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{wall} {welcom}

{short description of image}TO THE HOME OF{stophate}

{g}{a}{y} {a}{u}{s}{s}{i}{e}{s}

This site has been created by JACSTER, for the benefit of the Australian Gay & Lesbian ICQ community.

Here you will find links to many essential organisations that care for, support and hold our community together. So please take a moment and show your support by visiting their sites. Here you will also be able to join the Gay Aussies ICQ User Group, where you can contact other Gay & Lesbian ICQ users.

And if you are really bored or who knows; even interested in me (JACSTER), you can find out a little about me.{short description of image}

So thanks for stopping by and remember, we are:

"Gay by Chance, Proud by Choice!"



Please enter Gay Aussies Chat room here
or other Australian Gay chats' on
