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Bit of a random update, but I decided that seeing as version 1.2 of my guide is now up on GAME FAQs (as well as here obviously), I should try and do something with the site. It seems that the folk over at Neoseeker have buggered up my account and as a result I won't be adding my upadted versions of the guide there in the near future. The least they could do is return a bloody email. I wanna say a big thanks again to those who have emailed me regarding mistakes in the guide, your help is always appreciated. Also, work has now begun on spell checking the guide, and the really good news is i'm not the one doing it :D The man taking on this hell of a task is Lee Ferens, a man who proofreads pages for the Times, Sun, Indpendent newspapers here in the UK so I am very honoured.

Not that huge a diva update this time im afraid as I really couldn't be assed :D. I did however add Torie and Sables Playboy shoot into the Diva gallery as well as updated some VERY good Stacy and Trish pics so its still worth a wee browse. Next time though will probibly include scans from the new Diva magazine thats just been released in the States.

feel free to visit Greggs wrestling site. :)

Note the change in email address folks. There is a direct link at the foot of the page.

Anyway, until next time.



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