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Elminster Speaks
The Witch Hunter's Story

"The clouds suddenly burst, showering all below with their life-giving water....the cloaked figures emerged from the cover of the forest, mounted on frightening-looking stallions......the one closest to myself, seemingly the leader of the two, was a built-looking man. He sat proudly in his saddle, and yet remained hidden behind the hood of his robes.....the second rode what looked like a beast of mythic proportions, in comparison with the stallion of the first. This rider was of a smaller build and size, and was dressed in a similar fashion as the leader....I was frightened at first.....I cannot lie about that...."

First of all, I have to thank Lord Hades and Lady Callisto for allowing me to place my my story here. My name is Elminster. I was born here in the Netherlands, and have lived here for perhaps 12 years before I migrated to the realm of Ayenee. During my time growing up, I was very sheltered by my parents. We lived in a small village in the forest, which was prone to attack by beasts that reside there. It was in my 8th year, or thereabouts, that I was sent off for my apprenticeship. I was selected by an ancient mage who had moved to the village to live out the rest of his years. Here is where my adventures began.....

"As they drew nearer to my crop-land, I saw that the animals (if the second mount can be CONSIDERED an animal) were strapped full of weapons and instruments of war. From this point, it looked like they were highway-men or bandits, ready to slaughter my family for our few pieces of gold.....In relfection, I tightened my grip on my pitch-fork, and readied for a confrontation....."

The old mage taught me about the ways of magic. I spent all day, every day, to learn how to embrace the mana in the world. I learned much from the man, from how to heal others to how to destruct entire monsters. However, one night I was awakened by a noise outside of my window. I peekd out of the window and saw that my teacher was arguing with another man. This other man wore a wide-brimmed hat, scarlet robes, and a black cloak. A scimitar was fastened at his right hip, and a mysterious-looking pouch at his left. They argued for about 20 minutes or so, when the stranger turned to leave. He clenched his fist, and I thought I heard him mumbling something. Suddenly, the man turned and held his fist out at my mentor. Before I could cry out, the man un-balled his fist and screamed, sending a ball of fire toward the chest of my mentor...It hit him with a jarring force, and I saw the old man slump to the ground....that night I cried for the first time in YEARS......

"When the leader raised his hand and hailed me, I realized I was wrong. This man COULDNT have been a simple bandit. The man had skeletal fingers over his flesh-coated ones....I realized this was a set of that armor of Bone that I heard the warriors in town speak of. The mounted man then lowered his hood, revealing brown hair that reached down to his mid-back, and braided in the front in the fashion of the Vikings......he wore a skullcap over his mass of hair....his piercing grey eyes met mine, and I melted with a sudden fear of my life...this, I felt, was a man of power.....a mage!

It was at about this time that my rage started. With tears of anger in my eyes, I ran out to the body of my master. There was a large mark of char and his ribs were showing. He was breathing shallowly, and looked at me through glazed-over eyes. His last words to me were as such: "Elminster......swear to me that you will destroy this fiend, and everyone who uses magic.....and remember that....magic.... is.... a.... sin.....". He passed from this land at that time. Searching his body, I retrieved an amulet that rests around my neck even today, and the master's spellbook. I went inside, took five minutes to gather my things, and I headed toward the village.....the only place the stranger could have gone....

"At this time, I didnt know WHAT to think. In a sort of subconscious state, I took the hand he held out to me. He introduced himself as Elminster Eltargrim, and the smaller figure (which turned out to be a young woman) was named Mystra Evendusk. The beast she rode was even more frightening up close than it was far made a wierd noise, and I ran into the house to tell my wife to make food for our new "guests".....