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October 31, 2003

October 27, 2003

Today I went to give my boss a fax. He was standing in the doorway of another employee's office with his back turned. I saw him from my office but only from the waist up as I got closer and closer. When I was able to view him in full, his hand was down the back of his pants scratching his ASS!!! I am not kidding!! I looked away and waited....waited...handed him his fax and hoped he had plans to wash that diseased hand!! He also does this gross nose picking thing. Its like he doesnt know we can see him doing it, even though he is right in front of us! Ahh..what a fun day to be at work. There is also this gimpy consultant who walks into my office, doesnt say a word, and just starts taking my fed ex supplies or using my fax. I hate to break it to him, but his shit stinks just like everyone else's. Here is a fun link I found. It describes a few in the office. Especially the consultant!! 666.

The Corporate Zodiac

Todays coffee count :3

October 24, 2003
I think I should start a counter on my journal page for how many times I get asked to serve coffee and tea to my boss. I don’t even know how this applies to my job description other than the fact that I’m being overpaid to get up every 5 minutes. Why does he need so much hydration for anyway? Its not like he walks around or exerts any kind of energy. The coffee is closer to his office than mine! He will come in and pass his "special" coffee pot ready to go and ask me to bring him coffee. I dont know why its annoying me today. Usually I can ignore it. Maybe its because Ive done it twice in 15 minutes. Hell, he would probably ask me to wipe his ass if it were legal. I could just hear that request now.

Today’s coffee count: 5

October 23, 2003
I was listening to the radio about that woman who has been in a coma since 1990 I guess her family is claiming that God will decide when she dies even though she told her husband that she wanted to die if she was in a vegetable state. I find this interesting. Didn’t God decide her destiny when he put her in a vegetable state? God is not keeping her alive through a feeding tube. Humans are. Has there ever been a case of someone being in this state that has come out of it and lived a normal life? By normal, I mean breathing and eating on their own. The radio then got on the subject of how the husband must feel about seeing his wife in this state after 14 years. If he could have seen the future, would he still have chosen to be with her? You know he loves her but damn. Could you imagine if someone you were in love with had an event cause him or her to be in a coma for 14 years? Someone you were in love with from 1990? I was thinking about who I was all in love with when I was younger and had to laugh. All the guys in my hometown had the hair band thing going and while this was attractive in say, a rock magazine, it just wasn’t working for Mr. Pimple boy sitting next to me in class! It’s kinda funny now that I think about it, most the hair band guys I liked, HAVE BEEN in a coma for the last 14 years and are still holding strong! One guy I was all into was from the band Trixter (yes, retarded I know). My interest changed when I met the band backstage and the bass player, P.J., was a complete dick!!! All stuck up because the band was on tour with KISS. I remember going home being so pissed. I wasn’t expecting anything more than a few moments of conversation for a fan. What I got was a bored bass player who had forgotten the days of begging chicks to come see him play back when and how he should be greatful for even one fan showing up to meet his dumbass. I love that about that time though. All the hair bands had this attitude as if their shit didn’t stink and then a year later, they were dropped from their labels for the new music scene. Ahhh…The humbling business of music.

P.J. from Trixter. Then and Now

October 22, 2003
So, here in California over 70,000 grocery workers are on strike , our bus system has about 8200 on strike and I saw last night on the news that some hospital care workers are on strike now! I wonder if the media will start filming every single group who strikes now because it is a “fresh” topic. Whenever the media gets on a kick with a topic it reminds me of when they were covering shark attacks and child abductions. Remember how every news show was doing some piece on it? The reality is that neither of these had increased in their frequency, the only difference from any other year was that the media just decided to cover it. This is the same media that said Arnold Swartzenegger did well in the only debate he took part in for the Governors race! Which…in actuality, he sucked ass in!

October 21, 2003
I decided to listen to my music on launch today. I haven’t listened to any new music really in a long time. Other than, what my boyfriend puts on. I decided to check and see if by some chance I could set it up to play some Butch Walker and came across a video for the song “sober“ . I didn’t even know there was one. I thought that song was about how The Marvelous 3 ended but maybe I’m wrong. A good video idea in my head for that song would have been to piece together old footage of the marvs…but of course, ya can’t live in the past. I’ve been so out of the loop with music.I haven’t even played my bass in almost a year. I’ve just been preoccupied with school and stress over money for school and roommates I’m annoyed by. It’s stupid. I should be expressing myself through the one medium I know is therapeutic. I have had some ideas lately though. You know the ones where you think of a good riff or lyric and know you should write it down? Maybe its time to bust it out again and get on one of those writing binges.(Above Butch photo is from

October 20, 2003
I think maybe I was born with some defect. I just don’t get into brown nosing here at work. I bring my boss coffee in the morning but it’s not to get on his good side. Its just part of my job as an assistant. There is one guy here who drives me insane. Just watching him and hearing him call everyone “BUDDY” makes me want to throw up. Anyways, what is the deal with David Blaine coming out of his stupid “I choose to be homeless” box? Why is this news? He isn’t a national hero who was captured for 44 days. He was a dumb fuck who put himself in a glass box without food. I can’t even believe he is all in tears giving a press conference. Why is he crying? He’s a magician who dates super models!!? What the hell? Truly, our society is so whacked. This is news while soldiers are overseas building up a country with 87 billion dollars that our President made them destroy. People here live in boxes with no press and they cry real tears from despair of not eating. It is just so odd to me how media works. “Yay happy day, the dumb magician is out of a box and getting medical care for his self-inflicted retardation!! “
October 19, 2003

October 17, 2003
There seems to be this trend in music with fat girls trying to look like Avril Lavigne with their wife beater shirts and ties and overweight boys in studded belts wearing their hats sideways, as if this improves their physic. Do people just lack mirrors? I mean, I guess it’s cool to want to look like your favorite band but do a check in the mirror for god sake! I was in line this week at a free show for the band, Thrice. I remained in line since the show was at a Mac store in Santa Monica and the radio station KROCK decided to announce it. I never saw the show but while waiting, I noticed the other people standing in line. It reminded me of the trends with the hair band days. Where guys (and girls) had the worst rats nests for hair on their head but some how it was cool at the time. Women wearing concert shirts cut off at the waist when really, they should have opted for the sweatshirt! Fads are just funny. People don’t get that just because it’s a style to wear something, not everyone should be wearing it. God, what a superficial journal entry. I think I have gone Hollywood for the day. Maybe it is because I watched that show Extreme Makeovers before bed. I don’t know why, but I like that show and it’s truly just a bad moral for anyone. The ugly duckling who gets a nose job, breast implants and a tummy tuck feels acceptable in society now. It is awful and I love watching it. What is wrong with me??!

October 16, 2003
I cannot believe my eyes. Isn’t this the same person who was kissing Britney Spears a few weeks ago? Good lord. Nothing against someone wanting to change their image, but seriously, this made me roll my eyes. Next, she will be receiving a Noble Peace Prize. Just when you think, you have seen it all. Well, it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything. I usually run out of time to do my journal at the end of the day. Thank god for a week off school. I may actually get some sleep!
October 3, 2003
Have you heard the latest trend? Sending perfectly good American jobs overseas to people in places like the Philippines to make a corporate profit. My workplace decided that the best move to make would be to layoff our customer service department and give the jobs to people outside the U.S. for $5-6 an hour. I love it. Bush wants $87 billion to build up IRAQ and we are experiencing layoffs? This makes no sense to me. When do we actually take care of our own people? They cut state funded programs so even if you are laid off; you have limited assistance and don’t dare get sick. Even if you have insurance, you cant afford the bill they send you for what your insurance doesn’t cover! Sometimes I don’t think America stands for freedom. Even the dictionary meaning of the word exhibits nothing of America…Freedom: the condition of being free of restraints (restraints: an influence that inhibits or restrains; a limitation) . Liberty of the person from slavery (slavary: A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force. Aren’t we slaves getting in our cars to go to a job we hate everyday or going to jobs that pay nothing compared to the cost of living because of corporate profits overseas? Paying taxes to a government that does nothing for its people, but rather other countries our government destroys without our consent?), detention ( dentention: A forced or punitive delay. Where is our $87 Billion in aid for our people?), or oppression (oppression: arbitrary and cruel exercise of power. Hmmm...War in Iraq?). I may be going off on a tangent here but when you see the corporate trends first hand, you tend to have a different view of what America really is about.