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Mage Spells

First Circle

Blur - Burning Hands - Detect Invisibility - Detect Magic - Infravision - Light - Magic Missile - Shield

Second Circle

Continual Light - Invisibility - Shocking Grasp - Silence - Sleep - Stinking Cloud - Strength - Weaken

Third Circle

Color Spray - Dispel Magic - Fireball - Fly - Gust of Wind - Lightning Bolt

Mending - Ray Of Enfeeblement - Water Breath - Web

Fourth Circle

Acid Blast - Deep Pockets - Floating Disc - Haste - Improved Invisibility - Rot - Hold Person - Teleport

Fifth Circle

Charm Person - Dimension Door - Enchant Armor - Enchant Weapon

Force Bolt - Hold Monster - Locate Object

Sixth Circle

Antimagic Shell - Charm Monster - Feeblemind - Fireshield - Relocate

Seventh Circle

Calm - Conjure Elemental - Prismatic Spray

Eighth Circle

Clairvoyance - Mass Charm

Ninth Circle

Energy Drain - Globe of Invulnerability

First Circle

Spell : Blur
Sphere : Illusion/Phantasm
Usage : cast 'blur' [char in room]
Duration : 3 hours
Effects : Victim's image loses clarity

The victim's body loses all definition and clarity - the resulting blur is
more difficult to hit, decreasing the victim's armor class.

Spell : Burning Hands
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'burning hands' [opponent]
Duration : Instantaneous
Damage : Nominal to critical

The caster causes bursts of flame to shoot from his/her fingertips,
directed at the intended victim and causing fire damage.

Spell : Detect Invisibility
Sphere : Divination
Usage : cast 'detect invisibility'
Duration : Level Based
Effects : Caster can detect invisible things

This spell will only affect the caster, and is not targetable on any other
thing. When affected by detect invisible, the caster can see invisible
monsters, adventurers or items. Invisible monsters are represented by a
'*' next to their description in the room. Invisible items are generally
tagged as (invisible).

>*A big spider is here.
>A long sword lies on the floor.(invisible)

You must be able to see an item to be able to use it (i.e., to use an invisible
item you must be affected by detect invisible), and in order to attack an
invisible monster you must be able to see it. Once the effect has worn off,
you will no longer be able to see that item / creature.

Spell : Detect Magic
Sphere : Divination
Usage : cast 'detect magic'
Duration : Level Based
Effects : Magical auras are apparent to the caster

This spell will enable those who are affected to distinguish magical items,
which will reveal an aura. The magical detection can also discern failure of
any magical spells cast by the affected, for whatever reason. Those who are
not affected by this divination spell will not be able to recognize success
or failure for certain spells.

Spell : Infravision
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'infravision' [char in room]
Duration : 1 day
Effects : Victim can see warm things in darkness

Infravision endows the victim with the ability to see the outline of warm
things in darkness. This will usually be creatures, or any item which has
magical aura's and glows. Note that some races do not have natural body heat
and will therefore not be detected.

Certain races are naturally blessed with infravision.

Spell : Light
Sphere : Illusion/Phantasm
Usage : cast 'light'
Duration : 48 hours
Effects : Creates a temporary light source

A glowing ball of light is created. It appears in the inventory of
the caster, and can be held as a normal light source.

Spell : Magic Missile
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'magic missile' [opponent]
Damage : Nominal damage per missile

The magic missile spell results in glowing darts of pure magical energy
striking the victim. The number of missiles increases with caster level; each
dart will do nominal damage. Magic missiles can be deflected by some defensive
magic shields.

Spell : Shield
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'shield'
Duration : 1 day
Effects : Protective air gathers around the caster

The magical shield can only be cast upon yourself. Using ancient magical
powers, the air around the caster will solidify, improving magic resistance
to spells in general and giving immunity to the magic missile spell.

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Second Circle

Spell : Continual Light
Sphere : Illusion/Phantasm
Usage : cast 'continual light'
Duration : Permanent
Effects : Creates a permanent light source

The caster conjures a ball of light which will hover nearby and follow him.
The magic lasts as long as the caster maintains their physical presence.

Spell : Invisibility
Sphere : Illusion/Phantasm
Usage : cast 'invisibility' [char/object in room]
Duration : 1 day on people / permanent on objects
Effects : Makes things invisible

When cast on a living thing, the victim will fade from view and become
invisible, reducing their armor class significantly. This effect is
temporary, lasting 1 day or until the victim engages in combat. Attacking
one's self will remove this spell also.

When cast on an object, the item becomes invisible permanently. In order to
use it therefore, you must be affected by the 'detect invisible' spell. The
invisible enchantment may be removed by using the 'dispel magic' spell.

Spell : Shocking Grasp
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'shocking grasp' [opponent]
Duration : Instantaneous
Damage : Serious damage

The caster touches the target and the resulting burst of electricity shocks
the unfortunate victim, causing serious electrical damage. This damage will
increase with level of caster.

Spell : Silence
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'silence' [opponent]
Duration : 3 hours or 9 combat rounds
Effects : Prevents victim from communicating

Should the victim fail a saving throw, communication becomes impossible.
Since spell casting requires the chanting of arcane languages, the ability
to cast spells is lost while the enchantment is in effect (since spell
casting requires both manipulation of hands and correct inflexing of words).

The effect duration is 3 hours, unless the victim is in combat, in which
case the duration is three times as long in combat rounds.

Spell : Sleep
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'sleep' [opponent/char in room]
Duration : 5+(level/3) hours
Effects : Victim is put into a deep sleep

This spell places a deep magical sleep upon the victim. The victim cannot
wake up until the magic gradually wears off (5+level/3 hours) or a magical
dispelment is placed upon them. You will only be able to affect victims of
lower level than you.

Any bonuses for attacking a naturally sleeping target will also apply to a
magical sleep. Some races are immune to magically induced sleep.

Spell : Stinking Cloud
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'stinking cloud'
Duration : 1+(level/4) combat rounds
Damage : Nominal damage every combat round

Casting this offensive spell will encapsulate every living thing in the
surrounding area. The locality will be affected by a stinking cloud, causing
victims to choke and suffer damage until the residual clouds disperse, either
naturally or magically. The cloud spreads rapidly. Casting this spell in urban
areas is unlikely to go down well with fellow adventurers!

Spell : Strength
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'strength' [char in room]
Duration : (level/2) hours
Effects : Victim's strength is increased

The strength of the victim is increased, temporarily. The value of the
strength bonus is dependent on guild - those naturally stronger guilds will
have higher bonuses than weak guilds. Note that strength bonus is NOT
accumulative. Repeated casting of this spell will only average the
cumulative modifiers and durations.

Spell : Weaken
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'weaken' [opponent]
Duration : (level/2) hours
Effects : Victim's strength is reduced

This spell significantly weakens the victim's strength, temporarily. The
victim's strength will return to its normal value after wearing off.

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Third Circle

Spell: Color Spray
Sphere : Evocation
Usage : cast 'color spray'
Duration : Instantaneous
Damage : Nominal to Serious

This spell was discovered long ago before prismatic spray was found. The
spell was the first attempt to capture the power of the rainbow and of
colors. It is very weak and limited in effect. However, it is an area
affect spell that does some damage and a possible additional affect.

Spell : Dispel Magic
Sphere : Abjuration
Usage : cast 'dispel magic' [opponent/char/object in room]
Duration : Instantaneous
Effects : Dispels magical effects

This spell will remove temporary magical effects on characters and will
make invisible items visible. If the character is affected by more than
one magical effect a random one will be removed. This will not remove
any magical properties a player has because of enchanted items etc, only
temporary ones brought about by spells. Some spells are powerful
enough that this spell cannot remove them, and may require other means
to remove them. Certainly, some spells cannot be removed in such a way.

Spell : Fireball
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'fireball'
Duration : Instantaneous
Damage : Nominal to massive

This is one of the most powerful offensive spells. The caster fires a
ball of fire outwards, incinerating most things in its path. The victims
suffer fire damage, from nominal to massive, depending on the level of

This is often a hazardous spell, and should be used with caution when
are innocent bystanders. Be careful if casting this indoors!

Spell : Fly
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'fly' [char in room]
Duration : 10+(level/2) hours
Effects : Victim becomes airborne

This spell will make you fly like a bird! It could save your life in some
circumstances where falling would lead to your inevitable doom. However, it
is probably not wise to test this spell out by jumping over cliffs with it.
Some sections of areas can only be reached when flying. You will not have
the ability to stop flying at will. However, losing consciousness (other
than sleep) will break the spell.

Spell : Gust of Wind
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'gust of wind'
Duration : variable

This spell creates a gust of wind that travels in straight lines from the
caster's location. This gust is strong enough to clear away clouds.

Spell : Lightning Bolt
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'lightning bolt' [opponent]
Damage : Nominal to massive

The caster attempts to discharge a lightning bolt, arcing from the caster to
the victim. The victim will suffer electricity damage, which increases with
level of caster.

Spell : Mending
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'mending' [object in inventory]
Duration : instantaneous
Effects : Repairs damage

This spell enables the caster to perform limited repair on items. However,
there is a small danger that the object will be destroyed during the repair

Spell : Ray Of Enfeeblement
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'ray of enfeeblement' [opponent]
Duration : 4 hours
Effects : Weakens victim's physical attacks

The victim of this spell will be physically weakened, temporarily. Their
strength is not affected, but their ability to resist damage and inflict
damage on their enemy is reduced.

Spell : Water breath
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'water breath' [char in room]
Duration : 1 day
Effects : Victim can breathe underwater

This spell enables the victim to breathe under water for long periods of time.
This is not accumulative - the spell will last 1 day only, after which it must
be recast. Those who are not affected by this spell will not be able to travel
underwater at all.

Spell : Web
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'web' [opponent]
Duration : 3 hours / combat rounds
Effects : Victim becomes entangled in webs

The caster sprays a mass of sticky web onto the victim, trapping the helpless
soul. Consequently, the victim is much easier to hit and has trouble moving
or fleeing from combat. The victim may try to break free of the webs - whether
this is successful or not depends on level and strength.

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Fourth Circle

Spell : Acid Blast
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'acid blast' [opponent]
Damage : Nominal to massive

The caster attempts to spray the victim with magical corrosive acid. The
corrosive liquid causes acid damage and tries to dissolve things in its
path. The amount of damage caused increases with caster level.

Spell: Deep Pockets
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'deep pockets' [cloth or leather container in inventory]
Duration : Permanent

Effects : Makes a container grow in size
By casting this spell on a cloth
or leather garment, the caster makes the item
grow in size by adding dimensional pockets in the item. The pockets are
small, dimensional pockets that form inside the object and link to another
plane of existence beyond the prime material plane. Objects can then be
stored in the dimensional pockets, giving the object more space.
of the nature of dimensional rifts, this spell will eventually eat
away at the material of the item until the entire item becomes a part of the
plane the pockets were created from.

Spell : Floating Disc
Sphere : Enchantment
Usage : cast 'floating disc' [caster only]
Duration : variable

This spell creates a disc of force which may be used to carry items.
It follows the caster as best it can. It can even teleport with the
caster on most occasions.

Spell : Haste
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'haste' [char in room]
Duration : level+3 hours/combat rounds
Effects : Hastens the victim

This spell will hasten the victim to super speed. Due to the increased
speed, an extra attack can be gained per combat round. There is a penalty
to pay however, every time this spell is used the victim will age by 1 year.
The effect lasts in hours, unless the victim is in combat, in which case the
spell lasts only that many combat rounds.

It has been rumored that this spell will not always succeed on targets not
allied with the caster.

Spell : Improved Invisibility
Sphere : Illusion/Phantasm
Usage : cast 'improved invisibility'
Duration : (level / 5 ) hours/combat rounds
Effects : Makes caster invisible

When cast, the caster will fade from view and become invisible, reducing their
armor class significantly. This affect lasts for a limited duration, and
unlike its predecessor, invisibility, improved invisibility does not wear off
when the victim engages in combat. The spell lasts until the end of its
duration or until dispelled.

Spell : Hold Person
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'hold person' [opponent]
Duration : (5+level)/6 hours/combat rounds
Effects : Prevents victim from performing physical actions

This form of charm spell will prevent the victim from performing physical
actions, including fighting, fleeing, moving etc, should the victim fail a
saving throw. The hold person spell will only be effective on humanoid
creatures, but not undead.

The duration is in hours, unless the victim is in combat, in which case it
is in combat rounds.

Spell : Rot
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'rot' [object in room or inventory]
Duration : Several hours
Effects : Object will rot

When cast upon an object in either room or inventory, it will begin to rot,
usually decaying within several hours. Magical and blessed items are immune
to rotting spells.

Spell : Teleport
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'teleport' <target>
Duration : Instantaneous
Effects : Caster is teleported to another location

The caster will instantly be transferred to another location in the area.
This is entirely random and there are no guarantees your destination will be
a safe one. Specifying a target will try to make to teleport to that person.
However, due to teleports instability, it is known as a "poor mages' relocate"
since it rarely gets the caster to the victim.

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Fifth Circle

Spell : Charm Person
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'charm person' [char in room]
Duration : Dependent on intelligence of victim
Effects : Victim becomes servant of the caster

This spell will make the victim much more attentive to your needs! The victim
will instantly consider you their best friend and will do almost anything to
help. Consequently, the caster can order the victim to do any task (except
kill themselves; even charmed people have self-preservation instincts). You
may order a particular servant, or all of your followers. You will only be
able to charm people that are of lower level than you; and the victim's
level is further restricted to be lower than a number between 11 and 16
depending on your own level.

order <person> <action>
order all <action>
>Order Jill say My master is the best!
>Order all slap watchman

This spell will only be successful on humanoid creatures. The higher
the intelligence of the victim, the shorter the duration of enchantment.

Spell : Dimension Door
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'dimension door' <target>
Duration : Instantaneous
Effects : Caster is teleported to another location

This spell opens two doorways in the astral plane for a very brief moment.
One door is opened in front of the caster, allowing them to quickly step
through. The other door is opened in front of the target where the caster
then steps out. By opening doors into the astral plane, the caster is able
to transverse short distances in the prime material plane very quickly. The
spell will not travel that far, and stepping through planes is not without
its cost. The caster is stunned for several moments upon exiting the door
on the other side.

Spell : Enchant Armor
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm

Usage : cast 'enchant armor' [object in inventory]
Duration : Permanent
Effects : Variable

Enchanting armor can have variable effects. Often, the armor can be made
magical, giving improved resistance and increasing both its armor class and
value. These bonuses will normally increase with caster level. However,
weaving magic into items will often cause these items to gain a sense of
purity or evil. Also, once the magic wears off the item will usually turn
to dust.

This spell will only work on armor - some other clothes (such as shirts, etc)
may not be classed as armor and are therefore unsuitable for enchantment. The
object will often emit a magical aura, indicating the spell has succeeded in
the enchantment.

Spell : Enchant Weapon
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'enchant weapon' [object in inventory]
Duration : Permanent
Effects : Variable

Enchanting a weapon can have variable effects. Often, a magical enchantment
will increase its resistance to some spells and also increase its ability
to hit or damage. Bonuses to hit and damage generally increase with level
of caster. Once the magic wears off the weapon it will usually turn to dust.

Magical limitations may be infused during the process. On casting, the item
will often emit a magical aura, indicating the weapon has been successfully

Spell : Force Bolt
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'force bolt' [opponent]
Damage : Nominal to massive

This creates a bolt of pure magical force that strikes the victim.

Spell : Hold Monster
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'hold monster' [opponent]
Duration : (level/6) hours/combat rounds
Effects : Temporarily 'holds' a monster

This spell is similar to 'hold person', but also affects non-humanoids.
The victim will be incapable of any physical movement until freed magically,
or until the enchantment wears off. The duration is in hours, unless the
victim is in combat, in which case the spell lasts that many combat rounds.


Spell : Locate Object
Sphere : Divination
Usage : cast 'locate object' [object name]
Duration : Instantaneous
Effects : Tells caster where an object is

This spell will attempt to locate objects which match a keyword. The
number of objects it locates depends on the level of the caster. The
distance it searches depends on the caster's level, and on some random

Example: cast 'locate object' sword

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Sixth Circle

Spell : Antimagic Shell
Sphere : Abjuration
Usage : cast 'antimagic shell' [caster only]
Duration : 1 day
Effects : Improves spell resistance

The caster may place an antimagic shield on the victim. This will give
immunity to any spell which has no other manifestation (spells such as
blind, sleep, etc.; a spell which manifests itself into heat will not be

Spell : Charm Monster
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'charm monster' [opponent/char in room]
Duration : Variable
Effects : Make a monster your servant

This spell will make the victim much more attentive to your needs! The victim
will instantly consider you their best friend and will do almost anything to
help. Consequently, the caster can order the victim to do any task (except
kill themselves; even charmed victims have self-preservation instincts). You
may order a particular servant, or all of your followers. You will only be
able to charm victims that are of lower level than you; and the victim's
level is further restricted to be lower than a number between 11 and 16
depending on your own level.

order <victim> <action>
order all <action>
>Order orc say My master is the best!
>Order all slap watchman

This spell will only be successful on non-humanoid creatures. The higher
the intelligence of the victim, the shorter the duration of

Spell : Feeblemind
Sphere : Enchantment
Usage : cast 'feeblemind' [opponent in room]
Duration : 4+(level/4) hours or combat rounds
Effects : Damages mind of victim

The victim of this spell becomes very, very stupid. Spellcasters are
particularly vulnerable to its effects.

Spell : Fireshield
Sphere : Invocation/Evocation
Usage : cast 'fireshield' [caster only]
Duration : 1+(level/3) hours
Effects : Forms a wall of flame around caster

This spell can only be used upon yourself. When cast, the victim is
surrounded by a shield of flames. These flames will not damage the caster
in any way - any enemy engaged in combat with the caster so affected will
take damage from the shield each time its hits. The shield reflects back
on the attacker any melee combat you suffer. The fireshield also increases
resistance to some other forms of magical attack. As an added bonus,
it serves as a light source.

Spell : Relocate
Sphere : Alteration
Usage : cast 'relocate' [char in world]
Duration : Instantaneous
Effects : Caster is teleported to victim
This is similar to teleport, but is targetable. The caster will instantly
be transferred to the specified victim's location. Note that you can only
relocate to another adventurer, and not a monster.

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Seventh Circle

Spell : Calm
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'calm'
Duration : level/3 hours/combat rounds
Effects : Calms aggressive monsters, and stops fighting

Calm will stop all fighting in the room it is cast in. If there are
aggressive monsters in the rooms, and they fail a save versus magic,
then they will not be aggressive for level/3 hours. However if you
engage them in combat, the effect will wear off faster. Be warned
that if a monster makes its save and you fail a save versus spells,
then the monster will try to fight you!

Spell : Conjure Elemental
Sphere : Summoning
Usage : cast 'conjure elemental' [object in inventory]
Duration : 2 days
Effects : Conjures an elemental

By finding arcane objects, endowed with magical properties, the caster can
summon one of the four elementals to do his bidding. The spell is cast on the
object thought to possess these mystical powers (the object must be in the
caster's inventory). The object will disintegrate if successful. Four stones
are known to possess these powers:

fire : red stone
water : pale blue stone
earth : grey stone
air : clear stone

However, renegade wizards may well have applied mystic powers in the creation
of other artifacts. Wizards are advised to scrutinise their objects wisely,
although what elementals these other artifacts will summon are unknown.

The stone is optional, but only the more powerful elementals may be brought
out with the use of a stone.

Spell : Prismatic Spray
Sphere : Evocation
Usage : cast 'prismatic spray'
Duration : Instantaneous
Damage : Nominal to Massive

This is a powerful area-effect mage spell. The caster evokes jets of vivid
color, striking those not grouped with him. There are seven colors of
spray: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color
has additional harmful effects.

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Eighth Circle

Spell : Clairvoyance
Sphere : Divination
Usage : cast 'clairvoyance' [char in world]
Duration : Instantaneous
Effects : Caster sees a vision of victim's location
If successful, the caster receives a vision of the current location of his
or her victim.

Spell : Mass Charm
Sphere : Enchantment/Charm
Usage : cast 'mass charm'
Duration : Dependent on victim and caster
Effects : Charms multiple living things

This is an area affect spell of charm. Everything in the room not in the
caster's group is charmed, subject to charm limitations (victim cannot be of
higher level than caster).

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Ninth Circle

Spell : Energy Drain
Sphere : Necromantic
Usage : cast 'energy drain' [opponent]
Duration : Permanent
Effects : Victims loses life force

The caster touches the victim and attempts to drain away their life force.
This will cause damage, and usually result in the victim losing experience,
and likely a level. The effect can be reversed by certain powerful magics.

Spell : Globe of Invulnerability
Sphere : Abjuration
Usage : cast 'globe of invulnerability' [caster only]
Duration : level/2 hours
Effects : Reduces physical damage

A globe of force springs into being around the caster, reducing damage he
receives. The globe gives no protection from enchantments which do not do
damage. Note that the globe draws its power from the caster's life energy
and therefore will inhibit recuperation to some extent.

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