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Patty's Aura Page!

My first Aura Photo, March 15, 1997

Notice the white energy over my throat and the left side of my head (my left, your right) My left side is where I seem to have the most problems with my "lazy eye". Lazy eye is a neuralogical disorder, not a muscular disorder. It's interesting (at least to me)that my aura is white in that area.

Photo #2, September 1997

Again...white energy over my throat and an arc of white over my entire head.

Photo #3, March, 14, 1998

I started a new job in January. Looks like in March my energy was really hopping!!

Photo #4, August 8, 1998

Nice calm blue, but notice that the white energy is completely missing. I didn't know at the time that my thyroid was failing.

Photo #5, September 24, 2000

In 1999 I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and I began taking medication (Synthroid). Notice the white energy is back over my throat. I sure look happier! I also look a whole lot fatter, thanks to my illness. I gained 30 lbs the previous year, while following the Weight Watchers diet faithfully.

Photo #6, August 5, 2001

I was recovering from an illness when this was taken. Notice all the icky yellow green. However, the white energy is still strong over my throat. (thyroid)

Photo #7 August 11, 2002

On October 26, 2001, I switched to Armour Thyroid, which contains all the various thyroid hormones, although not in the exact proportions as a human thyroid.

Armour is a more natural form of thyroid medication made from dessicated pig thyroid. My former med, Synthroid, is synthetic made from chemicals and only contains the thyroid hormone T4.

This photo is not very good. There are actually 3 layers of energy surrounding me on all sides. There is a ball of green energy in my throat area, and deep blue closest to my body, then a band of green, another of blue, and an outer band of green.

Green energy is associated with healing. So I must assume that there is healing going on. What a happy thought!!

Photo #8, November 24, 2002

This picture was taken after one year of transitioning to a mostly raw, vegetarian diet. It's also my one year anniversary of my switch from Synthroid to Armour Thyroid.

At this point I have been vegetarian for four months, I've lost 27 pounds and my thyroid anti-bodies are down 33%.

Photo #9, August 2, 2003

I've slipped a bit in my quest for vegetarianism, however I have been very successful at eating "lower on the food chain", which is both healthier and better for the environment.
I still eat no processed sugar or artificial sweeteners, very little meat, no eggs and I've also removed all grains from my diet. That means no bread, pasta, rice, etc. Instead, I eat lots of fresh raw fruits & vegetables.

I've now lost 37 lbs. My meds are still reduced and I'm still feeling wonderful!

Photo #10, October 9, 2005

I realy like this picture. My heart chakra is wide open and strong and I have several orbs present around my head - again, predominantly on my left side. (protection?)

I'm no longer trying to be vegetarian. The past two years I've had some real ups and downs, including a mistake by my prescription drug provider that cut my thyroid medicine in half for several months. That really knocked me for a loop, if you have hypothyroidism you'll know what a nightmare that can be.

My more recent focus is to simply eat well and be healthy. I take a lot of supplements to support my thyroid.

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