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Angel Interpreter 
Clairvoyant / Clairaudient 
Who Is Kim?
Born into a Baptist family in Southern 
Ohio,  discussions of any unexplained happenings or knowing was forbidden.   Not until her daughter
was born and began displaying abilities similar 
to Kim's own, was she challenged to explore 
the metaphysical and spiritual world more closely. 
Kim began questioning her own beliefs, 
and thus started a spiritual journey 
that continues today.   After solidifying her 
spiritual beliefs and nourishing her abilities, 
Kim recognized that her gifts were 
indeed blessings from God, and 
therefore should be shared. 
Kim is a sensitive who is compassionate 
to your emotional needs and wishes 
to assist in guiding you through your 
life's journey.    Her mission is to assist in 
strengthening  your personal relationship 
with your Higher Power through 
spiritual guidance.
How Does She Read?
Kim is a psychic who employs multiple 
techniques to connect with your angels 
or spirit guides 
She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. 
This means that she sees, hears, and
feels the information given to her. 
Because of these abilities, 
her accuracy is unprecedented.
    She is also a medium and is
    able to make loving connections 
    with deceased loved ones 
    that have moved to the other side.
    Kim is also a master at dream 
    interpretation, clarifying for you the 
    symbology and meanings of your 
    sometimes confusing dreams. 
    Her abilities do not stop there however. 
    She is also able to perform
    past life readings, therefore dissolving 
    current life issues.
    Kim is also a Chakra healer that has 
    studied under the instruction of Mechi, the 
    Native American founder of Kolaimni Healing. 
    Kim is available for private parties 
    or phone consultations at 
    (513) 573-9110 
    Current rates are:
    $50/half hour
    $80 for hour
    Where Will I Be In Person? 
    Click the Angel  to 
    see my upcoming schedule.
    View My Guestbook
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    for Kim To Answer? 
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    Visit My Message Board 
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    The Schedule
     My Schedule Of Events. 
    The Angelic Realm
     How I work with Angels. 
      My Pages of Prayers & Testimonials
    Including Kim's Father's Story
    Read what my clients are saying about
    me.  Wonderfully inspired stories 
    and prayers I share with you.
      Awakening your Intuition  
    A practical, easy to understand 6 week course with Angel psychic-Angelic Whispers for more info. call 513-573-9110