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Art of the Interview

Art of the Interview

This page describes the contact between you and someone who has either a problem with a ghost or just a story to tell. The first part is basic contact information and can be used as an in person interview, over the phone, or even over the internet if applicable. It is easy to do over the phone and can save you wasted time and money from doing an on site investigation only to find a different problem at hand. These basic questions can help you and the person with the "ghost" figure out if a visit is necessary or if they should contact someone else (psychologist, building inspector, etc.). Recording the interview over the phone is a good idea, just remember to ask for permission from the person before doing so. The second part should be done in person if a visit is warranted. This second section will help you dissect the who, what, when, where, how, of the events and help you get a feel for the phenomenon that are taking place.

In the first interview you are searching for patterns within the answers.

  1. You need to know if a visit is necessary or if there is a logical explanation for the events that are occurring.
  2. What is their purpose or motivation of contacting you? Mere information? they want you to make it stop? or are they just trying to report it? or possibly pulling your leg?
  3. Is there a necessity to perform an on site investigation because of the frequency or current happening of the events? Enough reliable witnesses? or does the person ask you to help them?

The most important thing you must consider with this or any other interview is the person's feelings. In most cases people who come forward may have never had anything like this happen to them. They may have merely misinterpreted something in their surroundings to make them feel that something paranormal is happening. It is also possible they have severe emotional problems that may have triggered hallucinogenic reactions. Whatever the outcome may be the person will almost always say they feel Crazy for saying or believing what they are reporting. You must be quick to tell them they are not. This initial reassurance is vital to the entire interview. You can count on this statement happening sometime in the interview. I usually bring it out to break the ice and they laugh and wonder how I knew how they felt. It's a common reaction, if they feel that way then odds are they are probably not crazy in the bad sense of the word.

(1). Here is a general list of questions that, when carefully reviewed, should be able to point you in the right direction of helping the person out and if a visit is necessary.

There will almost always be a follow up interview which may determine if their problem has been solved or if they require visitation, unless they have asked you to visit right away.

(2). The next set of questions will help you zone in on the pattern of what is happening. These questions should be answered in person if a visit is thought necessary. Some questions may not pertain to particular cases.

*Some information taken from "E.S.P., Hauntings and Poltergeists" by Loyd Auerbach. New York: Warner Books, 1986.

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© Brian D. Parsons, Ohio Paranormal Investigation Network 1996-2007.