The BCW Lyric Page

Pass the Rock

Cruizin in my Camero

The stereo is blazin

I peel around the corner and I head down the block

When I get to the light


I sees a fight in progress

And I jump out of tha car

Three whites vs. a black

I put those crackers back on track

I whip on their asses

And what do I see?

Six big, ugly assed bikers comin out of a bar, runnin towards me

I think to myself, "They must be friends."

So I jumps back inta my car

And we speeds away

I wonda whaddya happened if Izs was ta have stayed

Looks like I'm about to finds out

Cuz I see deez fags comin my way

I slam on da breaks and I makes a quick turn

One of them skids out and has road burn

Down to 5 chasin me in a hot pursuit

1 checks on his friend

Now it's down to four, so my runnin must end

I pull over to the side cuz 4 vs. 3 is a little more even

But they, ride past me, now those punks are leavin

You best be believin that I was sorta ticked

I was lookin for a fair fight

And now those prickless dicks are outa sight

©2000 BCW

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