Shuo waving

Shuo Chen's Autobiographical Sketch

So you want to know about Shuo Chen? Then you must be a geek! Here's some stuff you may have wanted to know and then some...

Full Name: Shuo Zu Chen	Height: 5'10"
Birthdate: :)
Weight: 150 lbs
Sign: Virgo and Rooster		Nationality: Taiwanese

At the time that I write this I have just graduated from Princeton High School, barely surviving the excellent, but grueling International Baccalaureate program there! It's a good honors program.

I plan to work a job in computer programming or pediatrics. Which one I don't know yet. Both seem very promising and I do like programming. I've had summer experience working a 1998 summer job at Subway serving customers and as a cashier.

I'm proud to also say I was a violinist in the Princeton Orchestra for eight years. I was also enrolled in French for five years. Parlez-vous français, dude? I was a National Honor Society Member. I was also a member of both the Princeton Academic Challenge Team and the Chess Team. I obviously must like classical music if I've spent so many years in violin, but I also like most modern songs: pop, jazz, R&B...

Some other achievements include being trained in various BASIC languages: GWBASIC and Visual Basic 5.0. I also actually designed my school tennis page using a GIF/JPG editor and HTML language. Here take a look at the first web page I ever designed: The Woman's Tennis Home Page. Needless to say I like computers: I can play games and check on my email, etc .

Some awards I've won include winning third place in a Health Professions Recruitment Exposure Program medical essay.

Currently, I am a student studying at Ohio State University, trying to get through my Computer Science major, formerly a Nursing major. Go Buckeyes!!!

If you wanna know about some of my favorite things visit My favorite things. Or if you wanna get inside my head check out My friend's web page and see who I hang with.

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