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"As we fly thru the night -
Over the graveyard and through the woods,
To the haunted house we go.
We ghosts are a fright,
This spooky night."

Zippy: "Look out for the three ghost below.  We don't want to bother them."

"We three ghosts of Halloween are
Scaring kids tonite,
Trick or treating, candy eating."


Zippy: "Hurry, let's hide, Trick or Treaters are coming."

"Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Trick or treat we say!
If you don't have treats for us
We'll never go away!
We're on sidewalks, we're on porches,
Dressed in costumes to scare.
Through the nite we're ringing doorbells.
Trick or treating, candy eating."

Zappy: "Glad they didn't see us, but I hope those kids follow the safety rules on that billboard."

Here are some tips to make your Halloween safe, as well as fun:

  1.    Costumes should be of a light color, or should have
reflective areas so the wearer can be seen in the dark.
  2.    Costumes should be flame-retardant, and not too
baggy or long to cause tripping.
  3.    Masks, wigs, and hoods should not obstruct the
child's vision. If they do, use face makeup instead.
  4.    Children should trick-or-treat while it is still light, or
should carry a flashlight or glowstick if it is dark.
  5.    Children shouldn't go trick-or-treating alone. An
adult or teenager should accompany them.
  6.    Parents should know where the children will be
trick-or-treating, and the route they will take.
  7.    Children should walk on the sidewalks. If there is
no sidewalk walk on the side of the road, facing
oncoming traffic.
  8.    An adult should check all candy before allowing
children to eat it.

Zippy:"Hey, the Haunted Library. Want to stop and be sure we don't forget anything tonite."
Zappy: "Sure, why not. I hear they have lots of information about tonite."


Multi-fun Sites to Visit Halloween Sounds and Midis
Halloween Online Halloween 1999 - sounds
Allen's Halloween Page Scary Halloween Sounds
Uncialle's Halloween Elycia's Real Audio
The Hallowe'en Corner Halloween Eternal
Get Ready for Halloween! Informative Sites to Visit
Bonnie's Halloween Page Origins of Halloween
Happy Halloween '99 History and Traditions
Absolutely Halloween Poem - Halloween Frights
Halloween on the Net Do-it-yourself Haunting
Kid's Domain Halloween
Activity Sites to Visit
Halloween Fun
Halloween Word Search
Halloween Coloring Pages

Zippy:"You were right, lot's of information for us, and about us."
Zappy: "Did you see all the fun stuff?"
Zippy: "Yes.  I have an idea want to stop and see my Mom, she has a lot of things for us to do."
Zappy: "Ok.  Let's go."

Zippy:"There she is, my Mom, she's outside and
probably looking for me.  Look at all the
stuff she has planned for us tonight.
We can make coustumes, Jack-O-whatever and
have food, food, and more food."

Mary's Halloween Costumes
Halloween Costume Center "Create a Costume...
Halloween Costume Construction
Halloween Costumes
The Costume Page
FabricLink's Halloween Costume Closet

"PUMPKINS" Pumpkin Recipes
Swan's Pumpkin Carving Jody's Haunted Halloween Recipes
Robert's Jack-O-Lantern Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Masters Kitty's Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Clipart Vegan Recipes: Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Cheesecake Low-Fat Pumpkin Pie

Zippy: "Do you want to go see the Pumpkin Patch?"
Zappy: " Sure, let's go.  You're Mom won't care will she?"
Zippy: "No, she knows this is a fun night for us."








Zippy: "It was nice to see old friends in the Pumpkin Patch. We sure were busy tonite.  Do you want to go with me next year?"
Zappy: "You bet I do."


I would like to thank the following for the graphics.
Animation Grove-Halloween AnimationsAll Hallow's Eve,
Halloween Graphics@HalloweenGraphics (Gif) Archive,
Sheriberry GraphicsClip Art  and   Full Moon Girls Haunted Halloween 1999

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Updated February 14, 2000