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There are many varieties of creatures and mammals roaming Krynn. All came from one of five sources : dragons, ogres, humans, animals or elves. During the age of dreams, many new races inhabited the area. Minotaurs, gnomes, goblins and Kender being the most widely distributed. All may be encountered during your travels, along with creatures summoned from other planes and created by magic users.

The playable races are of Arctic are:




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The human race exists all over the world of Krynn, and are frequently the larger populous in towns. Out of the possible adventurers you can play, humans are average at just about everything. Humans are probably more likely to explore away from their homeland (apart from those curious Kender), and there are likely to be humans of all guilds traveling the roads.

Being a very greedy race, many become mercenaries and bounty hunters, and very few need much persuasion to go off in search of treasure!

Classes Available to humans:

Dark Knight Paladin Warrior Barbarian Ranger Thief Cleric Druid Mage

Alignment Restrictions:


Max Int=25

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Elven tradition has long since held that they were the first to be born into the world. They hold all life and nature in great respect, and loss of these things distress elves greatly. Being in armony with the land, most Elven communities are deep within forests, far away from other racial settlements.

The main communities of elves on Krynn are:

SILVANESTI and QUALINESTI (high elves): Silvanesti is the oldest Elven race on Krynn from which all other Elven races can find their roots. They are a proud, arrogant, and stoic people who have little use for other races, including other elves. They believe in strict racial purity. Qualinesti are exiles from the Silvanesti. They are more sociable than the Silvanesti, however, they share the Silvanesti's prejudice toward other races and are intolerant of interracial marriages.

KAGONESTI (wild elves): Kagonesti rejected the civilized trappings of their high elf cousins to establish their own wilderness settlements. Kagonesti are about the same size as high elves, but much more muscular, and not as intelligent. Wild elves believe that harmony with nature is the key to a full and happy life. They are proud people, hot-tempered and passionate.

Due to their small size and quick wit, elves tend to be more dexterous and stealthy than their human counterparts, as well as somewhat wiser.

Note that despite what elves are like in fantasy books and other games, elves are not long lived here. They have the same lifespan as humans.

Classes Available to elves:

Warrior Ranger Thief Cleric Druid Mage

Alignment Restrictions:


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The half-elves of Krynn are the offspring of human and elven parents and due to this mixed heritage they are frowned upon by both cultures. Half-elves strongly resemble their elven parent, but unlike the elven race, males can grow facial hair. They are slightly taller and somewhat stockier than most elves. Half-elves inherit the dexterity of their elven parents.

Since most are raised in an atmosphere of shame, half-elves tend to be insecure, which often leads to rebellious or anti-social behavior. Most half elves are natural leaders but few feel worthy of the responsibility or are given the opportunity. All half-elves are loners - brooding, quiet, and struggling with self doubt.

Note that despite what elves are like in fantasy books and other games, elves are not long lived here. They have the same lifespan as humans.

Classes Available to half elves:

Warrior Ranger Thief Cleric Druid Mage

Alignment Restrictions:


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The gnomes of Krynn are widely known for their crackpot inventions which inevitably fail. Each gnome is given a "life quest" which they must complete in order to attain eternal happiness after death. None have yet succeeded. However, some gnomish inventions have purpose, for other tasks.

The legendary "gnomeflinger" is just one strange invention of this busy and hard working race. They can still be found today, in Mount Nevermind. All gnomes are quick witted, however they suffer from one major problem; they talk extremely fast, and are difficult to understand. Never the less, they are accepted upon Krynn, albeit mainly as the brunt of stories and jokes.

The primary attributes of gnomes are intelligence and dexterity.

Note that despite what gnomes are like in fantasy books and other games, gnomes are not long lived here. They have the same lifespan as humans.

Classes Available to gnomes:

Warrior Ranger Thief Cleric Druid Mage

Alignment Restrictions:


Max Int=26

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The dwarves of Krynn are known to be descended from Gnomes and Kender. However, the dwarves deny this strenuously and argue that it was the God Reorx who created them, in the image of himself. Trying to persuade a dwarf otherwise will usually result in a brawl. Despite this hylar dwarves have a good nature and do not tend to be evil.

Because they are so headstrong and very stocky, dwarves tend to withstand magic and poisons better than other races. They are stronger than humans, but slower and not as intelligent, thus making tough fighters.

Dwarves fight tenaciously between themselves, and the dwarf gate wars between the hill and mountain dwarves was a long and bloody campaign which is the heart of many a tale around the inns of Krynn. A lot of dwarves are loners, wandering the countryside and offering their services at blacksmithy and masonry. Dwarven architecture and build is renowned and admired throughout the land. Armor and weapons crafted by a skilled dwarf often command high prices in the city shops.

Note that despite what dwarves are like in fantasy books and other games, dwarves are not long lived here. They have the same lifespan as humans.

Classes Available to hylar dwarves:

Warrior Ranger Thief Cleric Druid

Alignment Restrictions:

Good Chaotic Good Neutral Good Lawful Neutral Good Neutral Evil Neutral Lawful

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Kender are a small, childlike race equal in size to human children. They are quite unmistakable however, with distinctive ponytails ('topknot' to a Kender) and pointed ears. There are four things which make the Kender folk stand out from all others:

They are utterly fearless; they are insatiably curious; they are unstoppably mobile; and they have a tendency to take anything that isn't nailed down!

Their childish games and wild pranks can infuriate the calmest of travelers. Kender have very good dexterity, which aids them in their favorite pastimes of picking locks and 'borrowing' other peoples trinkets and treasures. They are not as strong as humans, but do make excellent thieves.

Kender have the same lifespan as humans.

Classes Available to Kender:

Warrior Ranger Thief Cleric Druid

Alignment Restrictions:


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The Minotaurs on Krynn are excellent seafarers who live on a small island past the Blood Sea. While they are part bull and part man, they seem to combine together some of the best attributes of both. The Minotaur grow

up in a tough environment which teaches them toughness and survival at an early age. In addition, Minotaurs become very attached to their clans.

To a Minotaur, honor is very important. Many will keep their word no matter what the cost is to them. A lot of their values are tied up in their beliefs that minotaurs are truly the superior race on Krynn. From this,

minotaurs also believe that "might makes right." Minotaur are known to be very strong and healthy but also a bit on the dumb side.

There is some racial animosity against the minotaur for their beliefs and attitudes. Minotaurs should expect to experience open hostility in some places around Krynn.

Classes Available to minotaurs:

Warrior Ranger Cleric Druid

Alignment Restrictions:


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The Goblins of Krynn live their lives in the wilderness beyond settlement in primitive conditions. The goblins are around the same height as Kender but their green skin and natural tendency towards strength makes them nimble warriors and thieves.

As they are primitive in nature, they have good dexterity from their need to hunt and strength from their living in the wilderness. Goblins are vicious fighters when angered. Goblin temper in general, however, is very short thus they do a lot of fighting.

Goblins are far from the smartest race on Krynn and they are not the longest lived of the races. They do however show remarkable abilities to heal wounds faster than other races.

Classes Available to goblins:

Warrior Thief

Alignment Restrictions:

Neutral Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil Lawful Evil Neutral Neutral Evil Neutral Lawful

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These evil dwarves inhabit the darkest underworld. They are as strong and sturdy as their hylar cousins. However, they have developed a dark and evil cunning to them. They will ally themselves with any other evil race to suit their purpose. They also maintain their racial superiority especially to the hylar dwarves.

Classes Available to theiwar:

Warrior Thief Cleric Mage

Alignment Restrictions:

Neutral Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil Lawful Evil Neutral Neutral Evil Neutral Lawful

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