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The Dayton Police Department
Peer Support Program

DPD Peer Support Program

The concept of peer support is an earnest effort on the part of the selected police volunteers to provide support and assistance needed to avoid escalation of problems prior to risking loss of job, family or other vital sources.

This team is staffed exclusively by Dayton Police Officers and selected civilian police employees. Team members receive 40 hours training in basic and proper support methods and continuing education is provided. It is essential to the continued success of this program that STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY be maintained between the Support Person and the person seeking assistance.

Telephone and Contact Numbers for Peer Support Team Members are posted in each of the Districts and Bureaus and are published in the quarterly Police Assignment Detail. They are available to benefit police officers and are not to be made available to the general public.

For more information, see M.O.P. General Order 1.02-17
Stress Counseling Policy
Section III

To contact a Peer Support Member by e-mail click here.