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Gryphon's Pride

This is an unofficial webpage to support the Gryphon's Pride, the fighting forces of the Barony of Flaming Gryphon.  This is a work in progress, so check back frequently for updates.  Currently this is a compilation of e-mails that I have sent to our new fighters.  This website is not an attempt to cover any subject in depth or list all of the available resources it is simply designed to get you started.

Any links on this website to vendors are not official endorsements of the site owner Capt. Boris Movila or the Society for Creative Anachronism

Table of Contents:


Rules for Fighting and Armor

Gryphon's Pride Team Clothing

Training Links

Armor Advice

Armor and Weapon Supplies

Homemade armor



Helpful Links for New Gryphon's Pride soldiers.

Websites for Newcomers Local People

Newcomers Information

Group Websites


Everything Armor


Website for Female fighters

Arts and Sciences

Biggest and Best SCA event (start saving your money now)


Flaming Gryphon Who's Who



Links for Equipment and Training

Gryphon's Pride Team Clothing



Gryphon's Pride Team Clothing



Flaming Gryphon Rapier Combat Training Guide

Flaming Gryphon Armored Combat Training Guide

Flaming Gryphon Soldier Class


Armor Archive Training Links


Bellatrix Fighting School


Videos teaching fighting techniques.


Baron Syr Kyppyn's Youtube Channel (has videos of his Recruitment Classes)

Rules and Combat Conventions


Below are links the Rules of the List.  Every fighter must read and understand these before they are authorized.  They also contain the armor standards for those of you who are working on building your armor right now. 


SCA Armored Combat Rules and Standards:


Middle Kingdom additional Armored Combat Rules and Standards: /Midrealm_Armored_Combat_Handbook_v11.0.pdf


For those of you who are trying to put together enough garb for Pennsic or just need a couple sets to attend local events.  Check out the links below stolen from      

1) How to Make a Quick-and-Dirty T-tunic
This is probably the best one to use when you start out. It explains how to make a simple t-tunic without having to measure things or be an expert tailor.

2) Forward into the Past
This official SCA publication also explains how to make a basic t-tunic; however, it’s instructions are for someone with at least some sewing skills. Be sure to check it out, though. Even if you’ve never sewn before, the illustrations and instructions may still be of use to you.

3) T-tunic - The Period Way
For those feeling more adventurous yet, this site explains how to make a truly period t-tunic. This method doesn’t waste fabric but it will take much longer to make and will require steady eyes and sure hands.

4) The Costumer’s Manifesto
This site is for those with advanced sewing skills and a sure knowledge of exactly what kind of garb they want.

5) By the Sword, Inc.
Finally, for those who are truly desperate and have money to burn, you can buy a suitable tunic at a site like this. The image above sample of the site’s wares. 

Another good place to get some cheap garb is your local Target or Wal-Mart.  While not period patterns or fabric the men’s pajama pants can pass as period pants under a T-tunic.  You can usually pick up a pair for less than $12. 


Local Vendors

Black Tower Enterprises (Leather Armor)

Pillaged Village (Everything)

Dragonslayer Visions (Chainmail)



Weapon Supplies

Armor Supplies

Rattan, Foam, and Fiberglass Spears:


Master Eirik Dweorgaxe  -  He is local to Indiana and travels to many events we travel to.  So it is relatively easy to get rattan and not pay shipping.


Basket Hilts, Cross Guards, and Shields:


Clang Armory


Windrose Armory

Places where I get some of my parts and supplies.


Straps and cord locks




The first website below sells paracord in 450 and 550.  There is a significant difference in diameter.  Cadogan you want the 450 for your aluminum plates (the top row).  James you and the guys will need 550 for your plastic plates (the bottom row).


                I have ordered from this website once the sell more colors but only sell in 100’ or 1000’ spools.


                You might also want to try ebay.  I haven’t bought from the merchant below.  But I may in the future to get the amount I need and in the right color.  I would recommend searching around ebay some more there are dozens of merchants who sell paracord, parachute cord, 550 cord, etc.  Just make sure its 7 strand 550 cord.



                Another place I haven’t purchased from but worth a shot at least for colors.


Plastic  Barrels (55 gallon, poly, refurbished, you have to pick them up from their warehouse)

Birgita,, can also get you black barrels, just ask a few days ahead of time.


Leather and leather hardware


Helmet and Armor Advice

Sports Armor Construction

Below are some links to places to buy helmets and armor. 


Make sure you measure your head and body and check with the merchant that it will fit you.   Head Measuring Guide:


Consider buying a stainless steel helmet if you can afford it.  Mild Steel while much cheaper is a lot more work to take care of.  It rusts easily. 


Make sure that the helmet is SCA LEGAL before you buy it.  Don’t waste your money.  Requirements,


The links below are some suggestions, there are many more armories out there.  Please feel free to ask me or some of the other senior fighters advice before spending money. 


Cheap Helms   hit the links page and start going through them. 


        classifieds page.  I recommend posting what you want and your sizes and let the blacksmiths make their offers.

More Expensive

 Not all of their helmets are SCA legal, I recommend asking them for specific details and verifying what you are paying for is going to work.

Not all of their helmets are SCA legal, I recommend asking them for specific details and verifying what you are paying for is going to work.



High End



Do it yourself kits and parts,shop.browse/category_id,1/




My Website on how to make barrel armor.