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Tribefunaddict Funzone

My Favorite Web Sites

The Official website of the Cleveland Indians
Come and chat with Tribefans from all over!
Check out the Indians Minor League Team (Buffalo Bisons)
Future Major-Leaguers (Akron Aeros)

Hello! Welcome to my homepage! I love the tribe and hope you enjoy browsing thru the pics as much as I did taking them! Most of the pics were taken during the 1998-2000 seasons. My mom has been a tribe fan ever since she was a girl, and finally got me hooked a couple of years ago! Boy, did she ever create a "tribefunaddict"!

Now for a little bit about me.........
My name is Diana, and besides loving baseball, I enjoy listening to music, dancing, reading, and spending time hanging out with my friends. I love my job as an administrative assistant and part-time police aide, and also enjoy doing volunteer work when I have the time! I am also a very busy mom of three active and awesome kids, who are the joy of my life....*chuckling*.....and the challenge of it too! It's not easy raising kids in the 2000's!!!!!

This is Outfielder Jacob Cruz and me at Nautica after the 1999 charity concert some of the Indians players participated in.

Jacob Cruz and me at the second annual TribeJam charity concert at Nautica, August 21, 2000.

Click here for more pics.......
Thoughts and ponderings........
Amazing what a little makeup can do.......

Visit some of my friends.......
Don Juan's Page
Marie's Page
Phyllis's Page

*laughing*....The page is an ongoing work in progress....."gone fishin'" for a while, taking a break......

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Page last updated on July 26, 2005. Email me at