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First Row: (1 to r) Steve Molnar, Robert (Butch) Long, Kenny Hale. Dennis Davis. Eddie Cook. Second Row: Dennis Lory. Danny Rego. Eddie Reiter. Tom Ash. Third Row: Guy Dalton, Louis Vilagi, Steve Kapostasy. Ronald Merkosky. Manager Nick Robinson (rear). Not pictured: Tommy Vegso, Mike Neroda, Coach Barney Lyons



First Row (l to r) James Loxterman, William Takas. William Alex. Kevin Clowesly. Robert Maurschak. Mike Sabo. Second Row: Jeff Hanahan, Jim Mahokey, Tim Vagi, Ray Bevan. Craig Salminen, Third Row: Bob Meese, Ron Curtis, Charles Adams, Tom Orris. Manager Ed Bollinger (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) John Evangelista. Don Spy. Jeff Wayner. Glenn Gochneaur. Ray Behrens, Jeff Behrens. Second Row: Frederick Pollutro, Greg Crouse, Ken Spring, Dave Getzy. Dave Waite. Third Row: Mike Turner, John Vassallo. Tom Vassallo, Mike Sekki. Coach Don Crouse (1) and Manager Fred Pollutro (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) M. Dense, P. Wilcoxon. K. Kallay, J. Knight, R. Ames. Second Row: J. Moore. J. Thompson, L. Laing, D. Powers. J. McCormick. Third Row: W. Parker: B. Journigan, D. Wilcoxon, D. Pomeroy, R. Hewitt. Coach M. Thompson.



First Row: (1 to r) Mike Kleinshrot. Pat Kleinshrot. Bob Riser, Ted Riser, Dale Oinonen, Dave Hockman. Second Row: Pat Short, Jim Davidson. Denny Latona, Bob Brunson, Keith Kuppler. Third Row: Bob Jones, Joe Sabo. Chris Hodges. Ray DelaMotte. Manager George J. Riser (1), Coach George Jones.



First Row: (1 to r) Joe Wayner, Zack Zinn. Dave Hunter, Vince Minello, Scott Zinn, James Ahlstrom. Second Row: James Alban, Tom Butcher, Jerry Cope, Greg Forte. Mickey Kovacs. Third Row: Charles Davis, Rickey Drew, Kevin Acheson, Jerry Martin. Manager Pete Rippin (1) and Coach Steve Kovacs (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Chuck Helsius. Herb Turner, Ross Pace. Jeff Pasquarelli. Second Row: Ken Jaskela, Jeff Breedlove. Danny Wayner, David Ames. Bob Breedlove, Third Row: Billy Briggs. Andy Zever. Bob Butterfield, Tom Adams. Manager Don Mayse (rear) Not pictured: Dennis Stropkey. Steve Webb.



First Row: (1 to r) Tom Honkala. Jim Lechnyr. Dave Sudbrook, Kevin Laymon. Carl Esterhay, Jim Paramore. Second Row: Mike Pratt, Melvin Michelson. Dan Zelek. Biff Bevan, Bob Paulenske. Third Row: Bill Filson, Hank Zalar, Joe Vayo. Manager Bob Paulenske (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Rodney McGrew. Craig Deighan, Mascot Joe Calhoun Jr., Kevin Deighan, Milton Howland. Second Row: David Farren. Paul Lengyel. Joe Lefelhocs, Ed James, Bill Kozane. Third Row: Gerald Fazekas, Tim Cannon, Barry Reed, Dave Moore, Jim Loiacona. Richard Saari. Manager Joe Calhoun (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) John Hagyari. David Bailey. Barry Punkar. Chris Young, Larry Watson. Second Row: Doug Young, Bruce Punkar. Gib Oberg. Francis Sarosy, Third Row: Ron Bell, Peter Barratt. Larry Bonifield, Bruce Wyant, Jim Lyons, Tom Perrin, Manager Al Rehberg (1) and Coach Bill Punkar.



First Row: (.1 to r) Mark Shenker, Dwight Wiles. Leonard Iovine, Michael Beno, Carl Scott. Second Row: John McClarvy. Mitchell Richart, John McMillen, Harvey Schlegel. Third Row: Doug Rust, Terry Rickart, Mike Rust, Marty Valocchi Art Schneider. .Manager Del Richart (rear)



First Row: (l to r) Stephen Suttman, Mike Willhoite. Jim Delisio. Paul Stanzi. Tom Kutie. Second Row: John Orosz. Dave Blake, Tony Bertone, Randy Tirpak, Tim Suttman. Third Row: Mike Suttman. Dick Eighme, John Snowberger, Craig Schoenberger. Tim Murphy. Bob Suttman (1) and Fred Delisio.



First Row: (1 to r) Jimmy Gerard. Karl Kuppler. Mike Visti. Dana Browning. James L. Smith Jr. Second Row: Mike Bernay. Donald Lakia. Ronald Lawrence. Richard Gnad. Robert Fazekas. Third Row: Gary Gerard. Larry Sudbrook, Pat Dixon, Ernest R. Bystrom,  Mark Robeson. Manager Thane Robeson (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Dan Kelly. Rusty Jones, Buddy Smartt, George Cook. Andrew Kish. Second Row: John Beseda. Kevin Corter, Jack Acker. Ricky Saflick. Third Row: Gary McClintock, Kevin McKinney, Mark Dodge. Frank Dickinson, Tom Gillette. Manager Harry Dodge (rear). Not pictured: Coach Bill Kelly, Glenn Dodge 


First Row: (1 to r) Ron Lombardo. Ken Galm, Don Hyde, Jack Kelly. Tom Chiappone. Mike Nighman. Second Row: Jeff Ignat. David Minich, Dennis Frye, Mike Fenlason, Tom Hervey. Third Row: Mike Mohnar, Jim Lyons, Bill Booher, Bob Hohman. Manager Bob Zampini (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Blake Brewster, Alien Martin. Richard Rebenock, Jeff Reho, Keith Werbeach. Second Row: Arthur Martin. Barry Hilborn, Douglas Huff, Keith Evans. Third Row: Donald Anderson. Michael Malizio. Richard Komssi, Dave Weigand. Pat O'Herron. Rick Bodak. Coach Steve Reho (1) and Manager Mike Rebenock. Not Pictured: William Downing.


First Row: (1 to r) Tim Marshall. Scott Manninen. Paul Derrik. Dennis Raybuck, Ed Bringardner. Second Row: Rick Bihary. Bill Zatorsky, Bob Dingle, Leo Coleman. Third Row: Mike Hilborn, Ted Stevens. Mike Stevens. Bob Clark. Chris Bihary, Steve Shamel. Manager Benny Wayner (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Steve Adams. Jerry James. Tim Diadiun. Craig Freedman, Jeff Adams. Second Row: Dom Marzano, Bill Smith. Wally Fedderman, Andy Klepcyk. Third Row: Doug Jerome. Tim Brozie. Larry Louth, Dave Sarosy. Coach A. S. Fletcher (1) and Manager Don Adams (rear). Not pictured: Alan Cutter, Ron Hobbs.



First Row: (1 to r) Richard Kubb. Tony Taylor. Jerry Silvestro, David Daniel, Tom McAllen. Second Row: Coy Lee Alston, Roger Minich. Tom Hoffa, Billy Singleton. Third Row: Dennis Horvath, Tom Cottler, Randy Lefelhoc, Dennis Ford. Donald Kelly. Manager Joe Lyons (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Anthony Brook, Arthur Cook. Roosevelt Brooks. Mark Norcine, Jimmy Arnold. Second Row: Milton Johnson, Raymond Sweeney, Robert Haynes, Randy Pike. Third Row: Gary McCrone, Glen Huffman, Bill Keener, Steve Walters, Joseph Skof, Coach Glen Finch (rear)



First Row: (1 to r) Edgar Helliard. Joey Caranci, John Kovach. Bert Hitzel. Paul Morton. Second Row: Tom Hitzel. John Nolan, Steve Munson. Chuck Rathburn. Third Row: Richard White. A. J. Halavacs. Ricki Francisco. Tom Smith, Randy Delay, Ron Vargo. Coach Bert Halavacs (1) and Manager Tony Vargo.



First Row: (1 to r) Kevin Rowan. Joe Kally. Dallas Justinger, Dale Chorman, Mike Manary. Roger Staley. Second Row: Ken Beach. Steve Kally, Mark Kovach. David Garden, Mark Weaver. Third Row: Larry Breedlove, Terry Lee Myers, James Butsko, John Stafanik. Manager Mel Palsse (rear)



First Row: (1 tu r) Ted Williams, Mike Kamenar. David Szabo. Robert Szabo. Johnny Millonzi. Second Row: Dennis Szabo, Brian Trubisky. Willie Parks, Myron Francis. Third Row: Jim Komendat. Art Falco. Gerry Popp, David Mucciarone. Quincy Landingham. Manager David Trubisky (rear). Absent Art Toblin. Coach Bud Raines.



First Row: (1 to r) Patrick Shaw, Luigi De Carlo, Randy St. Julian, Bobby Wetmore, Tom Goldy. Kevin Marsh. Second Row: Ronnie St. Julian, Lonnie Sparkman. John Spence, James Morton. Jim Roberts. Third Row: Donald Little, Jeff Tenkku, David Johnson, Mike Blauman. Manager Frank Roberts (1) and Coach Vince Panzarella