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In the real world
As in dreams
Nothing is ever
Quite what it seems
~Author Unknown

De la suerte y de la muerte no hay quien se escape.

Some of you strange ones out there want to know more about me. Why, I don't know. But I suppose I can indulge you.
About Me

You want links? Well, you've got links. To everywhere and about everything.


Would this site be complete without this page? I think not.


I'll admit it now. I'm obsessed with sci-fi and fantasy. Don't like it? Eat flames.

Alas, I share the burden that so many others carry - a love of languages, whether it be English, Spanish, Japanese, or any other. But I am hard-pressed for time, and so I offer up only this token of my affection.

Weblogs - who could have created a better thing? A place to whine, bitch, moan, debate, converse, and just in general cause mischief. Btw, it does contain questionable content - read at your own risk.

Friends - what the world be without them (other than peaceful, happy, and perfect?) Well, any way you go, you eventually need them (especially to do your homework). So here my tribute to the few friends I have :)

Yes, they do exist, and no I'm not on drugs.
The Cows of New York

Alright, you all probably know the usual ending speel, but I'll give it to you anyway!

Thank you for visiting my website. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me!
I'm always updating (daily to weekly, depending on how lazy I'm feeling) so stop back in and see the improvements (hopefully they will be improvements). Thanks, see ya!

Oh, one more thing!!

I'd like to offer this tribute to my sister and her alma mater, Bluffton College, where the cows outnumber the human population (I'll never let you forget it either!!!!)

cows in pasture

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