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December '99

Thursday, December 2, 1999

Things To Think About:

You know I hate that feeling when you get nervous. What I'm about to say might sound weird but ohn well. Ok, say you forget this really big project. Then you start to worry. You think Oh no! What am I going to do? And we all know the answer, we can't do anything about it. So then what is the point of getting worried? I don't know. Sometimes I guess it's just part of nature or something like that. But if we really try we don't have to get worried. I think we can go through life a lot more comfortable that way. Well for now it's goodbye. But I'll write more "thoughts" tommorrow.

"If you can fix it, why worry? If you can't, why worry? Life has to go on."

Friday, December 3, 1999

Things To Think About:

You know what I really hate about people? Is that some, not all believe they are the best and that they are superior to others. They put other people down saying that they don't know anything, and that they do. Now is this true, no. I know some people that thing they are 'perfect'. Even though they are not. Do not let these kind of people let you down. They aren't perfect and they do not know anything. These people are the kind that I hate, and we all hate. I mean it's ok you think you're special, but that's just too much. This is showing off. It's better if you don't ever do this. Everyone will appreciate it.

"We have all been created equal."

Saturday, December 4, 1999

Things To Think About:

You know there are things in life that are dangerous but is worth the while. There might be something that you might want to do, but you think it's to dangerous. We have to take risks sometimes. Whether it's for someone else, for yourself, or simply just for fun. You'll never get anywhere if you don't take risks. Let's say you want to do something; but you think it's going to turn out bad somehow, but you raelly want to do it. Well then go ahead. Or else you'll never get to do it and that's all you'll ever get to say about the thing you want to do "I want to...". Or say you have a friend, and this friend needs your help. You really want to help him/her out, but you think "Oh I can't what if this happens?". Well you really want to help this person so go ahead. Or let's say you like this person, and you want to ask him/her out. But you're to scared he/she will turn you down. Well do it anyway cause if you don't, it WILL be a no. We must take risks somewtimes. take a break from the "safe world". So keep that in mind.

"It's better to ask for forgiveness, than it is to ask for permission."

Sunday, December 5, 1999

Things To Think About:

Sometimes people loose hope before they have too. Sometimes they start thinking negatively before they are even sure. You might have something in mind you might want to do. So you go ahead and do it, but somehow you can't do it. You can do it. But you loose hope, and when you loose hope you loose your confidence, when you loose your confidence it makes it seem impossible. The key is not to loose hope. It's never impossible. All you need is to keep your hope.

"Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it."

Monday, December 6, 1999

Things To Think About:

Well I have found out that some days can be very stressful. My remedy is the following. I'll even tell you why. first of all homework-you must get it done yea we know. Well if it isn't a big assingment just a normal practice thing go ahead and skip it. If you don't do your homework one day a month it won't hurt. Do NOT do this if it's a big assingment. Well anyway, meditate, some people think it's bad because the devil will get into you. Well hun it ain't happenin. Not in your life time. trust me I know personally some nameless people that do belive this. Anyway dim the lights in your room. THe room needs to be quiet and warm. Lie down, sit, stand what ever you find more comfortable. Close your eyes and think of nothing. Now if you put light music it's even better, but harder to concentrate. But let me tell ya it works alright. But you have to do it right or else it's not the same. Your mind has to be blank.

This has nothing to do with the stuff above. I was reading about the kid who started another school shooting this morning, he shot four kids! 4! None were seriuosly, but still. It's sad to think where our society is leading to. Very. We are supposed to be civilized. But we aren't yet. It' very sad. He said he did it for no reason. So in other words he just felt like shooting people. That makes the situation more sad. Pittiful is what I think. Can't believe that our only safest plaace we have is becoming a very unsafe place. I do believe this person was 13 too. Well that's all for today. I'm going to add more links to the page later.

Monday, December 6, 1999

Things To Think About:

You know when there are rich people everyone wants to be their friend. But is it because of the money or because of their friendship? Well some (few, unfortunately there are many greedy people) are actually wanting to be their friend. their true friend. But the rest are there for their money. ALl they care about is the money. But there is an easy way to know if they really are your friends or not, Because when your money is gone, well all your fake friends will be too. Only the few will remain. Or the mojority. It depends. But you better believe it there are many things that are wrong with some people. but I guess we are all different and that makes us all unique. lol. Anyway bye for today.

Saturday, December 18, 1999

Things To Think About:

You know, there are only two vital things in life. One being love. You need to be loved and you need to love. We need to care for one another, and stand up for one another. The other one is freindship. You need friends. We all do. Without friends it's hard to go through everyday. We don't have to have money to be happy...unless you're an extreme greedy person. you do need it for soem things but not for all. And we need to be friends with one another and love one another. We can make a difference. Make the year 2000 better than the 1900's. Let's improve society.

"Together we can make a difference"

Monday, December 27, 1999

Things To Think About:

Things are not always what you expect or think. You think something GOOD is for certain next thing you know it's not in any way true. This has happened to me. It's not really good. It's awful. You just can't take it. it happened to me as a matter of fact recently. I won't give any details or how. But I guess it's not the end of the world. I guess the only way to learn I from experience. And that things WILL turn out fine no matter how awful the situation is. For me it burnt hopes, high hopes. I'm now learning fast. the hard part is going to be letting go what I wanted. I don't know how I'm going to g through this, and all the people I affected. Also I think it's better to talk to people personally. I hate this. I'm feeling bad right now. Also it's good to try your best to "act" normal around the rest of the people, because they are not guilty for your depression. It's good to talk to people, but not making them feel bad,cause sometimes you might make people feel sorry for you and it makes them feel bad too. Oh and never make people be your "messenger". It can and will be annoying eventually. And remember.....all you need is time.