The BCW Lyric Page


a senior in highschool

when it came to gravity she broke all the rules

a year older then me

so next year i wouldn't be able to see her

her name was sherri

i called her cherry

her complex was fair

she had long curly blond hair

i liked it when she whirled it in her finger

oh how my heart would linger

and she had the biggest breasts

you could lay your head down to rest

as soft as clouds or as hard as rocks

it all depended if she was wet or not

she wasn't tall she was rather short

i loved when she bent down and i looked down her shirt

whenever she moved her breasts would bounce up and down

i always was hoping they would pop out

then all the boys would shout

and all the girls would glout

she had a funny laugh

a real funny laugh and she always did

once in math she made the whole class blow their lid

©2000 BCW

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