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Promoting Preliteracy Skills Through Interactive Language

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Lesson Plan

Name of Material: I Went Walking Interactive Language Chart


  • I Went Walking book
  • Interactive Language Chart (ILC) made with poster board and sentence strips.
  • Picture/word cards of animals

Aims: Through listening and verbally practicing the predictable, repetitive story language using Interactive Language Chart the child will:

  • Increase auditory awareness of rhyme, rhythm and rate of language used in story script.
  • Verbally practice rhyme, rhythm and rate of language used in story script.
  • Increase vocabulary skills (i.e. animal and color names, words concerning order - first, next, last).
  • Develop or increase awareness of word-print pairing skills.
  • Develop association of specific verbal labels with specific printed animal and color names.
  • Develop sequencing skills.

Ages: Preschool and Kindergarten

Presentation: Lesson can be used with one child or a group of children.
  1. Instructor (SLP or teacher) will talk about taking a walk and what you might see. Child will join in discussion.
  2. Instructor will display I Went Walking book, point out & read title, then read story.
  3. Instructor will introduce Interactive Language Chart and picture/word cards of animals.
  4. Several times Instructor will demonstrate word-print pairing by reading and pointing to the words as she varies the picture/word card in the blank space.
  5. Instructor will utilize rhyme, rhythm and rate of storybook language when reading ILC.
  6. Instructor will have the child (or group) join in reading the ILC as she points to the words.
  7. Instructor will encourage child or group to imitate the rhyme, rhythm and rate of storybook language.
  8. Instructor will hold up card or ask child to recall what animal comes next.
  9. Child will place the picture/word card in ILC and read aloud as he/she points to the words on the ILC.
  10. Instructor and child or group will practice reading the ILC using all of the picture/word cards.
  11. Instructor will leave out the ILC and picture/word cards for child to practice reading.

Lesson Plan

Name of Material: Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom, Book and Chart


Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom book
Language Chart
Letter Cards
Picture Cards

Aims: The child will learn to recognize his name in print, as well as the other children in the class.

Ages: This particular item is for preschool children. It could be adapted to different age levels by changing the content of the cards which are used on the board. For early preschoolers just letters could be used on the chart. For older preschoolers words could be used to introduce words such as long vowel silent e words.

Presentation: I have a story about some alphabet friends who meet at the top of a coconut tree. Let’s read the story and meet those alphabet friends. After reading the story show the children pictures of themselves with their names on the cards. Tell them that we have a fun poem that we can read together and put each of their names on the chart.

Farrer, Foreman, Morgan, Siegel '99

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