity. Even if you don't have access to a biorhythm chart, it's fairly easy to identify when you are having a "critical" day. We all have those days when we feel a little "strange" in our mind, or when we're especially irritable for no real reason, or maybe unusually forgetful, klutzy, or stressed out and feeling at our wits end. "Critical" days shown on a chart are not fatalistically predetermined to be "bad"! They can basically be thought of as days when we are prone to errors in judgment. The sensible way to view such days is to first of all be aware that such days exist, and that such days occur with a rythmic regularity, and that we all have them. The basic principle to keep in mind regarding a "critical day" is to simply allow more time for consideration of your alternatives before making a decision. And, instead of flying off the handle at someone because "they have upset you," either give them the benefit of the doubt that they might be having a critical day, or maybe you are having a critical day. The old adage about counting to ten, or taking ten deep breaths before responding in such circumstances, is good advice. How much unnecessary conflict and hurt feelings and destroyed relationships could be avoided by simply understanding and respecting the dynamics involved on a critical day? I suspect that many of the conflicts that we experience at work, at home in our families, and in other close relationships could easily be avoided by simply becoming aware of and intelligently using the knowledge of biorhythms in our lives. Every person whom I've made a biorhythm chart for has, without exception, expressed thanks and let me know how much it helped their relationships. Simply knowing that biorhythms exist, and knowing that we all have critical days, helps us to be more patient and understanding of ourselves and of each other. Instead of getting involved in a heated argument or being offended, we can bite our tounge, and wait a day or two when we will probably see things in a much different and positive way. Instead of running off at the mouth and saying hurtful words that we later regret, we can zip our lip and show the love and patience that those we are in a relationship with deserve and that we like to have shown to us. Some things are better never said. Once hurtful words are spoken, we may cause needless damage from which it will take a long time, if ever, to undo the damage done. Better to not do the damage in the first place, wouldn't you agree? You'll find more information about biorhythms & relationships here.

     For those contemplating surgery, this site and this site, among others you can access here, suggest that surgery should be avoided on physical critical days as well as when the physical cycle is in its down phase. Also, you may find information here, here, and here that may enable you to avoid surgery entirely.

     Another matter to consider concerning the scheduling of surgery seems to be the moon phase. According to Jeanne Avery, on page 82, of her book "Astrology and Your Health", ( You can see that page here ) "It has been duly reported in newspapers that many surgeons have observed a greater tendency for excessive bleeding at the time of the full Moon, and some surgeons are now exercising caution is scheduling operations at that time." You may have noticed the "MP" (Moon Phase) column on my sample printout here, just to the right of the date column. Below the "MP" you see "NM" and "FM", showing the New Moon and Full Moon dates.

     So, take the time to become familiar with your chart, make notes on it when you have conflicts with others, or when you have an accident, or when you forget things, or feel at your wits end, etc. Over a period of time, you will begin to see patterns, and better understand the effects of your changing biorhythms. Especially be aware of the repeating pattern of emotional critical days. Because the emotional cycle is 28 days long, and because there are 7 days in a week, it turns out that every other week, on the same day of the week that we were born on, is an emotional critical day. I have programmed the chart to print out a "!" on each emotional critical day. Think back over when you usually have your disagreements and you may be surprised to find out that the majority of your disagreements with others usually happen on the same day of the week, either on your or the other person's emotional critical day, or both. The emotional critical day is the only one that repeats on the same day of the week, every other week. If you were born on a Monday, then every other Monday is an emotional critical day for you, etc. The second most likely time for disagreements would be when either you or the other person is having a physical critical day. Note that the physical critical days do not repeat on a given day of the week.

     Two other points that you should be aware of on the road to becoming familiar with biorhythms. First is that the amplitude of the cycles, or how high the highs are and how low the lows are, will depend on a number of factors. We are all different and unique and it would be a mistake to try to arbitrarily characterize anyone's behavior based on looking at a biorhythm chart. But, in general, the amplitude will depend on the basic personality of whose chart you are looking at. Some people are normally very emotional and their highs and lows will be more extreme. Some people are normally less emotional and more controlled and their highs and lows will vary hardly at all. Second is that you will find the intensity of a critical day will be affected by the moon phases. You will find the full moon will have the greatest effect, with the new moon having a lesser affect. For those who are interested in learning more about the effects of the moon, I would recommend reading a book titled "Moon Madness", by E.L. Abel, ISBN 0-449-13697-3, or other similar books.

     You now have access to a potentially very powerful tool. However, like any tool, it will only be as powerful as the use to which you put it. It must never be used as a club to beat others down, nor as an excuse to justify your own impatience with others. Never excuse your own anger or shortness with others by saying "It's my critical day." Use the chart as a tool of awareness to help you develop more patience, compassion, understanding and love for others in your life. Use it as a tool to free yourself and others from the needless and unnecessary cycles of conflicts that you may have been creating out of ignorance. This will allow you and others to focus your energies and efforts in more positive directions and strengthen the bonds in all of your relationships. For additional insight into relationships & biorhythms, be sure to check this out.

     I would enjoy hearing from you regarding any questions you may have regarding the chart or regarding any suggestions you may have for its improvement, or the improvement of this two page memo. I would also enjoy hearing about your experiences in using what you learn from the biorhythm chart. You can reach me via email:, or via regular mail: Walt Maken; 2366 S Patterson Blvd, Apt 17; Dayton, Ohio 45409-1833. Have a nice day !


Note: To obtain a copy of a full 12 month long biorhythm chart, as described above, send your name, full date of birth [i.e. April 11, 1967], starting date for your chart, a minimum donation of $10, and a stamped (1 oz. for each chart), "self-addressed" envelope to me. For a sample page of the biorhythm chart, send your name, full date of birth, starting date for the sample chart, a minimum donation of $1.00, and a stamped (1 oz. for each group of 4 sample charts), "self-addressed" envelope to me. If you request charts for more than one person, I will automatically provide information concerning how synchronized the separate cycles are between each of the person's charts.

Send to:

    Walt Maken
    2366 S Patterson Blvd, Apt 17
    Dayton, Ohio 45409-1833

When you mail your request, also please send me a brief email to let me know you've mailed your request.

  As an alternative to the above, you could simply send me the name(s) & birth information via email, and then we could use PayPal to take care of your payment. Once I was notified of your payment being received by PayPal, I would send your chart(s) as pdf attachment(s) to an email to you. That way there'd be no postage involved. Or if you wanted to send me the name(s) & birth information via email, pay by PayPal, and have me mail you the printed chart(s), we would simply add the amount needed for an envelope & postage to amount to be paid via PayPal.


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