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Anicas Family's Page

Anicas Family News!

We're Back!!
And we miss everyone!

April 2005
As of 4/19/05 here are the updates: John is now Sgt Anicas. He reached the rank of Sgt in less then 3 yrs!! Way to go John.
He is working in G6 department at Marine Forces Reserve Headquaters in New Orleans, Louisiana. But we are PCS'ing to Camp Lejeune, NC. He will apart of the re-establishment of the 1/9 aka "the walking dead". He is excited to be apart of such a famous unit. OORAHH, SEMPER FI, carry on!!!"
Shannon is now a stay at home mom, full time student working on her bach. degree,and possibly going to work on base at Camp Lejeune upon arrival. Erik and Amanda are finishing up the school year in Canton, OH and will be visiting us for the summer in June. We all can't wait to spend the days on the beach! Feel free to snail mail them at:
Erik York or Amanda Kaiser
2200 Washington Blvd NW
Canton, OH 44209

We will keep everyone upto date as we find out information. So until next time...

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