The BCW Lyric Page

Least of My Worries

stole some money from my mother's purse

grabbed the keys and ran to my porche

jumped in and started it up

going on a date with my girl can't wait


forgot to put it in reverse,went right thru the garage

hit a couple garbage cans,bunch of beer bottles in the air

i ran them over and then the car stalled

glass ripped up my tires

though thats the least of my worries

the worst is yet to come

shit i swallowed up my gum

i took a deep breath

seen my life flash before me

i seen my death,

though i got it together,i thought

first things first

got to clean up this mess

then i got to confess right away

or run the fuck away

i don't really wanna stay

no got to be a man admitt to what i done

i mean so what if i won't have fun anymore

so i walk to the house

as quiet as a mouse

i walk about on my tippie toes

like i got caught with a couple of hoes

i got to explain everything to my parents

won't be able to walk for a couple of weeks

my dad he'll go insane fucking knock me in the head

and fuck up my brain some more

boy will i be sore

i'll be slammed against the door

yet thats the least of my worries

i got to pay for the car repairs new tires and body

plus the garage will need rebuilt it almost came down, on top of me

i could ask my boss if i could work overtime at the store

maybe pay it off before i retire

though that's not the worst of my worries

i have to take the abuse of my friends

their laughing will never end

won't be able to show my face

even if my parents let me go out

which they won't

so who cares

be grounded until i move out

when i reached the kitchen

i seen my mom

told her first

boy did she scream

she really gave it to me

my dad rushed in

picked me and threw my at the wall

didn't even let me fall

when he grabbed me by the throat

and started yelling at me

he gave me my coat

and told me to get the fuck out

not to come back again

i was like ok

what ever you say

your the man

see you later

i went to the bank and took out everthing

it came to 5 grand

then i got an envolope at the post office

that night i put all the money in it and put in our mailbox

i wrote a note with the number i was at

asking if i could come home

then i slept at my friends house

told his mom my parents were outta town

that they didn't want me home alone

i feel asleep around three

when i woke up i couldn't see

couldn't even tell if i was me

i heard my dad talking downstairs

i sneaked down to get a peak

he looked sane

then i heard him call my name

i came out from my hiding place

and looked him straight in the face

he said he over reacted and asked me to come home

i said thanks

when i got home

i mowed the lawn,raked up the grass

washed all the vehicles

cleaned my room

i went to bed

then my radio went off

saying it was friday

and i remembered i was suppose to go on a date with my girl

it was only a dream it was all a fucking dream

shit i pissed my pants

got up took a shower

my mom seen my wet bed and i said

being a bed wetter is the least of my worries

©2000 BCW

All songs and poems are copyrighted by BCW.

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