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Monday September 30, 2002

Where have I been?? I think this picture of the pumpkin is a good way to describe my week last week. I thought I had a bad flu bug and it turned out to be a serious kidney infection so I was completely out of commission for the week. Were you sad that there were no updates? Did it piss you off coming back to the Jen Journal only to see it was still stuck on September 24th? Haha..Im on the mend now so let the bitching commence!!! YAY!!!! Since Im back at that exciting place called work and have more time on my hands than I know what to do with, here is a link to the Death Clock Its exactly as fun as it sounds. Enjoy!


Tuesday September 24, 2002

Friday September 20, 2002

Finally, its Friday. This week felt entirely too long. I’m going out of town this weekend so this journal won’t be updated for a few days. I know, try to hold back the tears. A day without a Jen Bitch Journal update is like a day without sunshine isn’t it? I’m listening to a coworker describe all the different car accidents he has seen and been in. Makes thinking about taking a driving trip later tonight all the more soothing. Now he is giving driving tips. Ya notice the people who seem to give all the advice are the worst at the shit they are talking about? Like driving advice? There is a quote I read the other day that I just love. It is so fitting for people who talk out their ass. *Don't talk unless you can improve the silence* See, holding your tongue and not speaking can be a good thing. I’ve said it before but really, some people need to just shut up . I realized I haven’t done and real religion bashing in awhile so here is a site I just found You Are Going To Hell well, you are.

here is one more site because I am extremely bored right now. Provide a name to get your friend arrested!

Thursday September 19, 2002

Yep, this is a familiar scene. All the myths dispelled. What you thought was real, is actually fake. Sigh. Poor kid, god I wonder if that is real? Hahahaha…I almost feel bad for the him. That sucks. Well, since I am sooooo bored here at work..Errr..I mean BUSY *cough* I wont recommend this site Bored Shitless because you should be working right now too. They aren’t paying you to look at my journal and surf meaningless websites ya know? But man if they did, Id be so rich.


Wednesday September 18, 2002

This is the excitement of a Wednesday. The Corn Cam I’m a little annoyed right now actually. Why do people constantly say “Jen you never talk, you’re so quiet”blah blah blah... And then when I do start talking, they act like they can’t be bothered?

Tuesday September 17, 2002

Ever seen an ass that is just ungodly big? I mean BIG? I found myself pondering today. What in the world would I have to eat to get an ass THAT big? A playground of children or a village perhaps? Maybe I’m just on a weird tangent today cuz I’m on 3 hours of sleep and a can of Dr Pepper but I don’t know. There are some odd looking bodies out there. God love us all and our unique attributes but holy Hanna… if my ass starts to look like a house I hope I have some true friends who would slap whatever junk I’m eating, OUT OF MY HANDS!!!


Monday September 16, 2002

I don’t have a lot to say today. I’m really super tired. I do have some poetry ramblings to put up though. YaY! I haven’t been writing as much as I used to. I guess having a non turbulent relationship has stunted my “poor me, and I hate you” writing style for now. But that’s ok. I’m sure my heart will be crushed into little pieces in no time. AGAIN!


Suffocate me
Smothering me
Partnering my apathy
With the bitter sweet poker face
You see
Paralyzed me
Monopolized me
Made me your tragedy
Polar opposite deity
How do I feel today?
Just another emotion
I don’t want to deal with
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
I can’t
The shame
Of who to blame
When it all goes the way of wrong
The trophy masterpiece you saw in me
Value assessed by your stupidity
You got what you put in
And in the end
How do I feel today?
Just another emotion
I don’t want to deal with
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
I can’t


Sunday September 15, 2002

<--You know this is extreme but who cant relate? I went out with my friends last night to a party that was enlightening, being that we were the only white people there in a room full of about 100 black guys watching boxing. It was weird. We went out to some other clubs afterwards. I had never been so it was fun to watch how hoochie girls can be and how completely ape like men are.  Not that I needed a night out in LA to prove this to myself but it was very entertaining. Oh yeah, I have a new and improved photo of my ex. I thought it was appropriate since I have the graffiti car to the left here. This is what he looked like when I knew him... cute huh? yeah well. this is him now

Friday September 13, 2002


I’m so sick of flakes. They all need to be put on a deserted island and left there so they can’t leave. What is that about anyways? Is it a genetic retardation in some people to just make plans and cancel at the last minute? Something better came up? Wow, what a way to make the person you had plans with feel like a complete winner in your life. We live in such a funny world of people all absorbed with themselves. Stepping out of their boundaries only if it will do something for them. What ever happened for doing something nice for others, just because? PEOPLE SUCK! That’s my feeling today. Oh yeah, here’s some poetry ramblings too.

What a way to be
Insecure and waiting
Like a dog begging and kept at bay
I get the scraps of your time at the end of the day
And it’s lonely
In the late hours of the night
I wish I was worth more than 5 minutes
Of conversation and a kiss goodnight
When all I want is your time
Maybe I’m making too much of this
Or maybe I need a new perspective
Cuz I feel like I’m wasting my time on someone who
Could give a shit
What time it is
Is it too much that someone actually cares in this world about you
It feels like a big fuck you is all I get as I wait around
And wait around for you
Your time, so precious
But the view from the sidelines
If you were only in my mind
You’d see how waiting around feels
Maybe it’s stupid of me
To give everything
With the conditions I get back in return
All I feel is my stomach turn
And I’m sick from being this way
Sick in my brain
Muting what’s insane
What a way to be
What a way to be
the needed
Instead of the needy

Thursday September 12, 2002

I got an instant message from that girl who was all into my ex. You may recognize him from the photo to your left. The horns may be missing now but trust me, that’s him in true form right there. Some women just amaze me. Like this girl for example. Awhile back when she and I first talked and I got the first clue my ex was a cheater, she would ask me questions about him. Things he would say to her. I told her the truth and she was shocked he lied to her. So now, it’s just insane to hear her tell me she spoke to him some more just recently. I mean, she deserves what she gets from him because she was warned. He on the other hand deserves a nice butt love session from our local LA holding facility, but that’s another journal entry for another day. But back to the subject, Women are dumb. Myself included. I’ll admit I’ve been an idiot when it comes to love. I think I’ve learned a bit after this last experience with Satan here but I’m such a sucker. I guess I’m just hopeful. You gotta take chances in life and get a few bruises a long the way. What’s the point of living if you don’t put yourself out there sometimes? I know I will get hurt again but it’s not the first time or the last. When you find someone to love who loves you back take a chance, what’s the worst that could happen? Most times you learn something good or bad. That’s what life is. A learning process. God, I don’t know what the cook put in the soup today but I’m all full of Dr. Phil shit.


Wednesday September 11, 2002


Tuesday September 10, 2002

I’m feeling a bit weird today. My mind has been non stop the whole night. It’s annoying. Ever have that where your brain just WONT relax? I don’t know, I guess I feel like 2nd rate and it sucks. I’m a priority for jack and shit it seems. Meanwhile Im making them a huge priority. For what? Such a great feeling. Maybe I’m just being stupid cuz I’m really tired, but my mind was just on overdrive last night. I make time for others and they make shit for me. I get scraps of their time. I will never for the life of me understand how I care for people and always get shit on. ALWAYS!! Just makes me depressed really and feel like I’m just here on earth to be tortured inside. Feeling a range of shit emotions over and over. I guess this would be a great day to put the lyrics to Numb up here. Cuz its how I feel.


I I I just wanna feel numb
I I I just wanna feel nothing
I I I just wanna be numb
I I I just wanna be nothing
Wanna feel nothing
Wanna open my mouth and be filled with concrete
Wanna sleeve that’s tamper proof from a heart beat
Wanna be beaten down
So nothing affects my brain
Want cancer for my soul
Leaving no impressions on me
Conscience free
Conscience free
I just wanna feel nothing
Wanna feel nothing
I I I just wanna feel numb
I I I just wanna feel nothing
I I I just wanna be numb
I I I just wanna be nothing
Wanna be nothing
Wanna be nothing
Such a pretty bed you leave
Legs wide open to deceit
When I feel a little trust and believe
All over again I’m reminded to feel
Feel nothing
Feel nothing
I I I just wanna feel nothing
Wanna feel nothing
just wanna feel nothing
just wanna feel nothing
just wanna feel
just wanna feel
just wanna feel


Monday September 9, 2002

Not too much to really say since I was up late last night making cute little graphics with Photoshop. Sometimes I forget what a complete geek I am. I remember when I used to spend soooo much time on my computer and now I really don’t do too much at home since I’m on one all day at work. This site was fun to make though, even though I have to complain and say it would be nice to see some hearty updates on the actual Butch Walker site. What is he up to anyway? I don’t know, the updates are lacking any oomph, I guess is what I’m saying. What do I want from them you ask? I don’t know…maybe I’m just tripping. I think Butch should do one of those chats that he used to do when he was in the Marvelous3. Get some interaction with the fans that can’t go to his shows because he isn’t touring in the area yet. Blah blah blah...I think Im just bored right now..I have to much time to think

Sunday September 8, 2002

Sunday Sunday Sunday. As you can see from the comic here, I'm really looking forward to work Monday. 

I had this weird conversation with my mom today. She seems to think I am not spending my off time correctly. I love it. When I had nothing to do but stare at the walls and watch the seconds tick on the clock, I would here "you need to get out and do more." Now I get out and I do more. and I hear "you need to really think about how you are spending your time." As if I am shooting up heroin on a daily basis or hooking on Sunset. There is no pleasing some people, I guess. Sometimes I wish hanging up in the middle of a relatives  rude conversation over the phone was just an acceptable practice.  See, for most people, that would get the point across...but for me, well I would hang up and the person would call back asking if something was wrong with my phone and then they would continue with their BS.

I'm too nice. I have so many awful pushover traits. I need some sort of asshole training course. I can hear it now on one of those late night commercials for Professional Career Development Institute

Wow, I just realized I really had too much time on my hands tonight but damn I sure do entertain myself. I love me... sigh...

Friday September 6, 2002

Not a whole lot to say today. Im feeling a bit off. I think I needed a little bit more sleep. I just feel all chick like. By that I mean..all PMS like….yeah…in other words: bitchy for no reason. YAY! Go hormones GO!

Thursday September 5, 2002

Yeah, so its Thursday. Im glad this week is short but what a week its been. Yesterday the company I work for laid (or is it lay’d) off like 18 people. Some were totally in need of a reality check but others well, it was just shocking. Its weird how they let people go here. There are no chances for saying goodbyes or anything. Its just POOF..their offices are cleaned out, the lights are turned off..and that’s that. It always wierds me out when this happens to one person, but to 18?? DAMN! You spend years waking up and going to work, seeing the same faces, and they become apart of your life really..a part of your just sucks. The ones that are still here just feel like a bomb went off. Am I making more of this? Probably, but damn. So, lets see what I can think of to lighten the mood of this entry. I know…ya ever seen a man with boobs? I mean…BOOBS? There is this guy here who is a temp who has manboobs. I swear to god I get the giggles when I see him everyday. He also has the worst scowl on his face…like one of those Orcs in Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I know Im going to hell for being all critical of someone else. But whatever..Im sure someone is tearing me down as I type so screw it.


Tuesday September 3, 2002

Wow, what a weekend. There’s something about watching my mom try to use technology that really drives me insane. I don’t know what it is, but watching her try to use the remote control for the cable is like watching an old person try to parallel park on a busy street. It’s painful. I love my mom dearly but its one of those things where I’m glad to see her come out to visit and I’m really glad to see her leave. Such a mean little daughter I am huh? I think the older I get the more I don’t care about doing everything she wants me to do. She is set in her ways. Why can’t I be? I actually made her sit through a South Park marathon Saturday which was quite amusing to me. She hated every minute. Especially the parts that hit home. Being that she is an ultra Christian Nazi, well most of South Parks sarcasm didn’t set well with her. I think it was the part about gays being evil and that they don’t bleed real blood that she related to the most. God love ignorance huh?