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Ghostwriter Fan Page

The beginnings of one.

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This is Shuo's dedication to the fine writers and creators of this PBS detective learning series... But I'm not doing it any justice by stating it as just any one genre. It was a cool program for teens and younger kids with hip hoppin music and cool plots. I thought it was a pretty sweet show. I liked the original cast... in fact when I was younger I thought the Ghostwriter girls were pretty cool...

Please email me if you have any information on episodes or character profiles.

Oh ho ho! This page isn't it! It is still under construction. If there are any Ghostwriter fans out there I beg you to email me or contact me (like with the Ghostwriter bulletin board above!) so I can add to this page an make it more comprehensive. The fans'll thank you later.


Cast: Jamal Jenkins played by Sheldon Turnipseed, Alejandro (Alex) Fernadez played by David Lopez, Gaby (Gabriela) Fernandez played by Mayteana Morales, Lenni Frazier played by Blaze Berdahl, Tina Nguyen played by Tram anh Tran. And then there was Rob Baker who was blayed by Todd Alexander And don't forget Ghostwriter. Of course the new season characters had a new Gaby played by..., Casey played by..., Hector Carrero played by William Hernandez. And of course there was ... Calvin the rival and probably envious enemy of the Ghostwriter team.

Casey is a cute little girl, Cousin of Jamaal Jenkin. She likes to joke a lot (especially practical jokes... and unfortunately quite often on Jamal!). I think she is the youngest of the bunch.P>

Jamaal lives with his grandmother who happens to be a postal worker. His Dad is also there. Jamaal is in enrolled in a martial arts class along with Gaby. Jamaal likes martial arts (karate) very much and he also is a scientific type (supposedly likes math). They live in Fort Green, Brooklyn. (I got this location from Noggin's website.

Alejandro (Alex) Fernandez is of a spanish family and their family consists of Gaby, Papa, and his mother. They live and run a spanish little store called a Bodega. They live underneath the Fraziers? He likes to play basketball a lot. He was smeared by Calvin in a political campaign but Calvin got in trouble. Something about being afraid of fried chicken! He's a cool guy. He knows both English and Spanish. He also is said to have 27 penpals (again from Noggin's website.).

Lenni Frazier is a musician at heart when she isn't hanging with her friends she is composing songs and kind of follows in her father's footsteps as a musician. She loves writing songs and playing on her keyboard. She only lives with her father. ... She is a good actor and actually made her own MTV music video in one episode called "You Gotta Believe". (It was conceived when Lenni was trying to think of a song and heard that writing down anything on her mind would work. Well you paste a couple of those ideas together and they make a song.) She often wore a beret. He birthday gift was a Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh B?her book from her father Max Frazier? She lives in upstairs from Alex and Gaby

Rob is a good writer and makes poems and stuff. Eventually he moved to Australia. His dad is in the military so he moves around a lot. He also likes to skateboard. Someday he wants to learn to play the guitar (forgot about the skateboard and guitar details). He had a bit of a rivalry with Jamal and Alex in the beginning episodes.

Gaby (Gabriela) is one of the youngest of the group, before Casey came joined the cast in Season II. She is friends with Tina. She is quite gossipy and likes to talk and play word games. She also likes that space movie with Cutesie. She is the young sister of Alex and helps in the bodega (store) as well.

Tina is Gaby's friend. She is Vietnamese and has a older brother who also likes music. Tina is very good with video cameras and likes making movies. He is kind of a rebel. Her full name is Tina Nguyen (pronounced like "Nwen"). She uses the school's video camera to make videos about her neighborhood. Her parents are tailors. (I probably didn't know that either until I saw it at Noggin's website.).

Hector (Carrero) is also a Spanish kind of guy. He looks up to Alex like an older brother especially in one episode where he is picked on by a bully. He likes playing handball a whole lot and is awesome at it. He also learns to improve his English from Alex.

Calvin is the annoying pest who is like the arch rival of the Ghostwriter team from time to time. One time he found out the existance of Ghostwriter, but since Ghostwriter didn't respond to his writings he dismissed the idea. He owns a party and gift shop store. His mother is one of those embarrasing mother who still treats his like a precious little baby. I think Calvin kind of liked Lenny for a while. He owns a rare parrot... I think. -- Was in an smear campaign for election for class president. There were like four candidates... Funny episode. You kind of felt sorry for Calvin since he had no real friends cause he was such a jerk.

Some Episodes and their Titles...

THABTOS Two heads are better than one. A masked group video gamers are stealing?

Rob and Double T or Tommy Truborn

Gooey Gus episode was kind of amusing to see each individual character and their own personalities shine out.

Parrot Episode A cockatoo or something... some rare valuable bird is somehow mixed into Gaby's affairs. There is a game hunter who wants that bird bad: Mr. Poulet. Some (ever so clumsy) Secret agents try to help the team capture the international crook... (Season II)

Larna Barnes the movie star is to be awarded for Life time Acheivement. Someone is out to ruin her before she gets her award. Tina is her biggest fan( after all she loves movies) and she helps Lana stay confident.

Bo Jackson episode with Fernandez and Fraziers fighting. These to families end up fighting each other. The team has to capture a museum theif and reunite the families... Has something to do with wrecking instruments with a van accidentally while a suspect gets away.

Cyberspace Hacking episode

Cutesie episode

Man E (Manny Episode the cartoonist) Walt Whitman Poem was in this one

Ghostwriter travels back in time to save his friends both in the past and the future. The team must piece together the mystery of whodunnit and play lifesaver. Distanced by time how can a young man living 30-60 years ago save Jamaal's father life? Time is of the essence as well as speed if they want to avoid altering the future and the past! ... ~Pretty good episode I thought.

Barrels Down Now! In this episode a chemical know as trichloroethane? (TCT)? (toxic cleaning agent) caused Gaby to as well as many other people to faint while cleaning up a commuinity garden. The team must find out the cause of the illness and how to stop it from harming anyone else. Tina and Alex become closer friends as they investigate the office of a campaign running mayor? Lenny is still reluctant toward her father, Max Frazier's choice of a girlfriend.

Mr. Brinkmann? episode...? Forget his name. This episode Jamaal is playing games in his store . Mr. Brickermann? is all cool until he receives a letter after a few minutes that states something about copyright infringement probably. So he wants Jamaal to fly a kite. (Mr. B has troubles on his mind) Jamaal doesn't know what is wrong and thinks he is a jerk so he wants to tell him that like his grandmother says and he does so by a letter. Well he is at the wrong place at the wrong time and Mr. B is trying to burn away the evidence. Jamaal is there to deliver his message and accidentally leaves traces of himself (thread of clothing and kind of being caught on camera) The police think it is Jamaal... How is he gonna get out of it?

Cool Quote

Quote: "He likes you, as in he likes you likes you." ~ From Gooey Gus episode when Tina is talking to Lenny about Tina's brother.

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