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Râzêr êdgê §crïpt Homepage
by A\\'oL
This is it...the homepage for Râzêr êdgê mirc script.  This script was originally published for mirc 5.31 by Apollo and Arch...and a great job they did. Unfortunately they stopped refining it and updating I grabbed it.  Give it a will love the features...the power..the way irc should be!

(This script is designed for the Sexnet ( but can be easily modified for other servers.)

Features of Râzêr êdgê §crïpt 3.1:
lag detector
nickserv auto ident
irc2 (chat on two servers at once)
onjoin AND manual clone scanning
wingate/open proxy scanning
-improved war/protection schemes
-hundreds of  popups
mp3/wav player
lots lots more for your entertainment and protection on irc

 Click here for Râzêr êdgê §crïpt screen shots

IRC Scripts
 Râzêr êdgê §crïpt  EZmIRC by Mush and FLrOsE
Studpuppy's mIRC script page
 Ircle (if you are on a Mac)

Links to Friends pages
Chat regulars homepage FuckMeHard Homepage
 Fallen^Petals page (Hilarious)

Some of My Favorite Sites
The Cincinnati Reds  Homepage The Dallas Cowboys Homepage
JFK...truth NOW !!
 Xcalibre (excellent mIRC script site)
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