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Upcoming Attractions!!

This page is my list of upcoming attractions that I plan to put on my site soon. I will list what it is and the expected time.

Upcoming Chapters to my Ghostbusters Fan Fic

No expected date..I do however plan to work on it as much as I can but writing stories takes time so bare with me.

NOTICE!: I had my fan fic going pretty well but I have decided to take careful work on it and make it the best I can...Once I have it good to my liking I will begin to post it in it's entirety. Thank you for your cooperation. =)

I am going to have all summer pix posted before the end of summer break...I have most of them in right now but there are a few more I need to get developed and scanned bare with me on that...also there is no telling if I will be taking any more pix this summer...most likely I will so when I do I will get them developed and scanned in ASAP! Thank you.

All of my poems

I should have some posted probably by July.

My favorite Romeo and Juliet Quotes

I'm hoping to have this up sometime in July.


So far these are all of my expected Upcoming Attractions..Keep checking back to see the progress..Thank you!!!!