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Batman: TAS Drinking Game

Note: This is just for fun and whatnot. Be careful when you drink, but I hope you know all that

1 drink whenever there's a really thinly veiled sexual innuendo. 2 if it has to do with Batman and Joker. (oh,yeah, that's some sexy stuff!)

1 drink whenever someone uses a derogetory name for Batman(i.e.- "Bats", "Batboy", etc)

1 drink whenver someone insults Robin. 2 drinks if it's Batman.

1 drink for every newscast featuring gotham's favorite anchor girl Summer Gleeson! 3 drinks if it's NOT Summer.

1 drink everytime the Joker dies, 2 if it's then followed by a newcast claiming that "no body was found".

1 drink every time the Joker's "secert hideout" is something really obvious, like an old amusement park.

1 drink everytime a member of the amazing Gotham law enforcement makes a snide comment about Batman.

1 drink everything Detective Bullock shoves food down his throat. 2 drinks if he DOESN'T shove food down his throat while rushing off to a crime scene

1 drink for every attack of guilt Batman has. 2 drinks if it's Alfred that brings him out of it.

1 drink for every crime that happens solely so we can see Batman "rush into action!" 2 drinks if it's right at the beginning of the episode.

1 drink if the sky is red for no apparent reason.

1 drink if they animate the road instead of the Batmoblie.

1 drink everytime Batgirl says something really dumb...wait, nevermind, I don't want you to get alchohol poisioning.

1 drink whenever Robin proves how utterly useless he is.

1 drink for every time Harley swears Mista J really loves her. 2 drinks if this is right after he tried to kill her.

1 drink every time someone gets seriously hurt, yet shows NO BLOOD! 2 drinks if someone gets a nose bleed, or there's just a little line of blood from their lips to their chin. If there is any serious display of blood you're either watching the wrong show or you need to lay off a bit of the sauce for now, buddy-boy!