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Cute metal guys

Welcome to my page. This is a place with my favourite sexy metal guys (at least IMHO). Funny enough, I ended up bending my "rules" and included hunks of Final Fantasy and stuff about me as well. As for the source of my pictures, I have collected them from all over, and selected my favourites for this page. I know that some pages are aggravaing to load, but it is SO worth it!! NOTE-THIS PAGE IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED. MY OTHER SITE IS HOWEVER.

We are evil, aren't we?? >:)

Click on the skull for Blackie Lawless pics

Click on Ozzy Osbourne for pics of him.

Click on the fire for pics of Mark Slaughter.

Click here to see pics of Axl.

Click on the eye to see some Anime babes!!

Click on me.. er the devil to learn more about me!

Click on Simba to learn about my spiritual side, kinda my religon.

E-mail me, sign my guestbook and visit my site periodically to see updates.. or I'll feed you to the dragon. :P
