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Once again I have been told that I should have thumbnails that lead to bigger pictures but I ignored the advice....hahaha These pictures were sent to me by Chris Green and I am so grateful for them. Enjoy them as much as I did. : )

This is a picture of the big dome. It was gymnasium, gathering place and highschool. In the forground is the water supply pond and the road to the back-forty.

This is a picture of the sixty-footer today.

Derek Lundi, all the lundi boys had big hair. This was taken in the green house.

This Randy Benn and Larry Vanbelois in front of the office trailer?... you can see Gary Lundi's moped parked behind them.

"Frances the Nurse" What can I say about this lady?... She helped in the delivery of my daughter, she dispensed medications, she was a terrific listener and dear friend to many. The school couldn't function without the various nurses we had. Some included Pat, Shelley and Peggy



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